Refined Network Storage deprecated

Store, access, and transfer items/fluids digitally.

6 months ago
Logistics Logistic network Circuit network Storage

b error when using the external IO bus

6 months ago

as soon as an item is in a chest connected to the external IO bus it throws me an error like /scripts/objects/ExternalIO.lua:299: attempt to call method 'add_item_from_interface_cache' (a nil value)
An Error occured while updating RNS_NetworkController
what do i do?

6 months ago

I just posted the update.

6 months ago

i noticed with the previous versions that this mod specifically uses a lot a lot of computing power it lags our whole base when the network gets bigger

6 months ago

Yea...unfortunately the computational power is limited for Facotrio mods that needs it.

New response