You will have to pay for territory in this planet! Each terrain lot has a price you have to pay in items. Compatible with other mods that creates teams forces for pvp/pve. Now with terrain dispute.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Version: 2.0.3 Date: 2025-01-20 Bugfix: - Fixed a crash when using mod option "money only"
Version: 2.0.2 Date: 2024-12-10 Bugfix: - Fixed a crash when requesting items from logistics - Equipped items are not considered in player iventory when paying
Version: 2.0.1 Date: 2024-12-08 Changes: - Will not require barrels anymore - More free space on starting location
Version: 2.0.0 Date: 2024-10-19 Changes: - Ported to factorio 2.0
Version: 1.2.3 Date: 27. 05. 2024 Changes: - Invading vehicles will also take damage - Reduced time to start taking damage on unclaimed territory - Added some new functions to remote interface Compatibility: - Made compatible with Better Victory Screen mod
Version: 1.2.2 Date: 10. 05. 2023 Bugfix: - Fixed missing initial certificates
Version: 1.2.1 Date: 09. 05. 2023 Compatibility: - Made compatible with Exotic Industries
Version: 1.2.0 Date: 22. 03. 2023 Changes: - Added a blacklist editor. Admins can open it with the command: /tc-blacklist
Version: 1.1.2 Date: 21. 03. 2023 Changes: - Blacklisted rocks and trees from Krastorio2
Version: 1.1.1 Date: 21. 03. 2023 Bugfix: - Fixed a reported crash on load
Version: 1.1.0 Date: 05. 02. 2023 Compatibility: - Made compatible with Industrial Revolution 3 Changes: - Better coin icon (by snouz) - Show icon above the player who clicks buy
Version: 1.0.36 Bugfix: - Fixed a reported crash with RPG mod
Version: 1.0.35 Bugfix: - Fixed a crash with the personal logistic request button on a territory
Version: 1.0.34 Localization: - Added localization strings for russion, thanks to Gelion17
Version: 1.0.33 Changes: - Added remotes to add/remove items on a blacklist. Items on this list will not be used on pricing routine
Version: 1.0.32 Changes: - Updated for game version 1.1
Version: 0.18.31 Bugfix: - Territory dispute will not consider enemy ghosts on cleared area
Version: 0.18.30 Bugfix: - Fixed removing seller chest would give you an iron chest
Version: 0.18.29 Bugfix: - Really fixed a problem on claiming terrain with more then one certificate on hand Changes: - New mod option: Enable Money Only: If enabled, you will have to sell items on a chest to earn money. Territories are claimed with money only.
Version: 0.18.28 Compatibility: - Made compatible with game version 0.18.13 Bugfix: - Fixed a problem on claiming terrain with more then one certificate on hand
Version: 0.18.27 Bugfix: - Fixed a problem with coins on terrain prices Changes: - Changed icon added to map tag to replace the coin for a red square - Added maps tags with prices after this version will be removed when you claim its territory
Version: 0.18.26 Bugfix: - New attempt to fix a reported crash
Version: 0.18.24 Bugfix: - Fixed a crash if the mod was added in a loaded game Changes: - Map tags are now added in the center of the territory - Reworked pricing routine - Added set_require_coins remote routine, so other mods may require coins for terrain claiming Compatibility: - Added compatibility with beltlayer mod (valid for new games only)
Version: 0.18.23 Changes: - Damage for invading player is now much more scalable each explosion. Now I hope you die even with shields ;) - The button to request items from logistics will now use free slots only.
Version: 0.18.22 Bugfix: - Fixed some of the new remote routines added in the previous versions Changes: - Added Property Certificate item and mod option: player can start with this certificate (2 by default) to claim a territory for free. - Price frame is not rebuilt everytime. This could help on clicking button delay
Version: 0.18.21 Changes: - Added more interfaces for other mods - XP given to RPGSystem mod is now based on terrain price
Version: 0.18.20 Release: - v18 release
Version: 0.0.20 Bugfix: - Fixed a problem with new mod option to do not reduce terrain cost because of water, if terrain size=1
Version: 0.0.19 Changes: - Added button for the player to request itens from logistics - Changed default max list size option to 4 and reduced minimal to 2 - Reduced minimal free territory size option from 1 to 0 - Added option to do not reduce terrain cost because of water
Version: 0.0.18 Changes: - Terrain prices will check if a recipe is hidden from player force
Version: 0.0.17 Changes: - Added remote command to clear territories from a force
Version: 0.0.16 Changes: - Water only territories will not be charged - Removed some weird vanilla items from prices list, like the airplane and rocket part
Version: 0.0.15 Changes: - Added a function to reset all territories, if the user changes territory size mod option for a saved game. - Changed visual effects for invading player damage.
Version: 0.0.14 Compatibility: - Added some bobs / angels items to pricing table
Version: 0.0.13 Changes: - Added territory claim dispute: To claim a land form another force, you have to clean the area (no structures from the owner), and pay 10x the normal cost, and then defend the area for 5 minutes (this time is a mod option). - Added a protection for the case of another mod disables a known recipe: this can cause a reset on terrain prices Bugfix: - Fixed known forces spawn locations information begin lost for initial free area
Version: 0.0.12 Bugfix: - Building neutral entities like wood chest and the car is always allowed Changes: - Claim a territory will give XP if RPGSystem is installed - Raised terrain prices if oil is present
Version: 0.0.11 Changes: - Terrain pricing routine will now consider stack values. - Terrain prices will only reset if you remove modded items from your saved game. - Prices will be different for each faction (considering distance from starting location) - Added distance cost multiplier mod option - The info button on prices panel will now add a map tag with the terrain price Compatibility: - Added sand and glass prices (from Space Exploration mod)
Version: 0.0.10 Bugfix: - Changed cost routine to avoid game freezing with other mods.
Version: 0.0.9 Changes: - Added multiple team forces support: you can now use with other mods that divide players into different forces and starting locations. - Default territory size reduced to 3 chunks - Added explosion effect to invading player damage
Version: 0.0.8 Bugfix: - Fixed "invading damage" not stoping after you return to a claimed land - Fixed a crash with ghosts on unclaimed territory - Removed forced initial free area
Version: 0.0.7 Changes: - Added mod option for changing territory size. DO NOT change this for an existing saved game! - New pricing formula, considering territory size, distance, ores, water. - Moving from an unclaimed territory to another one with price panel opened will update it
Version: 0.0.6 Bugfix: - Fixed some item names printed on price list
Version: 0.0.5 Bugfix: - If other mods are removed, added or updated in a saved game, all current territory prices will be reset, to avoid crashing.
Version: 0.0.4 Bugfix: - Removed forgotten debug text
Version: 0.0.3 Compatibility: - Added compatibility with Industrial Revolution mod
Version: 0.0.2 Changes: - Added mod options for initial free area size and other cost configurations - Raised basic terrain cost - Added print message for the player that tries to buy a land without required materials
Version: 0.0.1 Date: 06.12.2019 Info: - Initial release