Warptorio2 Expansion

This mod is an expansion for Warptorio 2. DON'T PANIC! Adds missions on the planets you visit, required to unlock technologies. Also adds some big Bosses, more planets, and a loyal robotic companion.

8 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Some single player feedback

5 years ago

I've played this without the RPG mod.
I've tried this in single player and it's brutal. I haven't gotten that far yet but I'll share my initial thoughts after a few tries.

First map is especially hard as you have to rush towards towers or you'll need to warp right after the first biters come for you, even then you're not guaranteed to survive until you've deconstructed(which is the biggest time sink in the first maps) everything. 2nd and 3rd map can feel a lot like the first if you couldn't salvage all you had. Overall most of the time map 1-3 I'll have to bail at the 11 minute mark.

Ocean and Barren world in the first 5 maps can feel pretty dumb as you might not be able to stockpile anything until then so they're useless for you but still increase the difficulty. An Average Planet without Iron falls pretty much in the same category early on as you can't stay on the planet without bullets.

Warp Factory Floor seems to be the first early technology gate, so I feel like it should always show up(or maybe alternating with warp floor) until you pick it up at least in the first 10 worlds or so.
It sucks that this(and probably the others too) can spawn on islands inside of lakes. Especially early on when you're wasting 5-10 minutes to running around a lake just to realize that it's on an island inside of it. I'm not sure if this is a bug as it looks like there is a way to it but it's through shallow water(which you can't walk on). Loot chests also spawn in the middle of water(even without a shallow water bridge).
I don't like the fact that I have to bring ressources and wait 5 minutes for it to finish, as I have no way to look up the ressources before I've been at the site(maybe add that information to the points of interest tab). There's no time to walk to it, look up how many ressources I need, walk back, get ressources, walk to it again, wait 5 minutes, walk back. Even with more than 20 minute autowarp this seems unreasonable. Also do the ressources scale with the warpzone? I feel like it should scale with my level of discovered warp factory floor research.

The escort mission is pretty easy and I like the fact that I don't have to defend the robot after it arrived at it's location. This is doable pretty much the first time it pops up.

The warp generator mission has a similar problem to the warp factory floor. You have to walk a long way, build up energy and then defend the generator and energy production for 5 minutes. Strangely enough I feel like this fits the theme so it didn't bother me as much. It felt like I had to optimize my time on one planet so I can get more time on all planets afterwards. Getting this done felt pretty rewarding.

I know this is intended to be played in multiplayer and the biggest problem of the missions(time) is solved by having a second player but I hope this feedback helps anyways.

5 years ago

A singleplayer option could be added, maybe you'll get some turrets on game start and other things, I mean, Warptorio 2 has the same option in the mod-settings giving you some turrets, 500 magazines and other useful stuff at the beginning of the game.

5 years ago

The option is still there but I don't feel like it is necassary even in single player unless you want a more relaxed early gameplay.

I've had a few more runs in now.
I really hate the warp factory mission.
Pretty much all my factory missions spawned either really early(and in fucked up positions like a lake) in the runs where I wasn't ready or really late where I have to clear huge nests before even getting to the thing. Is it suppposed to always spawn in such bad situations?
The escort mission is still pretty easy.
The reactor mission is also managable if I go there fast and not a lot of worms are spawned yet. Unless there are fire worms of course.
Large life missions I have yet to beat aswell. The hp of those things is huge the first I saw one was with 3k hp biter the next one I saw was 30k and a spitter. Since then I didn't bother with them.
The barren and ocean planets are very punishing for no good reason. There are no ressources which is bad already but because there are no missions it is double as punishing. In fact every planet without a mission feels really punishing.

I feel like the missions would benefit from some form of choice of the player. For example a planet could have 3 missions but you're only allowed to finish one of them. Also some information if the mission is worth doing. For example an upgraded rader tech could always show a camera feed of the target so you can see if it is in such a bad position that it's not worth it or not.
Also some information about the next planet like what kind it is or what missions await could be helpful so you can prepare a little more focused.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts KayelGee. I will have this in consideration when making mod settings.
Im sorry you hate the warp factory mission. But it will stay. Please consider that not everyone is having all that pain! I have played myself, (with firends, not alone. I know alone must be much much harder) and things are going fine.
There is a guy in discord that is already at warp 54 but could not do the main reactor mission yet. I dont know what happens. Bad luck? He had a picture where the mission he received was sooo far away ( a fu...ing huge lake)... So I guess he is with bad luck. For solo play, I would add more 10 minutes to the warp clock (warptorio mod settings)
"Is it suppposed to always spawn in such bad situations?" No. It is all random.
https://www.twitch.tv/arcolyte <<== These guys are going well too. Give a look
Bosses should be bosses. A freaking beast that causes fear. That moment should be a real challenge. People should scream, cry and run. But... it is still easy. I put a lot of turrets near and it is dead. Thats sad =( . Poor big biter. If you cant kill it, probably the damage bonus is not good yet. Just don't go face that beast. Run!

