Shortwave & Autodrive Graphics fix

by Yada3N

Change the "shortwave" and "autodrive" icon images and other images. This MOD includes Japanese localization.

11 months ago
Transportation Trains Combat Logistic network Circuit network

g Thank you!

1 year, 1 day ago
(updated 1 year, 1 day ago)

Hi! I've downloaded your mod yesterday. Thanks for the new artwork! The new icons are nice, the only problem may be that too much detail gets lost when they are used on sprite-buttons in the Autodrive GUI (currently, this concerns the enemy sensor). As I don't know Japanese, I can't assess the quality of your translation, so I'll have to blindly trust you regarding it. That being said, there will be some slight changes to the locale strings in version 1.1.10 you may want to look out for.

I've recommended your mod on the info page of Autodrive (at the top of the mod-compatibility section) and in the "Compatability" section of the changelog for Autodrive 1.1.10. Unfortunately, I can't add a dependency myself as that would restult in a crash on starting the game because of a dependency circle. Nevertheless, I hope your mod will be a success! :-)

11 months ago

(Reply by machine translation)
Sorry for my late reply.
Thank you for the positive response to Fix.
Regarding localization, we have taken into account the intent of the update and reflected it.
Regarding the image, it may be different from what you pointed out, but I have changed the points that caught my attention.

Thank you for your comments and support.
I know it's hard to convey in translation, but I really appreciate it. thank you very much.

New response