Renai Transportation

The most unhinged ways to transport items and yourself around your factory. Fling items around with Thrower Inserters, launch your trains off ramps, and soar through your base on electric ziplines! 2.0 and Space Age compatible

2 months ago
0.18 - 2.0
Transportation Logistics Trains


Version: 2.0.16
Date: 1/21/2025
    - Fixed a crash when trying to use a zipline before having personal logistics researched. Reported by ILikePizza555
Version: 2.0.15
Date: 1/15/2025
    - Fixed a crash when jumping trains landed if you didn't have Train Bounce Pads enabled. Reported by DevilPaean
    - Fixed generation of item projectiles to not add item icon_size data if it doesn't need it.
Version: 2.0.14
Date: 1/7/2025
    - Fixed a startup crash that would happen if you didn't have Elevated Rails enabled. Reported by D0rkL0rd and briel1235
Version: 2.0.13
Date: 1/4/2025
    - Fixed that items in cargo wagons, fuel in trains, and ammo in artillery wagons lost quality after a jump
    - Fixed a load crash with 5Dim Energy and other mods that change the next_upgrade of the medium power pole because I copied most of its settings for the Zipline terminal. Reported by Samario
    - Fixed that the various cargo wagons lost their color while going up a train ramp.
Version: 2.0.12
Date: 1/4/2025
    - Fixed startup crash if you had Space Age disabled but then used mods to reenable the Space Age fetaure flags. Reported by Arrevax
Version: 2.0.11
Date: 1/2/2025
    - Fixed another typo causing a startup crash when Impact wagon and Unloader were disabled
Version: 2.0.10
Date: 1/1/2025
    - Fixed a typo in the prototype files
Version: 2.0.9
Date: 1/1/2025
    - Zipline crank controller can now propel the zipline even if the electric pole it's attached to is out of power. Recommended by dhiva
    - Braking on the zipline now slows you to a stop gradually (still pretty quick though) instead of stopping you instantly
    - Zipline max speed now correctly correlates to how powered the zipline is instead of always allowing max speed with even the smallest crumb of electricity. Reported by dhiva
    - Fixed startup crash with Ultracube due to outdated 1.1 API command. Fix by kumquat-ir
    - Happy New Year m80s!
Version: 2.0.8
Date: 12/15/2024
    - Added migration files that should up convert 1.1 save files to work in 2.0 and hopefully carry everything over.
    - Holding an item in the cursor and pressing the new Throw button (default shift+F) will manually throw the item if the cursor is within your character's reach.
    - Added a separate control for getting on/off a zipline so you can assign it a different key in control settings. Recommended by dhiva
    - Added a zipline brake button. Recommended by dhiva
    - Getting off a zipline now needs a valid spot to stand nearby (unless you're wearing mech armor). This prevents huge lag spikes from the infinite search range when you hit the dismount key in the middle of a lake
    - Doubled the range for getting on a zipline
    - Fixed the name of the simplified Chinese locale folder. Fix by PlexPt
    - Fixed that editing a Zipline Terminal tag name from map view didn't change the actual name of the Zipline Terminal for routing and stuff
Version: 2.0.7
Date: 12/3/2024
    - Fixed that items thrown onto belts lost their quality level
Version: 2.0.6
Date: 12/2/2024
    - Fixed a mistake I made with the non-normal quality Hatch fix I made last version. Reported by howardxu23
Version: 2.0.5
Date: 12/1/2024
    - Jumping into water/lava while wearing Mech armor no longer kills you
    - Added a bunch of locale translations by NikTheMimic (Chinese, German, Spanish, French, and Japanese)
    - Fixed that non-normal quality Hatches and Player launchers didn't work. Reported by NikTheMimic
Version: 2.0.4
Date: 11/30/2024
    - Fixed recipe names. Fix by RandomRDP
    - Fixed a crash with the Impact unloader and items with item_numbers. Reported by Venomless
    - Fixed some quality compatability with thrown items
Version: 2.0.3
Date: 11/24/2024
    - Fixed crash with double headed trains when jumping in certain directions. Reported by KremowyKitsune
Version: 2.0.2
Date: 11/23/2024
    - Train Ramps are now placable on elevated rails. Some of the animations for jumping between normal and elevated rails are still a bit jank
    - Throwing items into lava makes a cool fiery splash
    - Items thrown by Thrower Inserters on space platforms don't arc as if there's gravity up there
    - Re-enabled system for no collision while ziplining now that I've had some time to work out the 2.0 API stuff a bit better (if anyone knows how I can transfer ownership of a construction/logistics bot between characters pls hit me up, it's the last major thing that doesn't carry over when getting on/off the zipline)
    - Changed the Dynamic Range setting by wrothmonk default to true (makes modded thrower inserter range based on the original arm length instead of always being 15, pretty neat imo)
    - Removed Filter Ejector Hatch (not needed now obviously)
    - Removed Signal Bounce Pad (I don't think anyone used these I certainly didnt)
    - Fixed items refreshing their spoilage timer when thrown by a Thrower Inserter
    - Fixed some crashes relating to taking damage/dying while ziplining
    - Fixed editor mode crash caused by there being no player character in editor mode
Version: 2.0.1
Date: 10/26/2024
    - Fixed crash with modded trains meant to be invisible (aka no sprites)
Version: 2.0.0
Date: 10/24/2024
    - First shot at 2.0 conversion. Currently no Space Age special features. Reports of any issues are greatly appreciated
Version: 1.3
Date: 7/3/2024
    - Filter Ejector Hatch. I'm sure you can figure out what it does. Recommended by LoupAndSnoop
    - Added a setting to have thrower inserter ranges calculated based on the original inserter's range. Normally thrower range is set by whether the inserter is or isn't the vanilla long inserter. Added by wrothmonk
    - Made the arrows of the thrower inserters line up with the way their base versions are. At last the game is playable. See
Version: 1.2.11
Date: 6/15/2024
    - Fixed crash with mods that change rocket fuel to a liquid instead of an item. Tested only with the Lunar Lander mod. Reported by Sassxolotl.
