The Nauvitian

Crash landed on a strange new planet, you, the Engineer, are going to have to get really creative if you want to not just survive, but thrive

8 months ago
Logistics Mining Fluids Manufacturing
https://discord: ptx86
9 months ago
Latest Version:
0.0.7 (8 months ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
444 users

Are you mine prod you're engineer because you're Nah I'd blueprint? Or are you Nah I'd blueprint because you're mine prod you're engineer?


Crash landed on a strange new planet, you, the Engineer, are going to have to get really creative if you want to not just survive, but thrive.

A mod pack aiming to be a small overhaul, your main goal is to leave this planet, by launching a rocket. (Victory)
Should you choose to stay, perhaps a new discovery from beyond the atmosphere might make living here easier (Bonus factory scaling)

Some balancing and changes to be expected, but as far as mod-list stability, it should not be too terribly different in the future, as its functionally feature complete, just needing playtests and balancing.

Features :-

  • Recycling, its no small secret to say your factory success is make or break based on what you can scavenge and reverse engineer, so you should beeline this A.S.A.P!

  • Kinda More Difficult-Realistic-ish Nuclear, including uranium enrichment and plutonium breeding, because if you want to actually handle dangerous substances, you better be ready for it!

  • Solid Fuel reprocessing, Carbon Capture, and new Petrochemical processes involving, including pollution reduction!

  • Circuit Processing revamp, because space is difficult and technology is bound by Murphy's Law.

  • Barrels galore, you didn't expect to be handling fluids with your hands right?
    Most fluids have been forcibly barreled when it comes to recipes and as a result leaving underground and long-distance piping as a much less 1 size fit all logistics Swiss army knife.

  • Greenhouses, Stone Sorting and Modules and MOAR!


+ Add oil waste (light oil potentially) to recycling, to bolster early game power generation.

+ Retune tech tree and recipes to allow for earlier barrels and energy production

+ Properly implement circuit and chip overhaul, removing the need for Bobs Circuit Dependency ( currently just a placeholder for expected difficulty and recipe range

Better implement and navigate recycling mods for future changes