Lunar Landings

A small overhaul which expands the factory onto Nauvis' moon: Luna.

16 days ago
Logistics Environment Mining Manufacturing

g Unpack items on Lunar ??

3 months ago

How do you unpack items on Luna (LDS, Heat Shields etc), I can place a factory, set the recipe, even load the packed items, but the factory just sits there doing nothing.
I noticed that when trying to place a factory on Lunar that they can not be placed on flatlands, lowland or mountians (in the tool tip), yet I can put them down and set the recipe. Just noticed its the same for barrelling of fluids too.

3 months ago

Assemblers on Luna require oxygen, provides by a nearby oxygen diffuser.

3 months ago

And the assemblers must be blue assemblers minimum! grey assemblers don't work.

3 months ago

Oh thanks for pointing that out @PapaCarles, I hadn't realised that grey assemblers didn't work correctly with the oxygen diffusers, because they don't accept module effects so the mechanism I was using for detecting machines in range of the diffuser didn't detect them. I've fixed this for the next version.

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