Territory Claim

You will have to pay for territory in this planet! Each terrain lot has a price you have to pay in items. Compatible with other mods that creates teams forces for pvp/pve. Now with terrain dispute.

a month ago
0.17 - 2.0

g Crash

2 years ago

Crash error when clicking menu buttons related to the RPG mod:

The mod Territory Claim (1.0.35) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event territory_claim::on_nth_tick(130)
territory_claim/control.lua:450: attempt to index field 'maf_main_menu_frame' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
territory_claim/control.lua:450: in function 'check_player_land'
territory_claim/control.lua:460: in function <territory_claim/control.lua:457>

2 years ago

Hi, how can I reproduce the crash ? what menu button exactly you mean when said "clicking menu buttons related to the RPG mod"?

2 years ago

Thank you for the response!! Sorry I wasn't clear. I was doing a lot of debugging that day. x.x

I installed this mod: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/RPG
and anytime I clicked the button they add to the top left, I would get the above error and crash. I assume it's their mod's fault, because I'm using this other RPG mod instead now and haven't had any issues (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/RPGsystem).

2 years ago

Hi! Mod author from RPG here.

@MFerrari, I would suggest to simply validate that the GUI is still valid on line:405

if gui and gui.valid and gui.maf_main_menu_frame and gui.maf_main_menu_frame.valid then
gui.maf_main_menu_frame.tc_main_button.enabled = false

2 years ago

Hi! Mod author from RPG here.

@MFerrari, I would suggest to simply validate that the GUI is still valid on line:405

if gui and gui.valid and gui.maf_main_menu_frame and gui.maf_main_menu_frame.valid then
gui.maf_main_menu_frame.tc_main_button.enabled = false

Hi thanks @Gerkiz. I can add these checks, but it seens the RPG mod also destroys all other guis my mod creates enven the main button. it this really necessary ? Destroying my main gui and buttons would break everything here. I need the gui permanently shown.

New response