Version: 1.2.10
Date: 6/5/2024
    - Trains and cargo wagons that follow another off a train ramp will be nudged slightly so that they always jump and land at the exact same point as the one in front.
    - Fixed that fuel wasn't re-added to locomotives after a jump if Ultracube: Age of Cube was NOT installed. Reported by AwesomeDollars.
Version: 1.2.9
Date: 5/27/2024
    - "Ultracube: Age of Cube" support. added by wrothmonk through Github.
    - Changed the render layer of the Hatch to "arrow" so that it doesn't get covered by some things. Requested by saaadel.
    - Due to a bug fix below, saving and reloading while ziplining or jumping on a player launcher will now reset the player to the ground as if they landed. This is to prevent a multiplayer issue that would happen if the player was in the air when they disconnect.
    - Added action_delivery check to prevent crashes. Reported by Gribanov_Ivan specifically for the mod "Xenos Oppression: SPRA-23".
    - Fixed a crash with the mod "More UPS, FPS" which removes train corpses I try to spawn when a flying train crashes. Reported by Master_Woof.
    - Fixed a crash with IR3 where the new texture it gives the Iron Chest was causing a conflict with the way I coded the Open Chest graphic. Reported by Tassarho.
    - Probably fixed a crash where the item in a Primer Thrower's hand somehow disappears before it's actually thrown. Reported by Nardix.
    - Fixed a mostly multiplayer bug where someone would be on a zipline or jumping on a player launcher when they leave, either quitting or server shut down. These players would not be properly reset when they reconnect leaving behind random stuff that could cause crashes in rare cases. Reported by a few people over the months.
Version: 1.2.8
Date: 12/17/2023
    - Set a limit of 500 tiles for thrown items that land on the ground to find space. If there's no space, it will just be destroyed.
    - Throwers now check if a belt is curved for deciding if it is full for overflow prevention, because it turns out curved belts only hold 7 items instead of 8. Report and fix (in the actual API) by boskid
    - Fixed crash for inserters, or mods that adjust the power requirements of inserters, that run without power or a power draw of 0. Reported by Foxy_Boxes
Version: 1.2.7
Date: 10/7/2023
    - Applied the power pole black list to work on manual zipline driving. The way I had it before it only applied to which power poles you could attach to, and which poles were used in calculating automatic driving paths. I just forgot about manual driving lmao.
Version: 1.2.6
Date: 10/3/2023
    - Added a setting for what happens when thrown items can't fit in the inventory they land on. Options are: drop it on the floor (current behavior), drop it on the floor and mark for bots to pickup, and destroy the item.
    - Fixed a crash that could potentially happen if you tried adjusting the range on something that had "RTThrower-" in it's name but wasn't actually an inserter. At least I think that's the problem. Reported by plexpt.
    - Added a blacklist for power poles that ziplines should ignore like ones that are used behind the scenes for utility reasonds. Currently only includes the ones from "Factorissimo notnotmelon fork". Recommended by saaadel.
Version: 1.2.5
Date: 8/20/2023
    - Fixed crashes with the Open Chest and Zipline Powerdraw related to predefined radar/chest upgrades. Zipline fix by Vortetty on github.
    - Added a note on the Thrower Range reserach that the range of thrower inserteres can be adjusted with the circuit signal.
Version: 1.2.4
Date: 7/14/2023
    - Probably fixed a crash with thrower variants of inserters that have an electric buffer of 0. I couldn't recreate the crash with the reported mods but in theory my fix will prevent the crashes lmao
Version: 1.2.3
Date: 5/21/2023
    - Fixed that throwing an item that was created after my mod was loaded would cause a crash. It now throws a placeholder sprite but functions correctly.
    - Fixed that movement speed buffs would reset after using the bounce pad or zipline, which caused problems with the RPG system mod. Reported by JackCyber
    - Fixed the Space Exploration "integration"
Version: 1.2.2
Date: 5/11/2023
    - Throwing the other Ironclad programmable ship variants into the water now builds one on landing. Change by toran.mallow
    - Fixed a loading crash with certain modded rocket and cannon shells. Tested with True Nukes and Bob's Warefare. Reported by Arcthuruss, laszlogasd, and MaxMahem.
    - Fixed a crash when using a Player Launcher onto a Bounce Pad. Reported by BobsUncleBob and Alkumist.
Version: 1.2.1
Date: 5/1/2023
    - Forgot to apply the minimum range change to the checking part of the Primer Thrower Inserter which still allowed it to throw things at targets behind the targeting range. Should be correct now.
    - Fixed a crash when deleting surfaces cause I didnt adjust it for the new projectile system. Reported by AmonKurath
    - Fixed a crash when generating a primed projectile for projectiles with multiple effects. Tested with Light Artillery and Rampant Arsenal. Reported by DaCyclops and HairyDave
Version: 1.2.0
Date: 4/28/2023
    - When the Focused Flinging tech is researched, thrower inserters can have their range adjusted via circuit signals with the new "Thrower Range" signal.
