RSL, for Runtime Spoilage Library, is a set of tools meant to be as straightforward as possible for modders to change the spoil result of items at runtime.
The doc is much more readable on the Github repo.
For now, RSL allows you to define a spoilable item, and how and by what it should be replaced.
The goal of RSL is, at first, to allow you to specify multiple possible outcomes for a spoilable item.
You will need to use 2 functions :
register_spoilable_item : At data stage, this function allows you to pass an item for preprocessing and registration.
DO NOT data:extend the item yourself ! RSL will do it for you because it needs to modify your item to make it bend to its rules. -
registry_rsl_definition : accessible via remote interface, this allows you to build a set of rules to define how your item should spoil.
There are many possibilities : you may want your item to be able to spoil into any N number of other items, with weighted probabilities.
You may want to make your item spoil into something... if it's day on the surface, and into something else if it's night !
You may want to make your item spoil into something only if there is a destroyer worm nearby... and into nothing if there is none.
All these things are possible.
Limitations (read this, please, like, really, this is important)
I included two switches : "placeholder_spoil_into_self" in the data_registry module, and "enable_swap_in_assembler" in the swap_inventories module. They are both set to false by default.
If you add a spoilable ore, you will either need to set placeholder_spoil_into_self to true, or define a fallback for your ore item.
Adding a "fallback_spoilage" allows the game to still spoil the item into another item even if RSL cannot access the target inventory (if the inventory is an internal buffer, like for mining drills for instance).
If you do that, and in the case where RSL can't access the inventory, the script won't delete the placeholder, and the placeholder will turn into the fallback result you defined. I suggest you just use "spoilage" for this fallback, but you can use whatever you want, like "scrap", or "sand" or whatever.
How do use RSL in your mods :
In your data.lua, you will need to
local rsl = require("__runtime-spoilage-library__/data_registry")
You can then call the registry doing :
rsl.register_spoilable_item(youritemtable, number of items to trigger, fallback_item_name (optional), custom script (optional) )
In your control.lua, you will need to make a remote call to RSL and pass it your item name and a list of args :
--- Defines the mode in which results are selected.
---@class ModeType
---@field random boolean
---@field conditional boolean
---@field weighted boolean
--- Represents a remote function call structure.
---@class RemoteCall
---@field remote_mod string The name of the mod exposing the function.
---@field remote_function string The name of the function to call.
--- Arguments for registering an RSL definition.
---@class RslArgs
---@field mode ModeType The mode settings for result selection.
---@field condition nil|boolean|RemoteCall The condition can be true, false, or a remote call structure.
---@field possible_results table<boolean, {name: string, weight?: number}[]> The possible outcomes based on condition results.
local args_model = {
mode = {random = false, conditional = false, weighted = false},
condition = nil,
possible_results = {
[true] = {
{name = "", weight = 1}
[false] = {}
To register a remote call to your mod as a condition, do
condition = { -- Example condition
remote_mod = "your-mod-name", -- Your mod name here
remote_function = "func_name", -- The function name to call
An exemple is better than a thousand words, so here is the bare minimum you need to do :
In your data.lua :
local rsl = require("__runtime-spoilage-library__/data_registry")
local mutation_a = {
type = "item",
name = "mutation-a",
icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/automation-science-pack.png",
subgroup = "raw-material",
stack_size = 10,
spoil_ticks = 200,
---Params :
1) item
2) number of items needed to trigger a runtime spoilage replacement / script effect
3) placeholder fallback spoiling result (used in case the script cannot replace the item at runtime. If you don't set anything, the item will just be deleted like if it spoiled into nothing if this happens. For instance, unless you are an advanced user and know how you can handle furnaces and assembling machines, you better set something here like "spoilage")
4) trigger (optional) you may add another triggered effect
rsl.register_spoilable_item(mutation_a, 1)
Exemple of additional trigger effect :
local effect =
type = "direct",
action_delivery =
type = "instant",
source_effects =
type = "script",
effect_id = "name-of-script"
In your control.lua :
Simple exemple :
local function call_remote()"rsl_registry", "register_rsl_definition", "mutation-a", { -- You call the "rsl_registry" to use "register_rsl_definition" and pass it the name of your custom item "mutation-a"
mode = { random = true, conditional = false, weighted = false },
condition = true,
possible_results = {
[true] = {{ name = "iron-plate"}, { name = "copper-plate"}},
[false] = {}
Advanced :
--- Optional : A function of yours to check if a condition is true for your item to spoil.
local function check_if_evening(event)
local surface = event.source_entity.surface
return surface.dusk < surface.daytime and surface.daytime < surface.dawn
--- If you use a function like the one writte above, you will need to provide a remote interface to RSL
remote.add_interface("your-mod-name", {
--- Custom condition function to check if it's evening
--- @return boolean
is_evening = function(event)
local surface = event.source_entity.surface
return surface.dusk < surface.daytime and surface.daytime < surface.dawn
local function call_remote()"rsl_registry", "register_rsl_definition", "mutation-a", { -- You call the "rsl_registry" to use "register_rsl_definition" and pass it the name of your custom item "mutation-a"
mode = { random = true, conditional = true, weighted = false },
condition = {
remote_mod = "your-mod-name", -- Your mod name here
remote_function = "is_evening", -- The function name to call
}, -- Example condition
possible_results = {
[true] = {{ name = "iron-plate"}, { name = "copper-plate"}},
[false] = {{ name = "copper-plate"}}