Reverse Factory

by Kryzeth

Reverse Factory machine will recycle (uncraft) nearly any item placed inside. Supports the recycling of most, if not all, modded items. Fully featured integration with Bobs Mods, Industrial Revolution, and Fantario (independently, not simultaneously)

3 days ago
0.13 - 2.0


Factorio 2.0 Changes

  • New efficiency algorithm adapted from the space age scrap recycler, which means that efficiency will be enabled by default, and set to 25% (matching the official numbers).
  • Fluids recycle as items is now fully integrated into Reverse Factory, no longer a configurable beta option. Solid versions of fluids use recolored ice cube icons from Space Age, and solid-fluid conversion recipes use modified ice-melting icons. Conversion recipes are made in chemical plant, just like the ice melting recipe.
  • Planetary restrictions (user-customizable, of course) on where the Reverse Factory can be crafted, or placed, similar to how the other planetary machines can only be crafted or placed on certain planets. Default is craftable only on Nauvis, placeable on Nauvis, Gleba, and Aquilo. I haven't tested out Vulcanus yet, but that may be added to the default list. This would make the Reverse Factory, the specialized item for Nauvis. Should be obvious why Fulgora is not an option (it would out-compete the scrap recycler in almost every conceivable way, but even this restriction can be lifted via mod settings)
  • Removed superfluous tier 4 machine. The way recycling restrictions were being handled before was honestly quite confusing and arbitrary. Looking at it objectively, only 3 tiers are really necessary: the base form can recycle only finished products that don't involve fluids, tier 2 can recycle products that used fluids, and the final tier can recycle anything. If it allows productivity, it's banned until t3 (but this restriction too, is user-customizable, just as before).
  • Slightly higher upfront cost of research and crafting of the machines, so they're not as easy to abuse. The tradeoff is that the recipes themselves are roughly 8 times faster to recycle in all machines (similar to the scrap recycler, which recycles most items at 16 times the speed of the original recipe). Between this recipe buff and quality module potential, I don't think the loss of 1 extra max crafting speed or 2 max module slots is all that terrible.
  • Recyclable power armor and vehicles with equipment grids is enabled by default. This was honestly more of an annoyance and a hindrance.

Can't recycle X item?

  • Only the t2 Reverse Factory can recycle items that originally used fluid ingredients.
  • Only the t3 Reverse Factory can recycle intermediates (anything that natively allows productivity boosting)
  • If the item crafts in multiples (such as yellow belt) or greater, then you will need that same amount of material to recycle back into its constituent parts (EX: 2 yellow belt back into iron plate and gears)
  • If it's some other item that doesn't fall into these categories, then it may be a bug or a mod incompatibility, and you should post about it in the discussion tab. Be sure to include any potential mods which might affect the item in question, especially if the item is from a mod itself.

(Mod Creators Only) Defining my own custom recycling recipes?

  • If the items in your mod are not automatically added to the list of recycling recipes (due to their internal item name and recipe name not matching), then you may add entries to the custom recipe list, by defining the item type, item name, and recipe name in data-updates via:

    table.insert(rf.custom_recycle, {"item", "example-item-result", "example-recipe"})

(Mod Creators Only) Setting unrecycleable recipes/categories?

  • If you would like to define a set of recipes or categories from your mod that should not be recycled (either for balance purposes, or to improve compatibility/prevent errors on load), then in data-updates, you can add to this list via:

    table.insert(rf.norecycle_items, "example-recipe")
    table.insert(rf.norecycle_categories, "example-category")

Always be sure to preface these lines with a check for the mod, using something like:

if (rf) then
  if (rf.norecycle_items) then
      --logic goes here

Please note that recipes whose internal names do not match the item(s) they produce will automatically be ignored, and do not have to be defined. Also please refrain from adding vanilla categories to this list. This would cause many more issues.