Reverse Factory

by Kryzeth

Reverse Factory machine will recycle (uncraft) nearly any item placed inside. Supports the recycling of most, if not all, modded items. Fully featured integration with Bobs Mods, Industrial Revolution, and Fantario (independently, not simultaneously)

5 hours ago
0.13 - 2.0

i [Implemented] Allow Quality Modules?

2 months ago

Please enable the use of Quality modules in at least the 3rd level of reverse factory building.

The quality grind is brutal.
OP? Yes.
Awesome? Also Yes.

Maybe make it a config flag the player/server can set?

2 months ago

I've noticed that the vanilla scrap recycler allows quality modules, so I've allowed quality modules for all tiers by default (vanilla balance), as well as added settings to modify the allowed modules.

I did nerf the max module slots though, so tier 3 lines up with the vanilla scrap recycler (4 slots). Even at base quality, having 6 Quality-3 modules would result in some products being TWO tiers higher than the original item. Using higher quality.. quality modules would probably be even more broken, so this seemed to balance things out.

2 months ago

"would result in some products being TWO tiers higher than the original item."
Everything about that statement is awesome.

Please allow a mod config for module slot count as I have a world with with the tier 3's with 3 modules already.

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

I probably should have expected this response lol. Made a setting to un-nerf the module slot count back to the original 2,4,6 in v9.0.6

Here's the related image btw (after feeding them 50 iron chests at 25% efficiency, which always produces 2 iron per recycle):

2 months ago

Do you not know how quality works?
Quality modules give a % chance of a higher quality being crafted
So lets say you have a assembler maxed at 24.8%
24.8% you will get a higher quality, of that percent, 10% will be 2 tiers higher, of THAT 10% will be 3 tiers higher and of that 10% will be legendary (if crafting normal quality).
Basically 24.8% chance of higher quality (usually uncommon ..), 2.48% of 2 tier jump, 0.248% of 3 tiers, and 0.0248% of Legendary.

2 months ago

Ahh, I see. So it's supposed to be improbable, but not impossible, at the lower percents, and only becomes noticeable after a certain point.

Thanks for the info, I just assumed it was locked to only one tier up since that's all I ever got in my testing. I haven't actually gotten around to playing with Quality very much (my beta test playthrough ended after Fulgora, then went straight back to modding)

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