Requirement of having lamps is not heavily enforced as they are generally the most useless fixtures. However, distributing high amount of them all over the factory no longer looks like such a pointless exercise, after the night stoped appearing so ridiculously inconsequantial.

by ouk_ouk

Allows to adjust length of the day and choose brightness and color of the night, zoom-to-map, night-vision and so on. (This is a purely graphical change which does not affect the game mechanics.) By default it is set to dark night, green nightvision and desaturated zoom-to-map. "Factory moves fast, growth and maintenance required, nature does not let."

1 year, 8 months ago
Environment Cheats

Be sure to read the announcement thread first!

The Mods name?

posted by Durabys 2 years ago
Ideas & suggestions
last message by Saiph 4 months ago

Solid fuel/coal lamp for the early game?

posted by markzlec 1 year, 8 months ago
Ideas & suggestions
last message by ouk_ouk 1 year, 8 months ago