Lunar Landings

A small overhaul which expands the factory onto Nauvis' moon: Luna.

a day ago
Logistics Environment Mining Manufacturing

i How to load rocket components

9 days ago

Not sure if this is a bug or not. I want to load rocket ingredients for transport (LDS, RCUs, heat shielding for the return trip). Is there any way to automate this? I find I need to manually load each rocket, which makes the character / robot the bottleneck.

Or are you trying to force the player to build LDS / RCUs on Luna?

Great mod otherwise - it brings over a lot of the fun SE concepts whilst still being doable in a reasonable time.

9 days ago

The engine doesn't support loading them because the inserters only load rocket ingredients into the rocket ingredient slots rather than the rocket inventory. I added 'packed' recipes for these items as workarounds so you can pack them before launch and unpack them when they arrive.

8 days ago

Ah I didn't think to try those. Thank you!

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