Factorio and Conquer: Tiberian Dawn

Adds Tiberium ore that spreads - Harvest it, refine it, and convert it to power, weapons, and other ores. By Zillo7 (0.15), SAH4001 (0.16), Oktabyte (0.17), JamesFire and randomflyingtaco (0.17 update and 0.18+)

10 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

g MARV with AAI Programmable Vehicles

2 years ago

AAI Programmable Vehicles adds some mining vehicles you can use like Harvesters, RTS-style. Highly recommended.

It also adds AI versions of mod vehicles, including the MARV, but the AI version doesn't destroy tiberium. Do you think it's fixable? Should I be asking on the other mod's page?

2 years ago

I think that's an us problem. We only make the MARV specifically do it, and the MARV with AI is technically a different entity.

New response