Renai Transportation

The most unhinged ways to transport items and yourself around your factory. Fling items around with Thrower Inserters, launch your trains off ramps, and soar through your base on electric ziplines! 2.0 and Space Age compatible

a month ago
0.18 - 2.0
Transportation Logistics Trains

i Invisible train tracks for connecting [Interesting 🤔]

4 years ago

What about adding invisible train tracks like the cargo ships mod does for its ships?(those are really trains going trough invisible tracks, you can even connect them to regular tracks to get water trains and land ships)

That way we could use the invisible train tracks to connect things between 2 ramps, also it would be nice to be able to put the jump pads on top of those invisible train tracks

4 years ago

I've considered something like that, the only thing is that I don't think I can separate rails into types. Like last i saw cargo trains, you could drive a land train onto the cargoship lines because they are techincally both rails, so if I did lay down invisible track, real track might interact with it like this

Where red is the invisible track and blue is a path a train might calculate and try to take. I haven't confirmed it works like this though, the idea might be completely viable, I just haven't tried it

4 years ago

How about the navigation of trains? I have to say, I don't think too many and too heavy modifications on rails are smart or practical. I remember the ramp is based on train station or lamp, which means the segment is one way only.

4 years ago

I'm not sure if the ramp prevents train flow in the other direction but I don't see why it would since a regular train stop doesn't do that

4 years ago

I'm not sure if the ramp prevents train flow in the other direction but I don't see why it would since a regular train stop doesn't do that
Sorry. Actually I'm not sure about that. I am only sure about the lamps stop train from the opposite direction. Imo, it's not necessary to keep the ability of letting trains go in opposite direction through stations. It makes the algorithm complex and even possibility to get logical error. So I assumed it.
Btw, I'm still curious that, it's possible to put entities out of the 2d space, then, is it possible to add water level system. And then river, spring, lake with finite water, and flood. People complained about the fact of the map of the whole game is logically flat, simply duplicated, and boring.

4 years ago

I'm not sure if the ramp prevents train flow in the other direction but I don't see why it would since a regular train stop doesn't do that

Sorry. Actually I'm not sure about that. I am only sure about the lamps stop train from the opposite direction. Imo, it's not necessary to keep the ability of letting trains go in opposite direction through stations. It makes the algorithm complex and even possibility to get logical error. So I assumed it.
Btw, I'm still curious that, it's possible to put entities out of the 2d space, then, is it possible to add water level system. And then river, spring, lake with finite water, and flood. People complained about the fact of the map of the whole game is logically flat, simply duplicated, and boring.

4 years ago

Oh, the quotation function s*cks..

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