Factorio and Conquer: Tiberian Dawn

Adds Tiberium ore that spreads - Harvest it, refine it, and convert it to power, weapons, and other ores. By Zillo7 (0.15), SAH4001 (0.16), Oktabyte (0.17), JamesFire and randomflyingtaco (0.17 update and 0.18+)

a day ago
0.17 - 2.0
Combat Environment Mining Manufacturing Power

g Science Pack Conflict with Industrial Revolution 3

1 year, 10 months ago

Industrial Revolution 3 overwrites the Lab list with its own set of packs and sets everything to 0 which causes the settings for adding tiberium research to not function.

This can be solved as below

table.insert(data.raw.lab["lab"].inputs, "tiberium-science")
table.insert(data.raw.lab["copper-lab"].inputs, "tiberium-science")
table.insert(data.raw.lab["quantum-lab"].inputs, "tiberium-science")

Not sure if the Quantum lab one is needed as I believe that pulls from the Lab list but added just in case

1 year, 10 months ago

Tiberium Science shows up correctly with just Tiberium+IR3. Can you post you mod list or share a save file that I could sync to so I can track down the specific mod combination that is causing this? We have a script that adds Tiberium Science to every lab that uses a science pack that shows up on any of our technologies, so mods that change technology costs would be the most likely candidates.

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