Reverse Factory

by Kryzeth

Reverse Factory machine will recycle (uncraft) nearly any item placed inside. Supports the recycling of most, if not all, modded items. Fully featured integration with Bobs Mods, Industrial Revolution, and Fantario (independently, not simultaneously)

4 hours ago
0.13 - 2.0

g [Other Mod Will Fix] Another Mod interfering

2 months ago

Hello again, i have a question, i have installed another Mod (Well ive installed many mods but none of them had issues with Reverse Factory) this one is called Stable Foundation, wich gives bonuses to buildings on top of foundations, and when i enable it, both my T1 and T2 factories stop working, claiming i cant recycle buildings at this tier, is this a mod incompatibilty, or is that mod interfering with the Factory, just wanted to know in case i can drop the other creator a line if they need to fix something.


2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

Hm.. well I do understand what's happening, for the most part. For some reason, that mod appears to be modifying the recipes of all buildings in the game, most important of which it does, is setting "allow_productivity" to true. This property I use to gate intermediate products to tier 3, since only intermediates use this property in vanilla. This is why you're getting the message that buildings can't be recycled at lower tiers.

I'm not entirely sure why their mod is doing this, perhaps for some hacky method of modifying building stats on tiled surfaces, but fixing the conflict would be an issue on my end.. If I simply ignored the "allow_productivity" field, then any tier of machine could recycle intermediates, and there'd be no need for 3 tiers of machines. For now, I've raised the issue with the other mod here

2 months ago

I see, i may drop him a line to inquire about it, and if i can get the factory to work at T3 i will install that mod afterwards, if not, i still prefer Reverse Factory tbh. thanks for the time to answer ^_^


2 months ago

i still prefer Reverse Factory tbh

I'm glad to hear it, thanks! Though ideally, it would be much preferable if the two mods could be made compatible. But no problem; I always respond to all inquiries when I can :D

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