
Adds three seperate valves for pipes: overflow, top-up and one-way/check valves. Inspired by Flow Control and Advanced Fluid Handling. The thresholds can be configured using shortcuts. Based on Configurable Valves' code.

a month ago
Logistics Fluids

g [Command Available] Migration from Configurable Vavles

a month ago

We first migrated from py 1.1 to 2.0 using the configurable valves mod. Would it be possible to have a migration that allows us to switch to this, since we are not using any other configuration of valves?

a month ago

Hello! It is possible and on my TODO list, I just haven't had time for it before. I hoped it would be longer until someone would need it . I'll see if I can add it this week. It will likely be a command like /migrate-from-configurable-valves while you have both mods active.

a month ago

perfect, thanks a ton!

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

I've decided not to add it. There's no reliable way to migrate from one way to the other in a way that includes items, ghosts, blueprints, etc.

Here is a command you can use though. Use at own risk, and keep a backup save! It should print out the locations of valves that didn't fit any of the three new valve configurations.


local function deduce_type(behaviour)
    local circuit_condition = behaviour.circuit_condition
    local first = circuit_condition.first_signal and
    local second = circuit_condition.second_signal and
    if first == "signal-I" and not second and circuit_condition.comparator == ">" then
        return "overflow"
    elseif first == "signal-O" and not second and circuit_condition.comparator == "<" then
        return "top_up"
    elseif first == "signal-I" and second == "signal-O" and circuit_condition.comparator == ">" then
        return "one_way"

for _, surface in pairs(game.surfaces) do
    for _, configurable_valve in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered{name="configurable-valve"}) do
        local configurable_behaviour = configurable_valve.get_or_create_control_behavior()
        local valve_type = deduce_type(configurable_behaviour)

        if not valve_type then
             game.print("Unknown valve configuration not migrated at: "..valve.gps_tag)

        local threshold
        if valve_type == "overflow" or valve_type == "top_up" then
            threshold = configurable_behaviour.circuit_condition.constant
            if not threshold then threshold = valve_type == "overflow" and 80 or 50 end

        local position = configurable_valve.position
        local direction = configurable_valve.direction
        local force = configurable_valve.force
        configurable_valve.destroy{ raise_destroy = true }

        local valve = surface.create_entity{
            name = valve_type and "valves-"..valve_type or "valves-overflow",
            position = position,
            direction = direction,
            force = force,
            raise_built = true,
        if valve then
            local behaviour = valve.get_or_create_control_behavior()
            behaviour.circuit_condition.constant = threshold or 100
a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Getting an error: Unknown entity name: overflow
Changed the overflow to valves-overflow and seems to all work now?

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Oops, coding mistake. Thanks, I fixed it. Just be careful, if that triggered then there was a valve that this couldn't figure out if it should be an top-up, overflow or one-way. So it defaulted to overflow 100%. If you still have your old save you can run this command again. It should now print the location of that valve.

a month ago

still getting some errors, ')' expected near '...'

a month ago

Fixed. Had one to many dots. Sorry, I'm at work so coding blindly.

a month ago

No worries, thanks a lot for responding so far!

New response