Reverse Factory

by Kryzeth

Reverse Factory machine will recycle (uncraft) nearly any item placed inside. Supports the recycling of most, if not all, modded items. Fully featured integration with Bobs Mods, Industrial Revolution, and Fantario (independently, not simultaneously)

2 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

i [Fixed?] Not available when Nullius mod is used

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

It's probably because of some Nullius's ( quirks, but could you somehow re-enable Reverse Factory when using that mod? I cannot research required tech, and when I add the RF using editor then I cannot recycle anything as possible inputs is an empty list and I cannot insert any item I've tried (Surge electrolyser and Small miner 1).

If not, I can report the issue on Nullius mod page.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Sorry about the delay, was just able to get around to this. But yup, it looks like the Nullius mod has to specifically create some sort of compatibility internally for it to work with other mods. I checked all the other mods that are on the compatibility list for Nullius, and none of them have any code that references Nullius. All of the compatibility code is contained within the Nullius mod, so nothing I can really do there.

I believe you would have to ask them for assistance. Also changed the question category from Bugs to Ideas/Suggestions, because this seems more like a compatibility request from Nullius side, not a bug on my side.

3 years ago

The compatibilty layer that is done in Nullius can actually be done in any mod, whether it's Nullius, the mod being made compatible with Nullius, or a third party compatbility mod. There is some discussion in this thread of how to do it and why it needs to be done:
In summary you just change the order field if Nullius is present and Nullius won't disable a tech or recipe. But that simple one line change alone probably won't be sufficient because techs and recipes will usually need other changes or they won't just work (for reasons discussed in that link). I haven't looked into it to know why it wouldn't work if you create a recycler with the editor, but if it's based on a bunch of recycling recipes being generated, possibly those recipes may have to be traversed to change the order field to prevent them from being disabled.

I have it on my to-do list to consider porting a recycling mod such as Reverse Factory for Nullius, but I think there could be some non-trivial issues to work through, and I have some other big tasks that I'm working on, so it would probably be several months at the earliest before I'd look at it. If someone else wanted to do it it's not impossible to add it outside of Nullius. Or if it's self-contained enough and you don't want to make a third party mod, you could submit a diff to me to be included in Nullius.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hm, knowing the principles behind what gets culled out and why was definitely helpful. It ended up being ridiculously easy to re-enable both the machines and the recycling recipes.

The only minor issue being that, without actually changing anything else, the technologies still use vanilla science packs and the machines still use vanilla ingredients, neither of which can be crafted in-game, That can easily be worked around, by simply changing what technologies and machines I copy from.

It might be a rather hodgepodge fix, but I can at the very least get them to load properly with Nullius (try v8.0.5 for a preliminary fix, tested with the bare minimum Nullius mods)

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

@anachrony As for a more fully-featured integration with Nullius, you'd first have to decide between this mod or Recycling Machines by DRY411S, since they are very fundamentally different.

My mod uses the furnace entity type to allow items to simply be inserted, and automatically recycled into its constituent parts. The primary restriction, is that it only works for items whose internal names are identical to their recipe names. Something like "oil-processing" cannot be recycled, but "lubricant" can (in theory, I forget if fluid recycling is working or not). In vanilla, even iron or copper plate can be recycled into iron/copper ore, but with something like angel's refining (which has multiple different recipes for each ore type), those ores/plates/etc could not be recycled.

Recycling Machines, on the other hand, uses the assembler entity type, so players have to manually pick which recipe they want to recycle, and they have to change it every time they want to recycle something different. However the list of recycling recipes is (in theory) 1:1 with the list of normal recipes. I believe every recipe should have an exact inverse recipe under that mod.

You might also prefer to have your own implementation of recycling. I know Industrial Revolution 2 has its own form of "scrap" recycling, where many recipes either produce, or can be turned into scrap, which can then be recycled into usable ingredients. It would require a lot more work, but you could tweak all of the variables, without worrying about changes made by another mod maker. I know I break things on a regular basis lol.

Finally, if you did want to go ahead with adding full integration/compatibility between Nullius and my mod, I can at least give you the internal item/recipe/entity/technology names, which are all "nullius-reverse-factory-x" (with x from 1 to 4). All of my changes to the machines themselves are completed at data-updates stage, with the recycling recipes not being added until data-final-fixes (because there are a surprising amount of mods that make changes during final-fixes).

From there, you should be able to make any changes to the ingredients, technology placement, etc. from your mod, to make things more "balanced"

3 years ago

I'm able to research the tech and recycle some stuff by using reverse factory added from the editor, but I cannot craft any of the reverse factories by hand or in any assembler, also "Made in" list is empty (I don't remember if that's vanilla or from Extended Descriptions mod) and Recipe Book mod doesn't show any crafter which could use the recipe.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Oh, I guess I have to add the machines to one of the new crafting categories? Hm, in order to be locked to being built by small assemblers (which is the base prereq tech I chose for t1 recyclers), I guess I would need to add it to either... tiny/small/medium crafting or tiny/small/medium assembly?

Looks like.. medium assembly category should work? That locks the recyclers to only be constructed by the various assemblers, and they all show up properly under the Made In section.

I also took the opportunity to properly add prereq techs and fit them more seamlessly into the tech tree. Should be fixed as of v8.0.6?

New response