The Nauvitian

Crash landed on a strange new planet, you, the Engineer, are going to have to get really creative if you want to not just survive, but thrive

8 months ago
Logistics Mining Fluids Manufacturing


Version: 0.0.7
	- made science Ores optional but intended addon(?)
	- Dropped Raspberry Puppies Steam in favour of more flexible early logistics tech
	- Integrated Seeds , Wood growing, Sand, Quartz , Silicon and Glass and all the resulting recipies
	- included various basic functions, refactored
	- more graphics
Version: 0.0.6
	- Added Dy Chem Recyling more in line with style of recycling
	- Added Barreling Machine
	- Made steel chest require iron chest, and iron require wood chest	
	- Dropped Greedy Science and Science Recipe Changer since a manual adjustment to the recipes has been made
	- Yeah science recipes have changed, will absolutely be changing in the future as more content gets added
Version: 0.0.5
	- Updated contact info with Discord
	- Folded in Recipe Tweaker by _CodeGreen so that further recipe changes an under the hood balance is much easier in the future
	- Dropped Bobs Circuits SE K2 for Colour Theory Circuits, added as a dependency
Version: 0.0.4
	- Folded in ZRecyling by DRY 411S functionality for additional tweakability, made under the hood adjustments
	- Added New sprites for science
Version: 0.0.3
	- Removed Reverse Factory, too restrictive, too much uneeded compatability code.
	+ Added ZRecyling instead
Version: 0.0.2
	- Recipe & Tech Additions, Adjustments
	- Added 
		+ Dirty Power
		+ Schall Oil Fuel
		+ Gas Me Up
Version: 0.0.1
      - Mod created and initial settings made
	- startup map settings still need to be configured manually