Schall Alien Loot

Dead aliens are now good aliens! Aliens will pay for your base defense! On their death, they bring back the 0.14 alien artifact. They also drop alien ores as loots, which can be morphed into ordinary ores like iron ore. Also adds alien science pack that can be used for research in other tech mods. Well-suited for combat-heavy, no-mining scenarios. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Русский, Português Brasileiro, Español, and 26 Partial)

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

i bob´s compatibility

6 years ago

Hello there, could you add recipes for bob´s ores to be made from your alien ores, it would also be cool if you could add recipes to make ores from bob´s coloured alien artifacts.
Thanks in advance

6 years ago

I have to take a look, but I guess it's simple and could be done.
I never play with Bob's mod, so can you tell me which one of Bob's mods adds the new ores?
Also, what value do those ores have, and what conversion ratios will you suggest?
For example, uranium ore is considered more valuable than iron/copper ores, and even more than coal/stone. So their conversion ratios vary.

6 years ago

Hello again, the mod for the ores is bob´s ores, over the value and the conversion ratios I don´t know, cause I just lately begun to use bob´s mods, sorry, but maybe, you could ask bobingabout about them, cause he made bob´s mods

6 years ago

Still I would think it's better for some "experienced" players who played like 100 hours of Bob's mods to give me some suggestions on the settings. Either you played for enough time to find that out, or finding some experienced Bob's mods players to comment on this, would be the best way.

I read from one of his posts in 2017, he claimed that he did not actually play since 0.13. I am quoting what he mentioned:

Since about 0.13 my "Playing the game" is basically "Make a change in a mod, then load the game to make sure it actually works."

And more importantly, I feel it's very impolite for me to ask support from him for which mods I never played, like: "Hi, Bob! I never played your mods. Can you tell me the importance and values of all your ores?"

6 years ago

Hello, thanks for the answer and sorry for bothering you with this

6 years ago

I mostly play with Angels smelting on top of Bob's Ores. Guess this is also true for most people. This changes, that you do not get the normal ores from Bob directly anymore, but one of 6 others, which can be refined into the long list of Bob's ores.

The ressources needed strongly depend on others mods added. Bob's ores alone make no sense at all as you need none of the new materials. Angels and Bob's are often played together and there I would just offer the 6 raw ores which can be refined into copper,iron, gold, silver, ...

Reasonable ratios you can also get from the mineral sludge chain, which directly creates the ores:
Hence all but uran and flourite ore have same value as iron/copper. With uran 4 times the iron value and flourite 8 times.
Getting late game ores more early does not really help at all, because you cannot use them. I would not change ratios, but maybe add a tech to allow transformation only later on.

Another option is to give the 6 raw ores in exchange
This also makes it more easy as they are already balanced in the sense, that you need more research and more logistics to create the more valuable refined ores from the raw ores. The starting ones are Saphirite and Stiratite (they can even be melted directly into copper and iron plates). The next set is Rubyte and Bobmonium, which can be directly melted into lead and tin plates and the last set is Crotinnium and Jivolite (which cannot be melted without sorting into refined ores). The most easy refining gives you 3 iron/copper ores from 4 raw ores. Or you need 3 raw ores to make a iron/copper plate directly. Hence the raw ores are slightly less valueable than iron/copper. Late refinements gives up to 9 ores (but also the late game ones) from 9 raw ores, but require input of some liquids in the refining. And you do not get coal from refining at all. For Angelsbob mods, I would suggest just the same ratio for all 6 raw ores and coal.

I have not used your mod yet, but I would do it, if you add the 6 raw ores to it. Is it also possible to play the game with the mod?

6 years ago

Thanks for your information. Yes, I will glad to provide support for Bob's ores, if there are enough information provided.
I tried Bob's mods, but they were really too overwhelming for me and I do not really have the time to learn a whole new system. So I will rely on you or other experienced players to provide all the "conversion ratios".