    - Performance improvements when using tons (like thousands) of throwers at a time. My test map with 2000 throwers improved from 26 to 55 fps. Thanks to everyone on Reddit who commented on my thread:
    - Unfortunately this new method means thrown items don't randomly tumble anymore :(
    - Changed the Primer Thrower Inserter's minimum range from 5 -> 25 to help prevent friendly fire. It can still lead shots that end up behind its targeting range though, that's just how turrets are coded to work. Requested by DoshDoshington
    - Manual adjustments to the base Rocket, Cannon Shell, and Uranium Cannon Shell primed projectile to be AOE on impact so that they can actually do damage. Requested by DoshDoshington
    - Changed the way primed projectiles are generated so that I hopefully don't miss as many effects, like the Artillery Shell scortch marks.
    - Made the Train Bounce Pad detection radius a bit more generous.
    - Turned on the drop position arrow for the Ejector Hatch. I don't remember turning it off in the first place tbh but apparently I did.
    - Throwing an Ironclad ship from the "AAI Vehicles: Ironclad" mod into the water now builds one on landing. Maybe one day I can generalize this to work for all vehicles. Oddly specific request by toran.mallow
    - Fixed that Ejector Hatches couldn't be connected to circuit wire. Apparently I just missed adding that part in lol. Reported by ShatteredShadow.
    - Fixed that the Player Launcher had the wrong sprite in standard graphics mode. Reported by GNeutrality
    - Fixed that locomotive color wasn't carried over to the jumping train sprite
    - Fixed that jumping train sprites would shrink in scale when bounced left or right
Version: 1.1.11
Date: 3/7/2023
    - Changed a valid check for thrown items to occur only when a surface is deleted instead of during the item's flight. Should help with lag. The check was originally added to fix a crash when a surface with thrown items on it was deleted (like warptorio). Having the check only happen on surface deletion is less comprehensive but I've seen more comments about lag recently so I think it's worth a try
Version: 1.1.10
Date: 1/14/2023
    - Items thrown on belts now use the proper item insert command instead of spawning the item on the floor and hoping it sticks to the belt.
    - Added the number of items a thrower is holding into consideration when calculating overflow for throwing onto a transport belt. I probably should have had this to begin with.
    - Added a message on hovering a thrower if it will overflow the belt it's targeting.
Version: 1.1.9
Date: 1/12/2023
    - Added integration for Space Exploration to keep life support buffer when jumping on/off ziplines. Fix by mhansen718 on github.
    - Fixed crash caused by deleting a surface with flying items on it, such as jumping planets in Warptorio. Reported by sinewavey.
    - Throwing a stack of at least 5 fish into the water spawns a live fish, because catching a fish give you 5 fish items. Recommended by toran.mallow
Version: 1.1.8
Date: 10/22/2022
    - Fixed a startup crash when disabling certain parts of the mod because I had arranged them wrong in the code. Reported by modo_lv
    - Fixed a crash when using the Zipline Terminal when joining an existing save or updating from certain past versions because I had an AND check instead of an OR check. Reported by Marc-Harony
Version: 1.1.7
Date: 10/1/2022
    - Fixed a crash when using the zipline terminal on a new save because I missed creating a certain value for new players. Reported by JJQ
Version: 1.1.6
Date: 9/19/2022
    - Fixed that whether the personal roboport was on or off was not transferred between getting on/off zipines. Reported by Roy192
Version: 1.1.5
Date: 9/17/2022
    - Added options for the Zipline Terminal selection list to show camera, minimap or none.
    - Removed the fixed width of the Zipline Terminal GUI
    - Hopefully fixed a crash with the 1.1.2 migration. Reported by arkenstone007
    - Changed the zipline trolley recipes to actually be locked until researched
    - Fixed locale for Bounce Pads of 5 and 15 tile bounce range
    - Fixed that whether logistics request was on or off was not transferred between getting on/off zipines
Version: 1.1.4
Date: 9/13/2022
    - Fixed a crash with the 1.1.0 migration file if you were playing a scenario where you didn't have a character. Reported by GeneralTank, modo_lv, and Kocou
    - Fixed a crash that would happen if you pressed Interact whith the Player Launcher disabled. Reported by Roy192
Version: 1.1.3
Date: 9/10/2022
    - Faster tiers of Zipline Trolley
    - Destroying a Zipline Terminal now removes its respective tag on the minimap
    - Fixed crash when trying to rename a Zipline Terminal if it happened to be destroyed while you had its GUI window up
Version: 1.1.2
Date: 9/7/2022
    - Placing a Zipline Terminal now adds a marker on the map for it. Recommended by obfuscatedgenerated
    - Fixed crash when the automatic zipline path finder tried to path through an electric pole ghost
    - Fixed that logistics requests/trash wouldn't carry over when getting on/off ziplines. Reported by obfuscatedgenerated
Version: 1.1.1
Date: 9/2/2022
    - Programmable Zipline Controller and Zipline Terminal. These can be used to automatically move you around the powerline highway
    - Pressing Interact (default F) on Bounce Pads and Directed Bounce Pads will now toggle their bounce ranges between 5, 10, and 15 tiles
    - Changed how ziplining, jumping, and such are tracked internally so that they hopefully don't interfere with each other as much and cause crashes.
Version: 1.0.6
Date: 8/18/2022
    - Fixed a crash when attempting to use the Jetpack mod while ziplining. Reported by Preceti2
Version: 1.0.5
Date: 8/16/2022
    - Train Bounce Pad and Train Directed Bounce Pad now bounce items and players farther than normal ones
    - Fixed a crash when ziplining that might happen when pathing to a pole that no longer exists. Fix by obfuscatedgenerated on Github
Version: 1.0.4
Date: 7/22/2022
    - Better handling of trains jumping and pathing to stations with train limits (particularly stations with train limits of 1) after a jump. Should reduce unexpected train crashes by a lot.
