Edit: Yes I checked and saw its throwing like the handsize.
I just got an idea about the machine handling. How about you create a new loader, which has the open chest on the input side. So the inserter can throw into it, and it will put it into the machine than. But the throw-loader does not have an inventory, the inserter will stop when the machine is full (same with a full chest)
Also could you add directed bouncepads, same as the player bounce pad with the arrow, so it can fly in a 90Β° angle
Different tiers of fly distance equal to yellow, red and blue belt would be also interesting.
And the automation science as recap requirement isn't very fitting, no item requires science packs. Maybe Gears or copper cable would be better?
A bounce sounds would also be very cool!
Maybe I get more idea, after further playing. In best case I would love to be able to make a run without any belt and normal inserter.
Edit: Maybe you could adjust the speed of the inserters a little bit to work better with belts. What I noticed:
- Fast Inserter (Hand Size 2): fills half a yellow belt
- Stack Inserter (Hand Size 4): fills 1 yellow belt
- Stack Inserter (Hand Size 8); fills 2 yellow belt
- Stack Inserter (Hand Size 12 (max)): fills 3 full yellow belts β But spills if directly put on a blue belt (3 yellow splitter a blue works great)
- Normal Inserter (hand Size 3 (max)): fills half a yellow belt + 1 item every 5 on the other side
- Long-handed inserter puts less items in the belt, than a normal inserter
So the fast & stack inserter has great values already!: 2 fast inserter hand size 2 are 1 yellow belt. So depending on the hand size, 1 stack inserter can fill 1 yellow, 2 yellow or 3 yellow.
Problems are the normal and the long handed inserter.
- I would suggest making the normal inserter a little bit slower, so it puts half the amount of items as a speed inserter
- The long handed need to be slower, but less slower than the normal, so its gives same amount of items as a normal inserter (just farther away)
I can give you a creative test world, where I tested it, I just don't know how to give you.
Fun Fact: A chain of fast inserters is fast than a chain long handed inserter