The barren and ocean planets are rest planets. I know, most times I just click warp... but sometimes you need time to rebuild you factory or boiler floor. Thats why those planets exists on the base mod.

I like the idead of more missions to choose. We will see how develop is going.
I also like when you say the scort mission is easy. Lets make it harder =)
I think I will add some settings in a new version today. Keep following.
Thanks for this topic. Always good to hear what you guys are thinking.

5 years ago

Sorry if I sounded too negative. I'm really enjoying the mod overall, I wouldn't post if I didn't.

Really the only thing that bothers me a lot with the factory mission is the unknown, scaling, random(?) ressources. As you said that it's placement is all random the rest was just really bad luck then.

About the bosses I kinda forgot that turrets are a thing... like you said I screamed, cryed and fled xD

I'm fine with the 20 minutes actually. You just need to get that first warp reactor(which is managable even early on unless there are fire worms) when it pops up. Usually I'll get to warpzone 10 or later before I manage to stay past 20 minutes and until then I usually am able to get a reactor(might've been luck on my side there).

5 years ago

ive been playing a severally modded krastorio verion, im at warp128 and ive only unlocked the base version of factory and harvester floor... its really hard. the majority of my missions are all in the middle of the lake, or in the middle of a biter city, however i just built up to the point were i can now start doing some of them.

5 years ago

I did another run and this time with the RPG mod.
While the first 2 or 3 warpzones were pretty much the same, the rest became much easier because of the movement speed you can get early on.
I realized that I have to rush much landfill(also I noticed that while I'm walking to the mission I can mine a lot of boulders so I get much needed landfill on the run) and weapons damage much earlier. I got my first factory floor pretty early and that changed the game a lot. I'm not sure if this is just random but all my warp platform missions gave me turret upgrades and I'm still at the initial warp platform size(in warpzone 29). The boiler mission strangely also never gave me the boiler room yet but instead I always got stairs energy upgrades.

Overall I had to pass on one mission but the rest was doable.
An early warp factory floor changes the mission difficulties so much. The teleporter gate you get from this helps with the way back and makes even the factory floor mission bearable as you can just pop back and get the needed ressources. All missions get a much reduced risk from the teleporter gate.

Not counting bad spawns the hardest missions are the harvester machines. Theres usually enough trees/boulders/cliffs to force you to drive past nests, which in later stages can get the car killed very fast.

Boiler mission is pretty much the same as warp reactor except that you can't just plop down the teleporter for energy as both seem to be accumulators. I feel like this could benefit from some more differentiation.

Warp platform missions become a lot harder later on even with big damage upgrades I had to walk past so many big nests that I struggled to keep the waves of biters away from the bot so I even had to plop down turrets at some points.

Generally speaking if the missions spawn right beside a nest the difficulty increases a lot.

5 years ago

Nice feedback. You touched an interesting point. These random missions where toooo random... I will see if I can do someting to liberate floor techs before. Maybe just adding technology preheriquites should do the trick

5 years ago

I've mostly rated missions when they are the first mission on a planet until now.
I've had a few missions as the second mission and I have to say that the escort mission is in it's own league. If you get the escort as the second mission on the planet good luck. Harvester is up there aswell, but the harvester car at least is twice the speed of the bot.
The rest is pretty much the same like a first mission. You might just need more towers.

I noticed that missions with cold biters/worms are generally much easier than with explosive biters/worms. You can kill cold worms with the rocket launcher from a safe distance. You can't really do the same with explosive worms as they have lik 90% explosive reduction. Also the fire that stays after a shot means a turret(and surrounding turrets aswell) will always die from one hit.

Also could you make the Marvin Panel smaller? I would like to have the planet information and the marvin panel open at all times but right now that takes away a lot of screen space. The planet information alone is fine.