Version: 1.0.3
Date: 7/19/2022
    - Added compatibility with a forked version of Armored Trains to retain the turrets' ammo after a jump. Requested by toran.mallow
Version: 1.0.2
Date: 7/9/2022
    - Fixed a crash when the calculated amount of thrown items to a destination would sometimes be negative. Reported and fix by Nebual
    - Fixed that trains with more than 1 carriage that would jump between two un-connected rail networks would lose speed momentarily on landing, but for just long enough that the wagons behind it would crash into them. Reported by hongerdonger.
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 6/2/2022
    - Fixed that a thrower might not properly detect that a belt was full and keep throwing anyway. Reported by Callaghan_
    - Added an extra check to make sure the zipline won't try and take wires that lead to ghost power poles. Reported by EricAnderson
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 4/25/2022
    - Primer Thrower Inserter. These thrower/turret hybrids let you use primable items to defend yourself (grenades, capsules, rockets, landmines, etc.). Be aware these items are usually of the more "friendly fire" variety.
    - Changed zipline and player launching swapping to "ghost form" to work more efficiently without teleporting the original character a million tiles away.
    - Bots and spidertrons should now follow onto ziplines and player jumping.
    - Made the "invisible" car used to guide train jumps and ziplines actually invisible on the map view.
    - Fixed that using Interact while dead could cause a crash.
    - Fixed that players jumping on a primer bounce pad would cause a crash.
    - Added some checks to hopefully prevent a crash when using the zipline/player launcher, now checks for the correct name of a character. Reported by jeinstei
Version: 0.9.11
Date: 3/19/2022
    - Removed the occasional scan and deletion of stray zipline parts since it was causing lag spikes on large saves with lots of worlds, and I've since improved the deletion to hopefully be better at not leaving anything behind. Issue reported by r2d104
Version: 0.9.10
Date: 3/9/2022
    - Fixed train ramps randomly getting destroyed by trains going SO fast it could still 1 shot the ramp through +99999999999 HP healing. Turns out giving the ramp 100% impact damage resistance was the answer the whole time! Go figure
Version: 0.9.9
Date: 3/8/2022
    - Using the Zipline and Player Launcher now carries over more things like modifiers, inventory size bonuses, the crafting queue, quick bar blueprints, etc. Issue reported by TornBreeze
Version: 0.9.8
Date: 2/24/2022
    - New setting for whether bounce pad range visibility should be on or off when a new one is placed.
    - Small metallic clunk sound when something lands in a Hatch.
    - Fixed that throwers that rotated so fast that the arm would be on top of the target before the throw check happened would cause a travel time calculation of 0 ticks meaning it would never go off causing the item to disappear. Now throws always take minimum 1 tick so it doesn't miss the landing calculation. Reported by TornBreeze.
    - Added code to clear projectiles passed their calculated landing tick if something went wrong with it at time of landing.
Version: 0.9.7
Date: 2/12/2022
    - Fixed Primer bounce pad interaction with the new overflow prevention code. They were deleting the tracing "projectile" used to see where an item will land, and was being modified by the primer bounce pads. Reported by chazz1515.
Version: 0.9.6
Date: 1/30/2022
    - Fixed a crash when trying to create a thrower variant of an inserter that was bigger than 1x1. Fixing them functionally would take more time than I have at the moment so for now they do not generate so you can still play with mods that add such inserters. Reported by Keysivi.
    - Fixed thrower name gen to use the proper localised name of the inserter instead of its coded name.
Version: 0.9.5
Date: 1/11/2022
    - Added a check to clear thrower inserters from global list when they're destroyed. If anything explodes after this update it's probably because of this.
    - Thrower paths are now recalculated when throwers are rotated or have their range adjusted.
Version: 0.9.4
Date: 1/10/2022
    - Added some checks to prevent a crash that I think comes from thrower targets being destroyed at just the right time.
    - Fixed crashes when throwing items at cliffs or other things that don't have unit_numbers
Version: 0.9.3
Date: 1/8/2022
    - Director Bounce Pads, not to be confused with Directed Bounce Pads. Can bounce different items in different directions based on filters. Probably the closest thing this mod will ever have to "logistics". No I'm not very good at graphics.
    - Added a setting to change the maximum Magnet Ramp Range cause why not.
    - Changed Overflow prevention code because of the Director Bounce Pad to track targets per item per thrower instead of just target per thrower. Also now records the actual bounce path so a new trace only has to happen when the path is altered which might actually be more efficient.
    - Changed train jump shadows so they're not darker in the air than they are on the ground lmao
    - Changed Directed Bounce Pads to be simple-entity-with-owner instead of a reskinned constant combinator. At one point I wanted to make them controllable by circuit network to turn them automatically but I don't really think it would be practical/useful anymore and having it be a constant combinator was preventing people from manually repairing it.
    - Transferred all hard coded descriptions and text to the locale file.
    - Fixed that when a thrower threw an item with extra data (like armor/spidertron with grid equipment, blueprints, etc.) it now keeps that data after a throw. It used to just give a fresh version of the item after the throw.
Version: 0.9.2
Date: 11/22/2021
    - Added Space Exploration "Integration" where items thrown in space don't arc as if affected by gravity. Strictly speaking, if the surface the thrower is on has " Orbit", " Field", or " Belt" in it, the antigravity throw will occur. I've never actually played Space Exploration buy from what I could find in creative mode, these areas are considered "in space".
    - Fixed Cargo Wagon tracking with the new overflow prevention code
Version: 0.9.1
Date: 11/15/2021
    - Changed Impact Wagon item spread to be more of an area rather than 9 lines.
