Freight Forwarding

A small overhaul with a focus on long-distance logistics variety. Transport containerized items across land and sea using trains and ships! First, venture to the edge of your starting island using trains to find lead, then set sail for offshore oil using tanker ships, dredge metallic nodules from the seabed, and recover titanium from other islands. Finally you'll be transporting materials to faraway lava pools to smelt titansteel, an essential ingredient in rocket parts.

5 months ago
Logistics Trains Environment Manufacturing

g Containerization Requester Chest Exploit

1 year, 24 days ago

You can actually hack the system and request any containers via transport robots.
The way yo do so is by connecting a blue or green chest to the circuit network in the "Set requests" mode. Then you can provide any required signal.

1 year, 13 days ago

Yes, this is known about but there's nothing I can do to prevent it without on-tick scripting which feels wasteful when I could instead just suggest that you don't do it :)

1 year, 12 days ago
(updated 1 year, 12 days ago)

Yes, this is known about but there's nothing I can do to prevent it without on-tick scripting which feels wasteful when I could instead just suggest that you don't do it :)

I promise not to abuse it above the intended use.
However, I will use it from time to time (i.e., for manual & one-time delivery requests), as well as for empty container delivery (I got your point, I just don't agree with that :D ).

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