Scans surface after launching a rocket with radars + 🇷🇺 locale You can use instead
Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
Adds advanced diplomacy system, diplomatic requests, needful commands, auto-diplomacy, customizable protection from theft of electricity, custom balance settings, building prohibition radius near enemy and integration with chat mod, etc etc. Has compatibility with any PvP scenario. High performance with the system. >33 translations
Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
Adds chat logs, draggable chat, new chat commands, new chat types, new chat interactions (for example: localised messages, storing previous sent message, offline/online players/teams, relationships, filters etc), new hotkeys for chat. Provides customizable chat through mod interface, chat settings. Anyone can translate the mod on Crowdin.
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Custom your UI. For example: new UI, displaying parameters of players and vehicles and adding many custom settings. (Btw, temporarily shows vehicles parameters when a player get out his vehicle and when player's cursor hover over the vehicle) I'll add integrations with magic mods later + new nice-looking icons to UI in the next updates. Almost 0 impact on UPS! Anyone can translate the mod on Crowdin.
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Plays any sound and use custom sounds in events and in chat. It's like an auto-soundboard with a soundboard. + example of auto-generated mod which adds sounds:
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
Adding scenarios: Creative, freeplay(modified), PvP(modified), everyone admin
Scenarios, maps, and puzzles.
Adds an administrator camera. You can watch all players or within the factions
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Multipurpose mod with switchable addons. Also, supports auto-generated mods etc. I'll add a universal command widget in the next major update. New experimental framework: lazyAPI + easyTemplates + simpleTiers New experimental libraries: ZKSettings, SPD
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Options: * Remove blood and corpses of biters and of other "units" * Remove all remnants, corpses except player corpses * More HP for biters (change map settings to make them fewer to balance game) (more options etc will be added later)
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
63 items, 30 effects, lots of fun! Author: OwnlyMe Modified by ZwerOxotnik Anyone can translate the mod on Crowdin.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
Draws lines to your corpses and etc. (Press "alt" button to see/hide the lines) QOL. Initially, "darkfrei" made such mod. This mod fully rewritten from scratch with new features. Anyone can translate the mod on Crowdin.
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Please, use instead. This mod combines events of other scripts and adding new manipulations with events (such like canceling an event). Designed for mod developers. There is an example in the mod. Don't forget about dependencies.
Lua libraries for use by other mods and submods that are parts of a larger mod.
Mod pack for better UPS, FPS etc. Download this modpack via the game.
Collections of mods with tweaks to make them work together.
Adds spells, mana, spirit, magic. (+10 fancy spells with customization) (Currently, the mod isn't so stable for multiplayer) Author: OwnlyMe Modified by ZwerOxotnik Anyone can translate the mod on Crowdin.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
In short, all common systems in one mod and they are based on events to make everything simpler. One API for all solutions. New events, easy integration and maximum compatibility + safe switchable commands and customizability (Mod devs, please, check GitHub repository first) I have more libraries etc. in Anyone can translate the mod on Crowdin.
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Program circuit network logic using FAL, a Factorio Assembly Language. Has FAL's in-game compact wiki with a pdf reference file. Author: Luke Perkin. Modified by ZwerOxotnik and by contributors. Anyone can translate the mod on Crowdin.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Tower Defense Scenario, Beta Version. Author: blueblue (aka unique_2 on the mod portal). This mod updated by ZwerOxotnik Supported localizations: 🇬🇧, 🇷🇺
Scenarios, maps, and puzzles.