Factorio and Conquer: Tiberian Dawn

Adds Tiberium ore that spreads - Harvest it, refine it, and convert it to power, weapons, and other ores. By Zillo7 (0.15), SAH4001 (0.16), Oktabyte (0.17), JamesFire and randomflyingtaco (0.17 update and 0.18+)

a day ago
0.17 - 2.0
Combat Environment Mining Manufacturing Power

g Uranium

5 months ago

why is uranium the only ore that is produced in 8? , I've been looking through the code to find the value to adjust it but for the life of me I cant seem to find it lol , does anyone know where the code line is for that?

4 months ago

This is from the tiberium_multiplier feature added back in 1.1.17 to allow other mods to easily scale how valuable their custom resources were relative to Tiberium. In the base game all resources are fairly common except for uranium, so we set the default multiplier for uranium to be 8 times as valuable as other ores.
If you are interested in the code, you can find it here: https://github.com/James-Fire/Factorio-Tiberium/blob/9c89ae574a3b42a092fd0436aa59a6054158660a/scripts/DynamicOreRecipes.lua#L284

4 months ago

Nice , thanks for the information , I'll dig through this to see about changing that value then

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