Hello, I think I fixed the issue. I have no experience in modding Factorio, but am good at searching around and troubleshooting issues. It looks like a simple line change in LargerLamps fixes everything.
I searched entity.lua in the Larger Lamp mod file and searched for "copper_name" in order to find the "deadlock-copper-lamp" strings, globals.lua has the variable defined differently there.
I then changed the line "next_upgrade = DLL.name" to "next_upgrade = DLL.copper_name". Looks like a simple typo to me!
That's really the only thing I had to do, it all seems to load and work happily with Krastorio2+AAI (no Space Exploration) and your Hovercrafts mod installed now.
I just made a "1.5.1" of the LargerLamp mod for my personal use now, since the discussion is closed there. Not sure if I can(or should) upload it.