Let me explain my ores with vanilla enemies briefly. Conversion ratios and drop tables can be seen in FAQ table. As you can see, small biters will only drop the lowest-tier alien ore 1, while larger aliens drop better alien ores and even alien artifact.
Alien ore 1 has 1:1 conversion ratio to coal or stone. It can be converted to iron or copper ore at a penalized rate.
Alien ore 2 has the penalized rate removed. It can be converted to iron or copper ore at 1:1.
Alien ore 3 can be seen as two alien ore 2, further it can be converted to uranium ore at a penalized rate.
Alien artifact can be seen as 2.5× alien ore 3, without the penalized rate to uranium ore. It is also the best source of alien science pack.
So maybe you can suggest me the conversion ratios using the above idea?
Like treating Saphirite and Stiratite as coal/stone group. Rubyte and Bobmonium as iron/copper ores group (so penalized rate from alien ore 1). Crotinnium and Jivolite as uranium ore group (only from alien ore 3 or alien artifact). Or any adjustments you feel appropriate. (Like 3→2, etc)

The loots can be dropped from NE Enemies mod if used together. However, new NE enemies are considered the loot tier of small biters only, since I am not familiar with their strength scaling. You can give me suggestion on what loot tiers should NE enemies be raised to.

6 years ago

My current code on "recognizing" loot tier of enemies (by unit internal name) is as follows:

local pattern_tier = {
{ "^small%-", }, -- [1] small
{ "^medium%-", }, -- [2] medium
{ "^big%-", }, -- [3] big
{ "^behemoth%-", }, -- [4] behemoth
{ "^Schall%-category%-5%-", }, -- [5] category V
{ "^Schall%-category%-6%-", }, -- [6] category VI
{ "^Schall%-category%-7%-", }, -- [7] category VII
{ "^Schall%-category%-8%-", }, -- [8] category VIII
{ "^Schall%-category%-9%-", }, -- [9] category IX
{ "^Schall%-category%-10%-", }, -- [10] category X

For example, if "fast-biter" should be considered as tier of big biters/spitters, I can adjust the line [3] like:

{ "^big%-", "^fast%-" }, -- [3] big

6 years ago

I have played with Bob's since 0.10 or 0.11 with a long pause and recently started again. I think I have about 1300h with Bob's and 1200 with Angels and Bob's combined.
I would prefer biters to not drop anything because I am kinda worried about a complete carpet of drops.
My current base is about 12 km² walled in and I had Bob's enemies drop small artifacts for a while and couldn't handle all of them.
Right now only bases drop something and I would prefer that for schall mods too.
The idea of dropping ores would be totally useless for me cause the high logistic expenditure and with Clowns additional ores it is just not manageable.
It would just create large buffets for me and a big UPS cost.
Options for all of that would be appreciated.
My last concern is that I have now duped alien artifacts and researches but oh well.

6 years ago

If you prefer no drops from this mod, there are two options:
1) Simple do not install this mod, if you don't intend to install follow-up mods like Schall Alien Tech.
2) In "Options", turn off "Alien ore drop". It does not harm your gameplay in anyway, especially if you have enough ores from other sources.
Most of my mods have lots of small option to disable individual items, to prevent them to overwhelm players. ;-)

6 years ago

1) I intent to install the other mods. So no.
2) I check them out. Currently just collecting new mods for 0.17 and still waiting on 1 or 2 angel mods to update.
I am not overwhelmd I am just worried about my UPS and to many crafting tabs in my inventory. I will probably patch anything I really don't like myself.

6 years ago

Alright, The UPS can be caused by loot drop, but more important is about number of items STILL on ground.
This is the experience in a (multiplayer) cave miner scenario: there are no loot drops, but mining each rock spill the vanilla ores. Some players mined even when their inventory is full, so like HALF of screen laying ores, which hurt UPS.

Worrying about the alien ores doing the same in this mod, I have created another mod Schall Pickup Tower to collect items on ground automatically. The pickup tower themselves use just little UPS (trigger on each radar scan like), but keep number of entities low so more UPS healthy.
Yes, I created mods like combo. ;-)

6 years ago

So you want to say that a few hundred or thousand of those don't lack my game? 🤔

6 years ago

Nah, I just want to say my other mods may interest you. :-D

6 years ago

I downloaded already all I like.
Gonna play with the radar thingy soon. Bob's MK 5 radars are a bit big...

New response