
Speed across land and water in your own personal hovercraft. 2 versions, plus 2 more with the mod 'Laser Tanks'.

4 months ago
0.16 - 2.0
Transportation Combat

b ✔️ LargerLamp - Error loading mods

4 years ago

Get an error with "Larger Lamps" (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/DeadlockLargerLamp)
Not sure if the issue is with your or their mod, but discussion is disabled there.

Error message:
"Failed to load mods: Error while running setup for entity prototype "deadlock-copper-lamp" (assembling-machine): next_upgrade target (deadlock-large-lamp) must have the same collision mask."

DeadlockLargerLamp (1.4.0)
Hovercrafts (1.1.0)

4 years ago

Unfortunately, that is an issue with the way he creates his burner lamp. I honestly do not know how or even if I can fix that issue. I am not knowledgeable enough to resolve such an issue sadly. I welcome any input from anyone in fixing the issue in a reasonable and elegant way.

4 years ago

Hello, I think I fixed the issue. I have no experience in modding Factorio, but am good at searching around and troubleshooting issues. It looks like a simple line change in LargerLamps fixes everything.

I searched entity.lua in the Larger Lamp mod file and searched for "copper_name" in order to find the "deadlock-copper-lamp" strings, globals.lua has the variable defined differently there.

I then changed the line "next_upgrade = DLL.name" to "next_upgrade = DLL.copper_name". Looks like a simple typo to me!

That's really the only thing I had to do, it all seems to load and work happily with Krastorio2+AAI (no Space Exploration) and your Hovercrafts mod installed now.

I just made a "1.5.1" of the LargerLamp mod for my personal use now, since the discussion is closed there. Not sure if I can(or should) upload it.

4 years ago


Even though I would like you to upload it, I don't think you should.
I did some searching around why the comment section over there is closed, and I'm pretty sure the original mod author would not appreciate it unfortunately...

Thanks for the sollution though! 🙂
Hoopefully he will spot the typo and update, of not I'll try to do the same you did.

Very much appreciate the effort! 😄

4 years ago

Very nicely done in deed! I sadly didn't take a look at actually resolving the issue through his mod so that I could post said suggestion here.

I am very glad you did so yourself for anyone else looking to use these mods together.

Thanks again for using my version of Hovercrafts! I always enjoy knowing there are still people that enjoy the mods I've made.

4 years ago

Who cares what the original mod author would like or not, just make sure you follow the license he used (GNU GPLv3)

3 years ago

While changing the "next upgrade" line will indeed fix this, that breaks the intended upgrade from copper lamp to large lamp. You're basically then saying that copper lamps should be upgradable to copper lamps.

No, the actual issue is that the copper lamp has, for whatever reason Deadlock had, a type of "assembling machine," and this mod changes the collision mask of assembling machines to add "train-layer." (data-final-fixes on line 116.) This means that the copper lamp now has a different collision mask than it's upgrade target, and that is not allowed by the game. (see https://wiki.factorio.com/Prototype/Entity#next_upgrade)

One fix for this would to add an exception for "deadlock-copper-lamp" as everything will be fine then and the lamps can still be upgraded.
A more expensive fix would be adding the train-layer collision mask to the prototypes listed under next upgrade, but then you're adding a lot more complexity, because you'd have to look at the next_upgrade target of that entity as well, and so on and so on.

3 years ago

Hi daniels1989, I've integrated your fix in 1.2, thanks for it !

3 years ago

Hi, I just tried to run this mod (v1.2.1) and it's still causing this issue with Deadlock's Larger Lamp mod.

New response