    - Changed Impact Wagon item spread to be more like a rolling wave and less like a perfect arc. In theory this helps space out item landings so there aren't as many grouped together that have to be calculated at once. It also looks cooler.
    - Changed the setting for item grouping to instead be maximum projectiles created per train, default 1000. This helps limit lag for trains with multiple Impact Wagons.
    - Targeted the center of tiles that items landed on to better detect Open Chests and other things with small collision boxes or shrunken by Squeak Through.
    - Things fired from the Ejector Hatch are now faster than normal.
    - Fixed that trains wouldn't be damaged by the Impact Unloader if they ran backwards.
    - Some locale and description fixes.
Version: 0.9.0
Date: 11/12/2021
    - Impact Wagon and Impact Unloader. Instantly unload an entire cargo wagon with the power of inertia! Just make sure you catch everything.
    - When jumping on the player launcher or riding the zipline, the character is swapped with a collision immune copy meaning that while jumping and ziplining the character cant be hit by trains or cars. Can still be hit by enemies though.
    - Throwing an item into the water now creates 0.5 pollution. For reference that's about how much a stone furnace makes in 15s.
    - Redid the item projectile code to be animated sprite rather than reskined spitter projectiles. It's probably less laggy, at least it was when testing the Impact Wagon.
    - This in turn means the overflow prevention code could be improved enough that I feel confident having it on by default should be okay. The option to turn if off is still there in case.
    - Changed the player launcher code to be more like the item projectile code so it's hopefully less jittery.
Version: 0.8.9
Date: 11/2/2021
    - Fixed a crash that would happen with how super fast trains jumping off train ramps would affect the shadow. Reported by X_Man11092006.
    - Fixed a crash with the overflow protection v2 when the overflow tracker would trigger after it's respective thrower was deleted. Reported by overloader7 and saaadel.
Version: 0.8.8
Date: 9/19/2021
    - Ejector Hatch. A varient of the Hatch that ejects the contents of whatever it's placed on out.
    - Added "object-layer" to the collision mask for Train Ramp placers because it was conflicting with some mods that add it to train signals like 5Dim's apparently. Reported by Frozenbolt.
Version: 0.8.7
Date: 9/14/2021
    - Fixed that I somehow broke the range adjust function. Reported by Callaghan_
    - Changed the hatch to use collision mask "layer-51" from "train-layer" for improved compatibility. The mod Hovercrafts was adding "train-layer" to all buildings for its hovercrafts' collision which was causing the hatch to not be placeable on those things. Reported by ridesdragons.
Version: 0.8.6
Date: 6/11/2021
    - Fixed a crash with Eradicator's Screenshot Maker Deluxe 3.0. Capsule compatibility overall should be improved even more as a result. Reported by Pi-C
    - Fixed migration crashes when adding the mod to an existing save, specifically 0.2.0 and 0.2.1 migration files. Reported by MasterBuilder
Version: 0.8.5
Date: 6/3/2021
    - Fixed a crash with Combat Robots Overhaul. Capsule compatibility overall should be improved as a result. Reported by Porkchop13
    - Not really fixing anything but added the invisible cars used for train jumps and ziplines to AAI Vehicles blacklist. Recommended by Pi-C
Version: 0.8.4
Date: 5/31/2021
    - Fixed a crash where the stray zipline removal added in 0.7.7 was removing the invisible car guiding train jumps with huge play-of-the-game detective work from Pi-C
Version: 0.8.3
Date: 5/30/2021
    - Fixed a crash that would happen if a thrower was removed in the middle of finding its target for overflow prevention. Reported by saaadel.
Version: 0.8.2
Date: 5/30/2021
    - Fixed a different but similar crash from saves that had the old overflow prevention transitioning to the new one. Reported by Legowaffles
Version: 0.8.1
Date: 5/29/2021
    - Fixed crash from saves that had the old overflow prevention transitioning to the new one. Reported by Legowaffles
Version: 0.8.0
Date: 5/29/2021
    - Updated overflow prevention code. Throwers will now freeze if it detects that the item won't fit in to the destination inventory taking into account items in the air and items bouncing through bounce pads. Of note, throwing onto a curved belt is still a bit off, but throwing onto straight belts work quite well.
Version: 0.7.7
Date: 5/3/2021
    - Corrected contribution attribution in the changlog last patch
    - Set the "not-rotatable" flag for the Hatch. Doesn't really matter but it keeps the selection box correct
    - Added the zipline components to the periodic valid check to delete lingering ziplines that might come up. Reported by davfrs
    - Fixed that the rail signal tutorial crashed for some reason. Reported by saaadel
Version: 0.7.6
Date: 4/8/2021
    - Fixed crash caused by inserters that run on fluids. I didn't even know that was possible. Reported by kewne7768
    - Made thrower inserters use 1J to stretch so that in times of low energy for burner/fluid thrower inserters, the arm wouldn't stretch out
    - Incorporated fix by killwort on Github that prevents crashes when an inserter tries to throw an invalid item. These are usually procedurally generated items that happen to be created after my mod is loaded (probably).
Version: 0.7.5
Date: 3/24/2021
    - Fixed crash caused when a train's destination station's train limit was changed mid-jump. Reported by DrogiwanCannobi
    - Fixed some issues with trains disconnecting and driving about wildly if they get inturupted mid-jump
    - Fixed animations of trains going off a magnet ramp then bouncing onto a directed train bounce pad
Version: 0.7.4
Date: 3/19/2021
    - Reactivated the Vehicle Wagons 2 interaction that displays its 'vehicle lost' message when a vehicle wagon crashes from a train jump
Version: 0.7.3
Date: 3/18/2021
    - Fixed crash that would happen if Vehicle Wagons 2 was NOT installed. lmao whops
Version: 0.7.2
Date: 3/16/2021
    - Official compatability for Vehicle Wagons 2. Vehicles on wagons are now retained after a jump.