5 years ago

I'd like to comment, if I may.

Almost every planet I would save at the beginning, and save if I saw a mission that interested me. I would reload the save after I got to the factory floor machine (and don't have the teleporter). It's scummy, but I felt the repair mission had just too little time before you get the teleporter. If I recall correctly you need the factory floor to get time over 20 mins and unlock the teleporter (I may be remembering wrong) which makes the first one all the harder.

Enemies only show up at the base when something's polluting or you're there. Until you unlock the teleporter/factory floor, you can walk away from the platform and nothing swarms it. After that though, there will always be enemies. An interesting behavior: a finite amount of enemies show up, and if there's nothing to destroy, they'll respawn back at the nest or a bit away or something and run towards it again.

I never, NEVER build anything on the top unless I'm using cheaty mods. You'll burn through thousands of bullets, and be dead if the enemies reach higher tiers. It's not very ... I don't know a word, "fun", for the gameplay, but not building on the top is the only way to not have everything ruined every planet. If you have decent armor and grenades it's usually not too bad to run through the general teleporter and get inside the base to grab things or drop off stuff

In my non-cheaty game, I'm using Reverse Factory and The Ruins Mod. It helped early on to find some boilers and assemblers and furnaces. I spent way too much time running around grabbing stuff, and never realized how much ore you can get with a harvester teleporter and the mining productivity upgrades. I was getting like, hundreds of useful ingredients at the very most per planet, while I could get like ten thousand ore a trip.

I used my first harvester teleporter for water. When it teleports back in, it reconnected to a pump that drained the platform first, and filled tanks for later. Second platform? Same thing, oil. I used the loaders for ore, and never, ever used the normal teleporter for anything, since every gosh darn thing, even power poles and conveyor belts get destroyed. An odd behavior, even though the teleporters show no power when they're not in range of a pole, they still do get power. It's not noted anywhere, but it means you don't have to power the top floor to use the normal teleporter for power, and you don't have to wait until substations to use the harvesters teleporters for power.

During my play(s) of Warptorio2 Expansion I felt the game got a bit disgusting towards the middle (not the expansions fault), when stuff slowed down and I had to work on making the numbers bigger and bigger. Blue science is often where I feel the game grinds to a halt and starts sucking. There's nothing in the mod to make this part particularly less grindy (maybe killing big guys? I never did after the one update), so I stopped playing after I had some shields and could finally semi-reliably do missions and collect ore, I just didn't want to make the numbers bigger and bigger. Purple and yellow have a bit less of the tendency to make the game un-fun, but they are still really annoying to get going. Yellow doesn't take any stone and doesn't take crap like bricks, unlike blue now.

5 years ago

Oh, additionally, I ran around early levels with boilers/coal/steam engines/etc so if it was a power mission, I could hopefully find water and run the power needed. If I couldn't find water I'd just leave. One of the missions I think the entity has a lower priority than the teleporter, but I know for the bigger missions they don't.

It might seem cheaty, but The Ruins Mod makes bullets and plates relatively common (not a problem later because of mining speed), and very rarely, 1-2 laser turrets. You can't use them as a standard defense, but if you find a few you can use them while on missions, since the only things you're powering are the mission and the turrets. Note: If you do the math out, you can determine the exact power needed to run the mission things, so you can grab more coal or harvest enough trees nearby if you need the power.

5 years ago


I hate stuff that feels like cheating. So i dont use RPG Mod or Squeek throu and i defintley dont use Laser Towers. Yes i think Laser Towers are some kind of Cheat.
So with that said, you can imagine this mod is making Warptorio 2 really hard. So i added
Combat by Samuel by SamuelCombrinck - The Sniper Towers look to powerful, but when blue Biter an spiter on the horizon even those with Piercing Ammo the cave in on some onslaught.
Turret shields by OwnlyMe (So the towers get a little more HP)
Bullet Trails by Earendel (Realy nice to Watch)

The only problem i have is with the fire on the floor. The Spiters from the Explosive Biters Mod are nasty. They are the main reason for the lose of stuff. Is there a Fire Extinguish mod somewhere?

