Fluid Must Flow

Adds very large pipes with enormous throughput capabilities.

11 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Logistics Fluids

i Pumping station

4 years ago

I've noticed that ducts relatively quickly lose pressure even over "short" distances. I know this is mostly due to Factorio's fluid system and the fact that I'm basically producing just about exactly as much fluid as is consumed.

Still to get the pressure I need at the end points I have to set up "pumping stations" every now and then. Just an outlet connected to an inlet to keep the pressure up.
(See https://i.imgur.com/omQYBkz.png for example.)
It wold be nice if you could include something like that as a single entity, maybe using a bit less power than the 360kw I'm spending now to basically work around an engine limitation.

Linver β˜†
4 years ago

I will think about it

4 years ago

you need a big pump to keep pressure constant i can not transport liquid long distance

4 years ago

Well, my NPP needs a lot of water constantly, maybe we really need a pumping station for confort and compactation of designs in megabases

4 years ago

you should try Explosive Excavation to create water wells where needed instead of pumping water all around the map.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

you should try Explosive Excavation to create water wells where needed instead of pumping water all around the map.

well this might be more practical but i like to build an whole realistic high tech industry with a huge power plant...
thats why i like to use so much realistic mods

4 years ago

what is realistic about it?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

well...its all about building smooth and organized industries...at least
until i start bulding belts at a rate that it turns into a mess