    - Magnet Train Ramp buffer recharge rate increased from 4MW to 40MW. The slow recharge rate was causing problems when multiple trains tried using the ramps one right after another
    - Fixed the dynamic train sprite pulling some more to improve compatability and reduce crashes. Tested with Vehicle Wagons 2 and Schall's Armored Train from report by rEvolutionTU.
    - Fixed crash when a train's scheduled destination station was removed between jumping and landing. Added valid check for station upon landing. Reported by DrogiwanCannobi.
Version: 0.7.1
Date: 2/21/2021
    - Fixed that train ramps didnt work with blueprints and copy/paste. It turns out I left the "non-rotatable" flag in which caused the ramps to always paste in the default orientation. Also adjusted some other things about ramps and magnet ramps to work better with bots, blueprints, etc. You still have to set up magnet ramp ranges after they are built though.
Version: 0.7.0
Date: 2/7/2021
    - Now pulls train sprites dynamically for each carriage so that modded carriages should retain their image during a jump rather than using vanilla ones based on their type
    - Fixed some icon incompatability with some mods, specifically using Industrial Revolution 2 for testing, which should now work.
    - Adjusted the thrower generation criteria so that some creative type inserters don't make thrower varients
Version: 0.6.14
Date: 2/4/2021
    - Changed thrown items to be able to land in cargo wagons
    - Fixed that changing surfaces (like when entering a Factorissimo building) while ziplining would cause a crash/softlock. Reported by saaadel.
    - Fixed some missing locale names
Version: 0.6.13
Date: 1/6/2021
    - Fixed crashes related to adjusting thrower range before placing. Based on reports by SoupGuyMan and GeneralTank.
    - Fixed that adjusting range before placing could be done before the adjusting reasearch was done.
Version: 0.6.12
Date: 12/30/2020
    - Changed zipline crank to boost while holding the shoot key rather than on clicking. 100% more usable but 75% less meme. Suggested by Tellingohn.
Version: 0.6.11
Date: 12/26/2020
    - You can now adjust thrower inserter range before placing it. Press Interact while it's in your cursor to adjust range like how you would while it's placed. This is done using dynamic custom blueprints so note that by default Interact has the same hotkey as Factorio's new "Flip Blueprint Horizontally" key, and you might want to change one of them so they don't clash
    - Zipline Crank Controller. Equiping this zipline controller varient allows you to boost your speed by clicking. Suggested by Tellingohn
Version: 0.6.10
Date: 12/19/2020
    - Fixed that the saves wouldn't load if the fuel with the fastest speed multiplier was removed.
Version: 0.6.9
Date: 12/3/2020
    - lmao
    - *dabs*
    - Fixed some issues with multiplayer and zipline/train jump/player launcher interactions. Disconnecting and reconnecting to a multiplayer game mid-animation should work without problem now. Reported by Galapagon
    - Fixed that the changelog wasn't working in game for some reason. I don't really know how I even fixed it. Reported by MPeti1
Version: 0.6.8
Date: 12/3/2020
    - Fixed that trains with multiple locomotives would sometimes seperate during a jump if the locomotives used fuels with different top speeds
    - Mooeing-747: Fixed interaction with station limits so that a spot will be reserved for a train during a jump for it to use again when it lands.
    - Changed collision mask for the train ramp again to hopefully be more universally compatible with the new signal change in 1.1+
Version: 0.6.7
Date: 11/27/2020
    - Compatability fix for Space Exploration because apparently SE changes signal collision boxes and apparently all signals have to have colliding collision masks
Version: 0.6.6
Date: 11/27/2020
    - Mooeing-747: Updated for Factorio 1.1 with migrations and prototype updates
Version: 0.6.5
Date: 11/22/2020
    - Mooeing-747: Added raise_destroy = true to crashlanding trains
    - Mooeing-747: Added missing valid check to guide locomotives
    - Fixed crash from on_entity_cloned
    - Fixed crash with experimental overflow setting when deleting entity target of a thrower
    - Mooeing-747: Reorganized train jump animation code
    - Mooeing-747: Changed shadows to rotate and train sprites to scale in size during jump.
    - Made shadows fade with jump height
Version: 0.6.4
Date: 11/8/2020
    - Payload Wagon. Designed specifically to weaponize the train ramp. When it crash lands, primable items inside will prime, fly out and activate near the point of impact. Deliver all your explosive weaponry directly to the point of use.
    - Changed damage radius of crash landing carriages from 4 to 7 tiles
    - Code restructuring by Mooeing-747 for easier navigation, control.lua file broken up into a bunch of smaller files
    - Primed projetiles are now a lighter shade of red
Version: 0.6.3
Date: 11/1/2020
    - Fix from Mooeing-747 so cargo wagon filters are set before the items are put back in so that items retain proper order and placement after a jump
    - Fixed pushed trains going backwards upon landing if the cargo wagon was facing backwards
    - Changed landing trains to have a positive speed rather than a negative by default in cases where it doesn't know which way to go
Version: 0.6.2
Date: 10/21/2020
    - Fixed two issues with train landing thanks to contribution from Mooeing-747. They are:
    - Fixed train freezing and crashing upon landing for trains that are being pushed from the back rather than pulled from the front.
    - Fixed that trains didn't take non-default paths for forks in the rail very close to where trains land, ie while the back half of the train is still in mid air.