@Honktown. You should use your Planet Teleport Mobile Gate to supply you Boilers with water. So you dont need another watersource at the mission site.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Unless there was some weirdness with other mods I was using, my main floor was constantly being attacked by guys. Literally less than 5 minutes after getting to a planet, I'd have endless waves of enemies from every nest around me until I left. Also, warptorio2 had a bug (I think it got fixed) that steam temperature didn't transfer through warp pipes - so even when I unlocked the harvester teleporters I couldn't use steam (I did try). Once I got the harvesters floor teleporter I just teleported over my water tank harvester pad and used that, if the teleporter itself didn't work. You can fit at least like 11 tanks on the pad, because you only have to have one tile of an object on the floor for it to teleport or come with you when you warp. Also you don't have to retrieve teleporters when you leave the planet, which isn't exactly obvious but I assume one would try it or accidentally forget a teleporter at least once.

Also, to speed up ore acquisition early on, I'd take ore that filled up the teleporter sides of chests, since I didn't use belts on the top floor (reactor?). Teleport back and grenade waves of dudes and drop it off in chests leading to furnaces :P

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Almost every planet I would save at the beginning, and save if I saw a mission that interested me. I would reload the save after I got to the factory floor machine (and don't have the teleporter). It's scummy, but I felt the repair mission had just too little time before you get the teleporter. If I recall correctly you need the factory floor to get time over 20 mins and unlock the teleporter (I may be remembering wrong) which makes the first one all the harder.

Warp reactor gives you more then 20 minutes and warp factory gives you the teleporter. Yes the first factory is very hard because you have to know the ressources beforehand or you pretty much won't make it. But unless it spawns inside a nest it's actually doable as you just have to stockpile enough stuff and take it with you when the mission shows up.

I never, NEVER build anything on the top unless I'm using cheaty mods. You'll burn through thousands of bullets, and be dead if the enemies reach higher tiers. It's not very ... I don't know a word, "fun", for the gameplay, but not building on the top is the only way to not have everything ruined every planet. If you have decent armor and grenades it's usually not too bad to run through the general teleporter and get inside the base to grab things or drop off stuff

Yes you burn through bullets early on and you have to keep producing them automatically(at least 2 machines pumping out bullets should be enough to stay until 15 minutes early on with half your iron going into this) or you won't be able to sustain it but this is really only a problem in the first 3-4 maps. By then your iron production should be so high(40 stone furnaces or 20 steel furnaces producing iron should be no problem at this point) that you can stay on the planet for 15 minutes and still make a profit even with buildings on the top floor(which is useful even if the only machines there are productin gears and green cricuits). Also if you get the first warp reactor focus your research on damage if you get the warp projectile rounds 1 and physical projectile damage 1 then you'll just hit the damage needed for your turrets to kill a small biter with 2 rounds instead of 3 which effectively reduces your iron cost for bullets by 33%. Also as burner miner only produce 0.25 items and furnaces burn 0.3125 items increasing mining productivity to ~30% also increases your iron output by 30% without you needing more miners or furnaces. Steel furnaces profit until you have ~160% mining productivity at that point you can feed one steel furnace with one burner . Later on you should always focus on upgrading the damage and shooting speed if you can as this gives you the staying power you need after 20 minutes.
If you're haveing problems with this then look at some speed runs. Use the burners as it's very quick to setup 40 burners with 40 furnaces. Also setup your machines with chests insead of belts and feed the raw ressources manually into the chests. While in a normal game you want to have little stockpiles in this you want to have big stockpiles as the planets without ressources will be useless for you without a stockpile. Also another tip you can chain your turrets with inserters like you can with labs. As you're getting stack upgrades this can be a lot more efficient then belts and also needs less space.

During my play(s) of Warptorio2 Expansion I felt the game got a bit disgusting towards the middle (not the expansions fault), when stuff slowed down and I had to work on making the numbers bigger and bigger. Blue science is often where I feel the game grinds to a halt and starts sucking. There's nothing in the mod to make this part particularly less grindy (maybe killing big guys? I never did after the one update), so I stopped playing after I had some shields and could finally semi-reliably do missions and collect ore, I just didn't want to make the numbers bigger and bigger. Purple and yellow have a bit less of the tendency to make the game un-fun, but they are still really annoying to get going. Yellow doesn't take any stone and doesn't take crap like bricks, unlike blue now.

Big lifes actually drop the highest science you have unlocked, so killing them can be a good way to get some of the cheaper researches done without even producing blue science but realistically if your first focus is bots then you might get half the blue science needed to get bots going. Later on production science and utility science drops from the big life can help out to get key researches done cheaply.
You also don't need to get very big. Remember to put productivty modules in your labs and that the beacon on the warp factory floor also accept productivty modules. You can fit in red, green and blue science production(blue with a production of 0.5 per second) into the bridges(3 bridges to be exactly, 2 smaller outer ones and one of the center ones) to the turrets alone if you still supply the raw materials to a chest at the beginning of each (which you can later replace with logistics).

