Lunar Landings

A small overhaul which expands the factory onto Nauvis' moon: Luna.

16 days ago
Logistics Environment Mining Manufacturing

b [Fixed-1.0.9] Maglev trains are placeable on normal tracks

3 months ago

Again, not sure if intended or not, but it looks weird. You can place Maglev trains and wagons on normal rails on Nauvis, and regular trains and wagons on maglev rails on Luna. While Maglev trains would make sense on Nauvis (if they were restricted to their proper rails there), the description implies that maglevs are necessary for Luna's train system and regular trains feel weird there.

As a sidenote, regarding the rocket silo autolaunches. I think it'd be good to include in the autolaunch descriptions that the launches will only happen if there's enough space in the landing pads. I spent too much time making unnecessary circuit systems to avoid sending items to potentially full pads before I was positively surprised in the mod kindly handling that for the player.

I'm having fun with the mod! Thanks for making it.

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

Yeah I haven’t gotten around to preventing Nauvis trains on Luna and vice versa yet. It will require some scripting.

I think that the information about the auto launch is in the rocket silo GUI’s tooltip? When you hover over the “Auto launch” heading?

3 months ago

Oh, you're right. Somehow I missed it.

3 months ago

Now trains are properly restricted to their correct planet.

New response