Version: 0.6.1
Date: 10/19/2020
    - Fixed a few issues with the magnet train ramp setting based on crash report from Cobalt6700
Version: 0.6.0
Date: 10/4/2020
    - Magnet Train Ramps. Powerful electromagnets let you control the landing point of a ramp regardless of a train's speed. It's like train tunnels but more fun.
    - Recipe to turn open chests back into regular chests. Recommended by saaadel
    - Semi-fixed issue where trains that were landing and then jumpped again before the whole train landed would cause the train to fall apart. Now so long as at least one carriage fully on the ground at all times, chaining jumps should work fine
Version: 0.5.5
Date: 9/12/2020
    - Fixed that the game would crash if you died while ziplining. Found by F0x06.
Version: 0.5.4
Date: 9/9/2020
    - Added setting to disable the base thrower/hatch/player laucher features of the mod. Slap F in the chat. Requested by Ki-Tan. Tech adjusted accordingly.
    - Fixed that the motion guide for the zipline (which is the same as for the train ramp) would be disabled if you disabled the train ramp, causing a crash if the zipline was enabled but not the train ramp. Found by staviq
Version: 0.5.3
Date: 9/7/2020
    - Semi-fix preventing players without an associated character from getting on a zipline. This should prevent crashes on a zipline when the character disapears but doesn't cover cases where the controlled character changes or disapears. Found by MPeti1
    - Fixed that wire connections to things other than power poles (like switches) would crash. Found by MPeti1
    - Made it so that ramps auto-heal to 99999999999 instead of whatever value it was last hit for in hopes that it prevents some weird cases where the ramps are just vanishing or occasionally left with some damage. Found by Ki-Tan
Version: 0.5.2
Date: 9/6/2020
    - Removed some debugging code when clicking on throwers
    - Fixed that characters would jump out of a train upon landing due to the change I made so that the jumps would work in sandbox mode
Version: 0.5.1
Date: 9/5/2020
    - Fixed code analyzing power poles without a copper cable connection. Found by HairyDave
Version: 0.5.0
Date: 9/5/2020
    - Electric Zipline Trolley. Use your existing power grid as a highway! See player settings to adjust zipline camera motion.
    - Experimental overflow minimization code. Can be enable in Map Settings. Helps particularly with transport belts, a 3x3 "catching grid" should stop most overflow.
    - Settings to enable/disable different parts of the mod. Modules include: modded inserter throwers, train ramps, train bounce pads, advanced bounce pads (primer&signal), and zipline. Vanilla throwers, player launchers, hatches, and regular/directed bounce pads are always enabled. Recommended by Zuzak.
    - Fixed a crash when using a Train Ramp in sandbox mode. The environment was probably too toxic in there. Found by notnotmelon.
    - Fixed a crazy situation where if two trains were trying to land close to each other and one didn't have a destination and thus stopped immediately to 0 speed while another train or wagon with a netagive speed (backwards) tried to attach to it and make the stationary train move with negative speed, the game would crash because I didn't take a 0 speed train into account. Report and initial investigation by mvolfik and ProkopRandacek on github.
    - Made the stand in cars that guided the trains jump invincible so it couldn't be destroyed premptively.
Version: 0.4.8
Date: 8/28/2020
    - Added an alternate mode for the Train Ramp that does not do the schedule skipping after a jump. Swap between the modes by hovering a ramp and pressing Interact. Requested by many people.
    - Fixed that flying trains would be affected by belts transport belts underneath.
Version: 0.4.7
Date: 8/23/2020
    - Fixed (I think) a crash related to making thrower varient of an inserter without a minable.result
Version: 0.4.6
Date: 8/22/2020
    - Added equipment grids to be carried over after a jump if the train has it. Suggested by MPeti1
    - Adjusted the train jump animation so it looks less jank.
Version: 0.4.5
Date: 8/19/2020
    - Made it so that trains won't speed up or slow down until either all carriages reconnect, or 4 seconds have passed since it landed. This makes train jumps about 69x more managable to use.
Version: 0.4.4
Date: 8/18/2020
    - Clicking on any bounce pad toggles it's range indicator visibility in alt-view.
    - Primer Bounce Plate compatability with artillery shells.
    - Changed all bounce pad range indicators again to be the normal yellow/orange.
    - Bounce pad range indicator is now more transparent so hopefully it's not as distracting in alt-view while still being helpful.
    - Fixed another train crash involving cliffs that I already implemented but it turns out there's another spot in the code I had to integrate the fix lmao
    - Fixed a crash that would happen if there isn't any room to drop an item on the ground after being thrown. It now searched infinitely for a free spot. Discovered by CaptainSlide.
    - Fixed Hatch integration with blueprints/copy/paste by adding that it's a player-creation to its flags.
Version: 0.4.3
Date: 8/16/2020
    - Specified that trains must hit ramps exactly straight in the ramp description. Recommended by Sparen.
    - Specified thrower range can be adjusted using Interact in their descriptions.
    - Adjusted the bounce pad range image to line up better horizontally
Version: 0.4.2
Date: 8/15/2020
    - Bounce Pads show their range in alt-mode instead of on hover
    - Added train ramp to the thumbnail
    - Flying trains now shift slightly to better align with train bounce pads. This helps all carriages in a train travel, fly, and bounce together.
    - Following trains better sync up with the lead train.
    - Fixed handling of players jumping on Train bounce pads.
