ThunderStorm: Lightning energy

by AivanF

Thunderstorm is coming! Build lightning rods to protect yourself or to tame this mighty element of nature by capturing divine amount of electricity or attacking biter beasts. Supports SE planets. WIP, even more fun will be added!

1 year, 5 months ago
Combat Environment Power

b Error on new game with SE

1 year, 8 months ago

模组 ThunderStorm: Lightning energy (1.0.4) 引发了无法恢复的错误。

Error while running event Lightning::on_init()
Error when running interface function space-exploration.get_zone_from_surface_index: space-exploration/scripts/zone.lua:280: attempt to index field 'zones_by_surface' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
space-exploration/scripts/zone.lua:280: in function 'from_surface_index'
space-exploration/scripts/remote-interface.lua:135: in function <space-exploration/scripts/remote-interface.lua:135>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'call'
Lightning/control.lua:145: in function 'se_register_zone'
Lightning/control.lua:165: in function 'se_add_zones'
Lightning/control.lua:185: in function 'reset_global'
Lightning/control.lua:676: in function <Lightning/control.lua:674>

1 year, 8 months ago

你好! 感谢您的报告,我会尽快解决这个问题。

1 year, 8 months ago

Thank you very much for your reply! Because I added a lot of mods, I am not sure if it is the problem of this module.

1 year, 7 months ago

Hi! There is a bug in Space Exploration which led to an error on new game with Lightnings + SE, I made a workaround so now everything should work fine. I just published new v1.0.5 with some other features, have a try!

1 year, 7 months ago

Thanks for the fix. I'm testing it now, but this time I added it halfway through,
Can the formula of Level 3 buildings be added to the formula of Level 2 buildings? Can the formula for a Level 2 building be added to a Level 1 building?
Because after the equipment upgrade, the low-level is of little use and there is no way to recycle, the grade 1 building 100 steel and 50 copper, copper is not much, but the steel needs a little more, and the large factory is also a small expenditure.
After all, I also have some English that I do not understand and need to translate bit by bit.

1 year, 7 months ago

I can add a startup setting to reuse simpler buildings in better constructions, that's a nice idea, I'll try to do this with the next version release.

But you should note that when lightning rods with accumulators (buildings 2 and 3 named lightning handler and heaven handler) are full with energy, they have much lesser probability of capturing of lightning strikes. Therefore, basic lightning rods are still in use.

Also, if you really want to recycle them, you can use an uncraft mod, e.g. I like Reverse Factory ♻️

1 year, 7 months ago

Yes, I've discovered that it's easy to get struck by lightning when you're full of energy. Meteorites, thunderstorms do not do other light repair plant o(╥ ╥)o

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