Lunar Landings

A small overhaul which expands the factory onto Nauvis' moon: Luna.

16 days ago
Logistics Environment Mining Manufacturing

g No Ice?

3 months ago

I might be missing something, but I don't seem to have any ice resources on Luna. I've travelled quite far, have a small base set up, and launched about 20 rockets... but I don't see any Ice that I can mine.

Is there a way to spawn in ice? or do I need to send up water in rockets?

3 months ago

There should be ice very near the spawn area on Luna nearby the starting moon rock patch.

Ice isn’t like a regular resource, it is more like vanilla’s crude oil patches, but much bigger and only one per patch.

3 months ago

I've got nothing available. Any known way to spawn one?

3 months ago

Used the editor to spawn some stuff in, not sure what happened, but making it work lol :)

3 months ago

Did you have the moon rock resource spawn in your world? Have you also seen rich moon rock and astro crystals resources?

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