Factorio and Conquer: Tiberian Dawn

Adds Tiberium ore that spreads - Harvest it, refine it, and convert it to power, weapons, and other ores. By Zillo7 (0.15), SAH4001 (0.16), Oktabyte (0.17), JamesFire and randomflyingtaco (0.17 update and 0.18+)

a day ago
0.17 - 2.0
Combat Environment Mining Manufacturing Power

b Tiber Rocks on Nauvis

4 days ago

Even when Tiberium is set to only be on planet Tiber, Nauvis is covered in green mineable rocks full of ores called "Tiber Rock"

21 hours ago

Noticed this too. Not particularly upset though - I'd rather mine a couple big rocks (which I would need to get out of the way anyway) than chip away at an ore field; getting an early boost of copper and iron ore this way made the start of the game a little nicer.

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