Rocket-Silo Construction

Building a Rocket Silo is now a 6 stages process. Each silo needs to be excavated, filled and built, while requiring a lot of power, materials and generating pollution. Custom Space Exploration, Bob&Angels, Industrial Revolution and Exotic Industries compatibility New graphics by snouz

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

i Is there an API to integrate with "Rocket-Silo Construction"

4 years ago


Is there an API to integrate with "Rocket-Silo Construction"?

I have a mod that creates a rocket silo with a combinator so that it can be controlled by circuit conditions. I have been asked if it is possible to integrate this with your mod, maybe with a 7th stage where smarts are enabled.

4 years ago

Hi. Probably yes.
I have to understand batter what your mod does. Is it another entity ?

4 years ago

My mod adds a combinator to the silo which serves a few purposes, you can:-
1) enable the rocket silo to auto-launch or not based on a signal being sent to the combinator.
2) read the number of rocket parts built to make a rocket.
3) read the results returned by a rocket silo waiting to be collected.

We have been using this in conjunction with SpaceX ( to coordinate multiple sets of 23 launches required to complete an interstellar vessel able to get players home.

I also have a RED version of the silo that takes DEADLOCK stacked ingredients to get back stacked science. I had to create a separate silo for this as the recipe to make rocket parts in hard coded to the silo.

4 years ago

Tell me how the integration could work. I have remotes for each finished stage, and when it is finshed. You could, for eg, replace the finished stage with your entities.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I was thinking of an interface to register new silo construction chains, supplying the 6 stages and the final silo entity names.
      [1] = {recipe="stage1recipe", entity="state1entity", item="stage1item"},
      [2] = {recipe="stage2recipe", entity="state2entity"},
      [3] = {recipe="stage3recipe", entity="state3entity"},
      [4] = {recipe="stage4recipe", entity="state4entity"},
      [5] = {recipe="stage5recipe", entity="state5entity"},
      [6] = {recipe="stage6recipe", entity="state6entity"},
   final_result = "rocket-silo-mk2"
4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

So, your mod would provide all entities and recipes and starting item ?

New response