Freight Forwarding

A small overhaul with a focus on long-distance logistics variety. Transport containerized items across land and sea using trains and ships! First, venture to the edge of your starting island using trains to find lead, then set sail for offshore oil using tanker ships, dredge metallic nodules from the seabed, and recover titanium from other islands. Finally you'll be transporting materials to faraway lava pools to smelt titansteel, an essential ingredient in rocket parts.

7 months ago
Logistics Trains Environment Manufacturing

g Seismic scanner has inefficient scanning

1 year, 8 months ago

The problem is that it scans EVERY tile, when it should skip every other tile in each dimension to make use of the 2x2 area. As it stands, the 2x2 scan area is basically pointless. It would also help if it didn't scan tiles which have been revealed by the player.

1 year, 8 months ago

Not sure what you mean by 2x2 scan area… if you are getting that from the tooltip, that is just the area around the scanner that is permanently scanned, whereas the main scanning process is done by single chunks like a radar. This is scripted so doesn’t appear in the tooltip. Likewise due to the way it is implemented, it disregards if a chunk has already been scanned (by player/radar/seismic-scanner). Maybe this could be improved in the future but not likely to happen soon.

1 year, 8 months ago
(updated 1 year, 8 months ago)

I'm watching the map, it's scanning four chunks at once, but usually only one of those chunks was unrevealed.

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