Refined Network Storage

Store, access, and transfer items/fluids digitally.

a day ago
Logistics Logistic network Circuit network Storage

g [Solved] Network Transmitter and Receiver are broken

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

with the 1.0.3, the Network Transmitter and Receiver are broken
it's impossible to place a receiver or a transmitter with another RNS item

3 months ago

Hi, what do you mean it's impossible to place a receiver/transmitter with another respect item?
Is there an error log that you can provide too?

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

now, there is no more communication of objects between networks.
The controllers have perfectly identified the material, the connections between Transmitter and receiver are OK, but the objects do not circulate between the networks.

i update the test map with modifications

or i understand that the mod function

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