Mini Machines Mod

by Kryzeth

Miniature versions of assemblers, electric furnaces, etc. Full integration with all of Bobs mods and ShinyBobGFX/ShinyAngelGFX, Industrial Revolution, Factorio Extended Plus (FXP), Gotlag's Electric Furnaces, AAI Industry, Fantario, and One More Tier. (independently, not necessarily simultaneously)

a month ago
0.13 - 2.0
BY-NC 4.0
8 years ago
Latest Version:
9.2.2 (a month ago)
Factorio version:
0.13 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
12.6K users


Adds miniature (2x2) versions of other machines. Inspired by classic mods like Dark Matter Replicators' tenemut furnace, Bob Assembly's electronics assembling machine, and Gotlag's Electric Furnaces mod with their 2x2 electric stone and electric steel furnaces.

Currently includes assembling machines, furnaces, mining drills, refineries, chemical plants, storage tanks, beacons, radars, and centrifuge with vanilla, the scrap recycler from quality/space age, and the biochamber, cryogenic plant, electromagnetic plant, foundry, and big mining drill from space age, and electrolysers, chemical furnaces, metal mixing furnaces, and multi-purpose furnaces with bobs mods

Bonus compatibility with icons from ShinyBobGFX,/ShinyAngelGFX and using the new intermediates from bobs electronics, bobs ores, and bobs plates. Strongly recommended to disable the Large Area Mining Drills from Bobs Mining mod settings, as the mini miners accomplish a similar purpose of allowing more entities to mine the same patch of ore.


Config options available to disable each type of mini machine and disable the miniaturization tech tree.

If the miniaturization tech tree is enabled, mini machines are unlocked by a respective technology which requires the previous tier of mini machine, as well as the equivalent tier of the regular sized machine (ex: Mini Assembler 2 requires Mini Assembler 1 and Automation 2). Techs are 2/3 the cost of the base technology. If an entity is unlocked by inspiration (fluid handling, oil processing, exclusive planetary unlocks), then the mini variation will be unlocked at the same time. If disabled, mini machines are unlocked by the same tech as their original sized machines.

Balancing changes have been moved to a separate settings mod, to allow for more fine-tuning, while reducing the amount of clutter within the main mod settings.

Otherwise, only the following balancing changes are made:

  • Mini Assembler t3 crafting speed reduced from 1.25 to 1 (t1 and t2 are left unchanged, to preserve early-game ratios), but only if the value was unchanged, and there was no t4 assembler.
  • Mini Furnace t1 crafting speed was reduced from 2 to 1.5, but only if the value was unchanged, and there was no t2 furnace.
  • Mini Miner t1 radius was reduced to mining just 1 tile around itself, reduced by 1 from the base machine, with the visualization properly displaying this radius.
  • Mini Advanced Miner t1 radius was reduced to 3 tiles around itself, reduced by 1 from the base machine
  • Mini Beacon t1 radius was reduced from 3 to 2
  • Mini Storage Tank volume was reduced to 75% of its original value (whatever that value was)
  • All other settings, including recipe costs, module slots, power consumption, heating requirements, etc are unchanged from the base entity that was copied. Crafting speed, mining radius, and other values for mini machines not on this list are also unchanged.

Other mods compatibility:

  • AAI Industry: Miniaturization technology requires new electricity tech. New intermediates are properly used in mini machine recipes.
  • Gotlag's Electric Furnaces: Creates mini machine versions of the newly added furnaces. Can be used alongside bobs mods.

Untested/Not Updated to 2.0

  • Bobsmods: Creates mini machine versions of the newly added higher tiered machines. Implements intermediates from bobs electronics and bobs ores/plates, if detected.
  • Factorio Extended Plus: Creates mini machine versions of the newly added higher tiered machines.
  • Fantario: All changes to base machines (requiring heat/fuel) are copied by mini machines, requiring the same power source. Miniaturization technology requires basic science pack tech. New intermediates are properly used in mini machine recipes.

Known Mini-Issues:

Mini machines with fluid outputs sometimes look a bit odd when connecting pipes to them (the pipes in their sprite have been shrunk along with the base model and may appear too small to visibly connect).