Reverse Factory

by Kryzeth

Reverse Factory machine will recycle (uncraft) nearly any item placed inside. Supports the recycling of most, if not all, modded items. Fully featured integration with Bobs Mods, Industrial Revolution, and Fantario (independently, not simultaneously)

4 hours ago
0.13 - 2.0

g [Fixed] Stdlib Dependency Issue

2 months ago

You have a mod as a dependency (stdlib) that isn't updated yet. I see you commented on it, does this mod not use any of the non-working features of the other mod (stdlib)?

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

It's been a couple weeks since I actually had to work on this mod to fix those issues, but from what I remember, I just overrode any of the functions that weren't working properly wherever I used them. I was already used to locally overriding some of the library functions if they didn't work in the way I needed them to, so this wasn't much different.

2 months ago

Why not strip out the functions you need and include them in a util script in this mod, that way you eliminate a dependency?

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

Hm, that might be possible.. they use MIT license, so anyone can do whatever they want to the code. Though it would take a bit of testing to know what I need to keep and what can be discarded from the original mod.

That being said, I actually use the stdlib mod across all of my other mods, so I would either need to include each of those functions in each of those mods, or make another standalone mod as a dependency for all of mine. While technically doable, I remember the stdlib mod being shared across several of the mods I used, mainly the Picker suite, nanobots, bio industries, and natural evolution mods (though none of those have been updated either...)

I really want to hold out hope that Nexela comes back to update their mods, or that at least someone else can pick up where they left off (in terms of Picker, since I don't have much experience working with control.lua )

2 months ago

Well I have a private version of the lib that I got to load, no fixes so it could easily crash and burn. I'm not a LUA guy, C++/C# for me.

2 months ago

Because of the way the library works, it doesn't actually do anything, until another mod tries to use it, so it can be updated easily enough by simply changing the factorio_version. I think for me, it was the replace_ingredient function that was causing errors, because it sets the ingredients in the table to nil, which is no longer allowed in Factorio 2.0, but it's possible some of the other ingredient related functions were broken, I don't remember.

2 months ago

well, now the recipe format is vastly changed
from { "ingredient-name", 1}
to { type = "item", name = "ingredient-name", amount = 1 }

and the line result = { "some-cool-thing" }
now is results = {{type = "item", name = "some-cool-thing", amount = 1 }}

2 months ago

Those were actually not problems, I think, since the stdlib mod was always formatting ingredients and results the second way, never using the shorthand method. Even changes like the removal of normal/expensive recipe mode didn't actually break anything, because they were careful to only modify whichever ingredient format was in use.

After looking into the stdlib recipe related code, I think replace_ingredient was the only method to explicitly cause an error on load.

2 months ago

Unofficial updates now available here (google drive link)

Folder includes stdlib, PickerAtheneum (required for PickerExtended), PickerExtended, and PickerDollies, and an updated version of Reverse Factory that works with the new stdlib (something I did broke my v9.0.0).

I have not extensively tested all functionality with these mods, but I know for sure the following features are working:

  • PickerExtended Screenshot tool, ore eraser, and tape measure
  • PickerExtended Ghost entity revival thing
  • PickerExtended Picker crafter
  • PickerExtended Quick swap between planners via hotkey
  • PickerDollies Moving of electric poles and circuit connected entities (and regular entities, from what I've tested)

I think that's a good enough start for now. If Nexela doesn't return by the end of the week, I'll just release a version of these directly to the mod portal and move all my dependencies to that instead.

2 months ago

The previous dependency has been replaced by my own unofficial fork. This change will likely be permanent.

New response