Freight Forwarding

A small overhaul with a focus on long-distance logistics variety. Transport containerized items across land and sea using trains and ships! First, venture to the edge of your starting island using trains to find lead, then set sail for offshore oil using tanker ships, dredge metallic nodules from the seabed, and recover titanium from other islands. Finally you'll be transporting materials to faraway lava pools to smelt titansteel, an essential ingredient in rocket parts.

5 months ago
Logistics Trains Environment Manufacturing

g What are long range delivery drones for?

1 year, 6 months ago

I'm struggling to figure out a reason to use them.

1 year, 6 months ago :)

They are very much optional. You might find them useful for delivering low throughput things like ammo, fuel, or repair packs.

1 year, 6 months ago
(updated 1 year, 6 months ago)

Oh yeah ammo and repair packs make sense for outposts that need permanent defenses... perhaps even oil barrels for outposts with flame turrets.

Can they carry containers? Sending batteries off to distant outposts seems like a decent way to use them, rather than solar panel spam, small reactors supplied by long distance drones, or shipping excessive quantities of batteries by boat. I'm not sure if they're considered to be logistics bots.

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