Unless there was some weirdness with other mods I was using, my main floor was constantly being attacked by guys. Literally less than 5 minutes after getting to a planet, I'd have endless waves of enemies from every nest around me until I left.

No this isn't any weirdness. This is the core mechanic of warptorio. Your pollution is cranked up to 11 and the platform is producing pollution aswell.

5 years ago

Nice tips! Remember the first reactor technology (that gives more 10 mins) can be unlocked by mod option. Also, the time for the warp factory mission is much reduced if dont have the 1st reactor tech yet.

5 years ago

THE BEACON ON THE ONE FLOOR CAN USE PRODUCTIVITY MODULES???? I was using Efficiency modules. I wish there was something that let me know (it doesn't say anywhere does it? even a "accepts any module" in the research for example?). I did notice the 1 Distribution Effectiveness

5 years ago

Hahahahaha. =)

5 years ago

I can't seem to unlock any warp tech past platform upgrade 1. I must be doing something wrong. I click on the start research and all I get is on a message saying 'Technology unavailable'.

5 years ago

You have to accomplish missions in each planet you visit. One of then will be the one that unlocks that tech

5 years ago

I see. ok I guess I never wandered far enough away from the platform to find a mission, I'll try that. Thanks.

5 years ago

Missions spwan in the chat and in planet info panel

5 years ago

You want to get radar, which will unlock missions and give you a ship tool to send a little beacon in the direction of a mission. The droid mission spawns at your platform, but I don't know if it can spawn at all without the radar upgrade.

4 years ago

I've started playing this now and got a little ways in but not really far yet, but I've got a lot of tips for beginners:

First off, there are two basic ways of playing. Option 1 is to set up defenses on your platform to defend what you have there. Otherwise anything you place on the platform will get destroyed before too long. Option 2 is not to put anything on your platform, and thus nothing will get destroyed. Starting out, this implies with option 2 your personal inventory space is the full extent of your storage, which isn't that great. With option 1, you can have chests. But for option 1 you need to at least research gun turrets. The disadvantage of option 1 is that you are going to be using a lot of bullets. Option 2 doesn't have that disadvantage. So with option 1, you'll need to figure out that sweet spot time to warp out to the next planet. With option 2, once you have at least the factory floor unlocked, you can just retreat inside your base do things inside until the autowarp countdown is reached. If things get too hectic and expensive with the bullets, switching to option 2 might be worthwhile. Just be careful when coming out of your base. Grenades can be quite helpful once researched.

Important first researches to get are gun turrets (of course) to defend your mining operations, and factory floor 1, and I'd say the teleporter dome too.

I also recommend saving your game after each warp, just in case you feel you need to go back to it if things don't go so well, since it's hard in single player. The autosave feature is also quite useful. Because it's hard to know if a mission is even going to be doable early in the game, I like to save as soon as one shows up. Then I can go and locate it and see if it's going to be doable. If not, I restore from that save position so I haven't wasted my time, which you can't really afford to do.

I was struggling for a bit, then decided I'd go for solar power, even though it was rather expensive. Was a great idea. I could do some resources grab when first going to a new planet, and then once things get too hectic, pack it up and head inside to process ores and do research. I have 4 labs running and 16 solar panels, and it works out well. Not much in the way of automation yet, but I'm slowly and steadily progressing. Some planets you just don't want to go outside the base because it's far too hostile for me to handle yet.

Ocean planets aren't that helpful for me, I agree, but barren planets aren't necessarily that useless. They are great for going out and exploring, since there are no enemies, but there are loot chests around. So instead of the normal resources, these chests are your resources to gather from these planets.

It seems like the difficulty slowly increases with each warp, but don't sweat it that much. If option 1 seems to be too much and you are getting frustrated, try option 2 instead and try focusing more on bullet damage research, instead of throwing away all your iron on ammo.

I'm rather pleasantly surprised at the flexibility of play styles this mod+expansion supports. Ya, it's very challenging, but I'm finding it's manageable if you find the right play style for you. Just need to get clever and try different new ideas. That's the heart of fun in games, figuring out how to win.

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