A small overhaul which expands the factory onto Nauvis' moon: Luna. Launch reusable rockets to and from Luna at mid-game. Process moon rock into silicon (for circuitry) and oxygen (for diffusing to nearby machines). Generate research data from telescopes, and conserve water from turbines using steam condensers. Unlock advanced aluminium smelting processes and a unique late-game quantum challenge... Compatible with 2.0. Not yet compatible with Space Age: expected by March-April 2025.
Large total conversion mods.
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Dependency | 4.18M | |
Built-in dependency |
base >= 2.0.35 | - |
Required dependency |
alien-biomes-graphics | 154K |
Required dependency |
SpidertronPatrols | 61.1K |
Required dependency |
se-space-trains | 61.4K |
Required dependency |
space-exploration-graphics | 482K |
Required dependency |
space-exploration-graphics-4 | 471K |
Required dependency |
space-exploration-graphics-5 | 470K |
Optional dependency |
aai-signal-transmission | 522K |
Built-in dependency |
elevated-rails | - |
Built-in dependency |
quality | - |
Optional dependency |
better-victory-screen >= 0.2.14 | 27.4K |
Optional dependency |
Milestones | 270K |
Built-in dependency |
space-age | - |
Conflicting dependency |
wret-beacon-rebalance-mod | 21.1K |
Dependency is marked as deprecated |
beacon-overhaul | 2.76K |
Conflicting dependency |
FreightForwarding | 13.2K |
Conflicting dependency |
bzaluminum | 29.2K |
Conflicting dependency |
bzsilicon | 31.5K |
Conflicting dependency |
rso-mod | 146K |
Conflicting dependency |
space-exploration | 484K |
Conflicting dependency |
Krastorio2 | 340K |
Conflicting dependency |
IndustrialRevolution3 | 63.7K |
Conflicting dependency |
exotic-industries | 28.1K |
Conflicting dependency |
nullius | 34.0K |
Conflicting dependency |
pypostprocessing | 69.7K |
Conflicting dependency |
boblibrary | 398K |