This mod gives you a GUI to show all TODO style map tags
Changes the visual effect of nighttime to look more like daytime and less dark and gloomy. The default is a blend that's 30% of the way between night and day, but you can configure it with mod settings in the main menu (changes require a game restart) This mod is purely cosmetic and does not affect solar power or the length of day/night - only the appearance is changed.
Use the new Black Wagons that gives you double the space. Compatible with Elevated Rails
More tonnage capacity for your rockets! Change amount of parts needed as well!
Configure research cost for all technologies that require science packs, as well as research speed, energy use and module slot amount for all labs. Tech can be excluded from change by ID, lab energy use auto-scales with research speed. Includes custom commands to skip research of up to five tiers of core technologies.
MinimalWire is a quality of life mod that eliminates spaghetti and keeps your factory wires clean by enforcing efficient connections, using Kruskal's algorithm to produce a minimum spanning tree each time a power pole is added to the network. Check out my other mod for a much more relaxed approach to this idea: OneWire
Makes construction bots and malls mostly obsolete by automatically crafting and building ghosts for you. Will handle most things construction bots are doing, like deconstruction, upgrades, placing/removing tiles, inserting modules and repairs.
This mod adds research to increase the robot battery size Original Mod by: Klonan Updated to Factorio Version 2.0 by: Tias
Automatically blueprint pumpjacks, pipes, and power poles for an oil outpost. Also supports adding heat pipes on Aquilo and beacons. Install Module Inserter Extended for modules support. Inspired by, and using some code from, Mining patch planner, by Rimbas
Bulk changing the quality of buildings, recipes, modules, filters, and more.
Yet another Chinese translation for Krastorio 2, Space Exploration, and related mods. K2和太空探索的特调翻译,以及相关模组:AAI工业、火箭日志、僵局太空桥、星核钻机产出助手、货运火箭标签、日冕物质喷射运算器、无限科技产能冲刺,相信特调风味!
Ce mod permet, à lui seul, d'obtenir la traduction française de plus de 500 mods ! Un outil indispensable pour jouer sans s'embarrasser des termes anglais. Il reprend tous les mods AAI, Angel's, Bob's, IE3, Omni, BZ, Pyanodons, EI, 5Dim mais aussi RSO, Bottleneck, Squeak Through, LTN, Factory Planner, Nullius, 248k, YARM, ... et beaucoup, beaucoup d'autres encore. La liste complète se trouve dans la description. This mod provides a locale (translation) of more than 500 mods into French.
Based on a post from Reddit, where it was conclusively determined that Underground Belts sound much cuter when referred to as Underneathies. Now in SPACE
SpringPizazz的自用汉化,翻译列表在模组依赖关系中。仅限简体中文!ONLY CHINESE!
Translation to Russian for the mod Bots Bots Bots! FORKED This package contains only translation file. RU: Перевод на русский для мода Bots Bots Bots! FORKED. Перевод сделан на скорую руку для себя.
trainsaver is a dynamic screensaver that follows trains as they drive around
Read a blueprint (or book) and generate a set of combinators containing the items to build it as signals.
Allows you to "Swim" through water.
What do you get when you attach 2 flamethrowers to a train wagon? A flamethrower wagon of course!
Provides a way to use those quality seeds, allowing Gleba to be a late-game source of quality materials. For each cultivatable plant (included those added by mods) adds a cultivator building, which can grow those plants using a seed and water as the recipe. Additionally, adds late game options to grow plants in space!