Fluid Must Flow

Adds very large pipes with enormous throughput capabilities.

11 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
Logistics Fluids

b [Fixed][Minor bug] "Unspecified entity being created" from Disco Science

4 years ago

DiscoScience detected an unspecified entity being created. This usually means there is a minor mistake in another mod. Please report..."

I've reported it to them, but I'm reporting it here as well since the text indicates it can be a problem with your mod. It happened during Creative Mode when I placed two small ducts next to each other by click-dragging.

4 years ago

Also happened when placing a duct outtake.

Linver β˜†
4 years ago

FMF use much entity trick for do what it doing and for simulate the auto join feature. Is only a message or do u have idenity a precise problem?

4 years ago

I don't know, it's something that DiscoScience and you might need to work out. Others have reported other mods doing it, and from DiscoScience author investigation, it's usually something wrong with the other mod, but is usually harmless. As I said though, that mod detected something amiss, but what it is, that's between you two. :)

He hasn't responded to my report yet and more information may be forthcoming later.

Linver β˜†
4 years ago

End points derived from pump that is one of the worst prototypes of Factorio, and have a special rotation exception that is handle by control.lua... this things could cause strange behaviour, but the mod haven't nothing wrong, or at least, there isn't no bug detectable without more information.

Thanks anyway for your report.

4 years ago

Hi Linver,

The issue is caused by FMF's event data passed with script_raised_built on control.lua:151. The event data uses created_entity rather than simply entity, as defined in the API: https://lua-api.factorio.com/latest/events.html#script_raised_built

A lot of mods do this because the event format was previously undefined. Now that it's documented API, though, every mod should update so that it's easier for mods to interact properly.


Linver β˜†
4 years ago

Hi danielbrauer,

Thanks for ur detailed report, but I haven't understand what is the correcty way to do that, could u explain me how?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

You could change "created_entity" to just "entity" in your event data (construction_event).

The easiest way, though, would be simply to pass "raise_built = true" to create_entity() in the line before, and this will send the event automatically. Then you don't need to created or raise the event yourself.

Linver β˜†
4 years ago

Done, thanks again