A roguelite scenario for Factorio. Choose a starting ability and enter the arena. Defeat enemies to unlock new abilities and upgrade your current ones. Survive until the clock runs out. Compare scores and compete with friends in co-op multiplayer.
Scenarios, maps, and puzzles.
Version: 0.1.3 Date: 24DEC2023 Bugfixes: - fixed error when a player leaves and rejoins a multiplayer game while the arena is active
Version: 0.1.2 Date: 24DEC2023 Balancing: - decreased enemy speed - increased enemy spawn rate Bugfixes: - fixed error when the Airstrike and Dome abilities tried to stun non-unit enemies
Version: 0.1.1 Date: 17DEC2023 Bugfixes: - decreased enemy upgrade chance
Version: 0.0.1 Date: 16DEC2023 Changes: - initial release to the mod portal Features: - Multiplayer compatible - Interactive lobby with statistics - 20 unique abilities - 3 difficulty modes - Enemies drop coins when killed - Purchase new abilities and upgrades with coins - Interactive lobby with top player statistics TODO: - Chat command to reset all the statistics data - Chat command to reset all the statistics data for a specific player - Chat command to destroy and rebuild the arena - Indestructable starting area / platform?