    - Fixed thrower bunrner inserters not self refueling when facing down or right
    - Fixed another crash when jumping trains land, explode, and damage surrounding entities which were somehow becoming invalid between being detected and being dealt damage
    - Fixed Spread Primer Bounce Pad integration with blueprints/copy/paste by adding placeable_by to its prototype
    - Added raise_built=true when recreating launched trains for better modded train compatability
Version: 0.4.1
Date: 8/8/2020
    - Fixed game crash when flying trains were landing on cliffs and other things that didn't strictly have health
Version: 0.4.0
Date: 8/7/2020
    - Train Ramps. You knew it had to be
    - Train Bouce Pad and Train Directed Bounce Pads. Tests to create train bounce routes has proven to be very expensive
    - Shadows for all the Bounce Pads
    - Fixed ordering of final-fixes code so that projectiles for generated thrower are actually created
Version: 0.3.7
Date: 7/18/2020
    - Fixed scaling for the particle of thrown items so that icons of different sizes graphically should all show in game at roughly the same size
    - Remved the need for the placeholder image for items with layered icons
Version: 0.3.6
Date: 7/17/2020
    - Fixed compatability with the new capsule action code in Factorio 0.18.36
    - Fixed primer bounce pad compatability with moded land mines
    - Fixed migration from saves that never had the hard coded thrower varients probably
Version: 0.3.5
Date: 7/4/2020
    - Fixed compatability issues with other mods that added capsules with non-conventional functions. Namely, Tapeline and Vehicle Wagon 2 were tested. Reported by saaadel
Version: 0.3.4
Date: 7/4/2020
    - Removed stray character I must have fat-fingered accidentaly causing a crash
Version: 0.3.3
Date: 7/4/2020
    - Fixed handling of burner inserters with the anti-long-boi-arm-stretch code that would sometimes cause a crash on the current 0.18 versions for some reason
    - Workaround fix for the "no power" icon to appear on throwers not connected to electricity.
Version: 0.3.2
Date: 7/3/2020
    - Adjusted bounce effects to appear on top of the bounce pads, in the "higher-object-above" render_layer to be exact.
Version: 0.3.1
Date: 7/1/2020
    - New research that allows configuring the range of throwers to be between 1-15. Hover and press Interact to adjust range.
Version: 0.3.0
Date: 6/29/2020
    - Directed Bounce Pads. I feel like these really round out the functionality.
    - Hatches. Finally compatability for other things with inventories.
    - Basic tech tree
Version: 0.2.6
Date: 6/12/2020
    - Some compatability issues with the ADAPTIVE thrower generation (icon vs icons, actual vs function, etc)
    - Bounce and Priming sound effects
Version: 0.2.5
Date: 6/12/2020
    - Script detection of bots and etc. that broke when changing over to procedurally generated throwers
    - Compatability with Rusty Locale
Version: 0.2.4
Date: 6/12/2020
    - Version 0.2.3 because I just felt like it whatcha gonna do
    - Hard coded throwers (NOOBS)
    - Procedurally generated throwers for all inserters including ones added by mods. (EPICO) They are unlocked by default for now, research to come.
    - Split Primer Bounce Pad into Precise and Spread varients. Swap by pressing "Interact"
    - Primed land mines. Good with a spread mode Bounce Pad
    - Launch key (default F) renamed to Interact so you can use the same key to swap modes
    - Thrower Inserter slightly slower
    - Throwers only run when at full power to avoid the wacky arm stretching issue when they run at low power.
    - Damage taken from landing on something now scales with the size of the thing you landed on.
Version: 0.2.2
Date: 5/26/2020
    - Some file name case correction that I'm not sure was even needed but hey it's worth a shot.
Version: 0.2.1
Date: 5/26/2020
    - Primer Bounce Pad. Unlocked with Military 2
    - Signal Bounce Pad. Unlocked with Circuit Network
Version: 0.2.0
Date: 5/17/2020
    - Added thrower varients of all the different inserter types. They are unlocked with their respective normal version's research.
    - Added range indicators to the Bounce Pads
    - Changed the Player Launcher so that you don't have to hover it with the mouse in order to use it. Now you just have to stand on it and press the launch key.
    - Changed how bounces are calculated so that blueprint ghosts are not longer destroyed when things land on them.
Version: 0.1.6
Date: 5/9/2020
    - Improved compatability with other mods that happen to use my same naming convention where a projectile/target based on an item was called the projectile/targets name plus -projectile/-target. Now my projectiles/targets have the suffix -projectile/targetFromRenaiTransportation respectively. Issue pointed out by Drury who noted my mod was incompatible with Krastorio 2.
Version: 0.1.5
Date: 5/7/2020
    - Made the same fix in 0.1.4 but applied it to on_configuration_changed too on the off chance that people had the mod installed and kept 0.1.3 while it was still bugged and updated to 0.1.4
Version: 0.1.4
Date: 5/7/2020
    - Fixed that the Player Launcher wouldn't work on existing saves because the AllPlayers table wouldn't be set up in those cases. Now fills the table with all players in the save during initialization. Problem source identified by fgcapo.
Version: 0.1.3
Date: 5/4/2020
    - Fixed script_raised_built listener problem where I copied the code from the on_built_entity listener not realizing the related entity is reffered to as just .entity instead of .created_entity. Problem identified by darkfrei.
    - Preemptive bug fix adding on_entity_cloned listener for built thrower inserters. Recommended by AshenSwift.
Version: 0.1.2
Date: 5/3/2020
    - Fixed that Thrower Inserters wouldn't work when built by bots by adding on_robot_built_entity and script_raised_built events to listen for. Problem identified by therax.
Version: 0.1.1
Date: 4/26/2020
    - Made the Bounce Pad smaller so you can walk between them when they're next to each other.
    - The change log lmao.
    - Fixed that you could get stuck on a cliff if you launched into it, because apparently it's immune to .die() Now you land at the closest free spot.
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 4/25/2020
    - Demo sonnan ja dame
    - Mou sonnan ja hora
    - Kokoro wa shinka suru yo
    - Motto motto
    - *clap*