Mods introducing new content into the game.
Version: 4.2.6 Date: 2025.01.14 Bugfixes: - Check for optional emissions on burner generator energy sources - Added missing properties for recipe compression - Fixed that the concentrator output fluidbox was smaller than the result of some recipes
Version: 4.2.5 Date: 2024.12.16 Bugfixes: - Fixed a possible crash with mods adding burner-generators
Version: 4.2.4 Date: 2024.12.13 Changes: - Updated for omnilib 4.2.4 Bugfixes: - Fixed that the place results of hidden items were compressed if they were not hidden as well - Fixed that compressed recipes did not allow productivity / quality modules
Version: 4.2.3 Date: 2024.11.26 Bugfixes: - Fixed a scripting error when launching a rocket without SA enabled - Fixed compressed satellites not having send_to_orbit_mode set - Fixed a scripting error when using the decompression hotkey - Fixed science packs in compressed techs not being replaced properly
Version: 4.2.2 Date: 2024.11.23 Changes: - Updated graphics definition for omnilib 4.2.2
Version: 4.2.1 Date: 2024.11.22 Bugfixes: - Fixed a crash when 1x1 compressors were enabled due to faulty fluidbox definitions
Version: 4.2.0 Date: 2024.11.19 Changes: - Updated fopr factorio 2.0
Version: 4.1.29 Date: 2024.06.17 Features: - Added mod settings to optionally (de-)activate item, entity, recipe and resource compression You can freely choose which features you want to play with (Recipe and resource compression require item compression) All features are enabled by default. (Existing saves are not affected)
Version: 4.1.28 Date: 2024.01.17 Changes: - Pollution now scales linearly instead of exponentionally with compression tiers. Bugfixes: - Fixed that compressed mining drill's radius visualization was half a tile too big for each second tier
Version: 4.1.27 Date: 2023.11.05 Changes: - Removed unused legacy ores
Version: 4.1.26 Date: 2023.08.24 Changes: - Compressed entities that have multiple tiers will now upgrade to the same compression tier of the next entity tier Bugfixes: - Fixed that animation speed of compressed belts was increased causing nanite belts to not "move" at all - Fixed that placable_by was not set for compressed entities resulting in a duping bug in some cases
Version: 4.1.25 Date: 2023.06.10 Changes: - Compact/nanite/etc machines are now flagged as "not-in-made-in" instead of "hidden" (1.1.64 feature)
Version: 4.1.24 Date: 2023.04.04 Bugfixes: - Fixed that concentrated fluid conversion recipes were capped at 1000°C
Version: 4.1.23 Date: 2022.08.06 Features: - Adds a boolean setting that turns the fixed mult into a compounding mult by @SurvivorBob Changes: - Changed the energy and cost multiplier settings for compressed buildings into a double Bugfixes: - Fixed a crash due to hidden techs being compressed while hidden packs do not get compressed
Version: 4.1.22 Date: 2022.07.05 Bugfixes: - Fixed that some compression recipes where not properly hidden
Version: 4.1.21 Date: 2022.06.10 Bugfixes: - Fixed a crash on resource compression when that resource had no minable result(s) - Fixed that recharge_minimum was not multiplied by the compression factor - Fixed that the compression factor was not applied to certain energy_source parameters
Version: 4.1.20 Date: 2022.05.01 Features: - DiscoScience support for compressed science packs Bugfixes: - Fix failure to load with techs that use .normal/.expensive - Fix failure to load with some energy_required values being too low
Version: 4.1.19 Date: 2022.02.27 Bugfixes: - Fix non-void recipes with "void" in the name not getting compressed - Fix that the probability of expensive recipes that had the same item more than once in their results table was wrongly applied to each individual result - Fix accidentally overwriting inputs on labs
Version: 4.1.18 Date: 2022.02.14 Changes: - Compressed technologies now form a "tree" with proper prerequisites for queueing - Compressed items of buildings (tiered) now stack up to original stacksize / compression mult Bugfixes: - Fix void recipes with quantity > 0 but probability 0 not getting compressed variants
Version: 4.1.17 Date: 2022.02.06 Bugfixes: - Fixed a crash when trying to compress infinite ores with low yield
Version: 4.1.16 Date: 2022.02.05 Changes: - Added omnidatetechs chat command Bugfixes: - No longer tries to add next_upgrade to entitites marked as not upgradable
Version: 4.1.15 Date: 2022.02.05 Features: - Compressed buildings can now be fast-replaced and upgrade-planner'd Changes: - Added descriptions to condensator/concentrator - Changed compressed tech formulae not to overload labs with massive stack sizes Bugfixes: - Fix compressed buildings using +1 tier more power than they should - Fix missing overlay on condensator fluids - Fix lack of compressed boilers with omnifluid
Version: 4.1.14 Date: 2022.01.04 Changes: - Integer settings now use dropdowns to clearly display constrained values Bugfixes: - Fix error when certain settings were changed to invalid-but-technically-allowed values
Version: 4.1.13 Date: 2021.12.14 Bugfixes: - Fixed an issue with certain modded science packs not being compressed
Version: 4.1.12 Date: 2021.12.02 Features: - LightedPolesPlus (LEP+) support for compressed poles Bugfixes: - Fix improperly excluding some recipes with the keywords "concentrate" or "compression" - Fix error when handling fluids without explicit temperatures - Fix missing fluid recipes if offshore pump produces something other than water
Version: 4.1.11 Date: 2021.10.27 Features: - Compressed roboports (robots soon™) Changes: - Allow switching fixed recipes to compressed variants in some cases - Improve lab scaling Bugfixes: - Move module checks later to fix some missing/incorrect limits
Version: 4.1.10 Date: 2021.09.01 Features: - Compressed fluids with temperatures Changes: - Better visibly for decompression icons - Fluid compression/decompression recipes are unlocked by default - Small buff to make compressed power poles & inserters scale based on compression multiplier Bugfixes: - Fix crash with massive entity HP - Fix crash with unspecified subgroups
Version: 4.1.9 Date: 2021.08.14 Features: - Compatibility for bob's nuclear power when using "compress only highest tier" Changes: - Increase stack sizes for compressed belts and variants of Bugfixes: - Fix failure to load on latest experimental caused by massive tech costs - Fix crash when compressing entities that don't specify max_health - Fix compressed recipes with random results sometimes having the incorrect result amount
Version: 4.1.8 Date: 2021.07.26 Changes: - Burner assemblers have less of a speed penalty compared to their electric brethren (they are still less efficient in ore/watt, and cannot take modules) - Add an entry to game log when not compressing items due to massive stack sizes Bugfixes: - Fix some buildings losing their crafting categories when compressed - Fix handling outputs > 65535
Version: 4.1.7 Date: 2021.06.02 Bugfixes: - Fixed that certain entities were not compressed with angels component mode turned on
Version: 4.1.6 Date: 2021.03.28 Changes: - You can now compress buildings in compressed assemblers - Allow compressor & co in SE space Bugfixes: - Fixed that compressed rocket silos had no fixed recipe set - Fixed recipes with the word 'compress' in its name not having a compressed version - Fixed compressed recipe results for a certain configuration for probability
Version: 4.1.5 Date: 2021.01.21 Changes: - Updated for omnilib 4.1.6
Version: 4.1.4 Date: 2021.01.08 Bugfixes: - Fixed a crash related to the compression planner shortcut - Fixed that the compression planner did not properly lock / unlock with compression minsing
Version: 4.1.3 Date: 2021.01.03 Bugfixes: - Fixed a crash with certain mod combinations caused by a missing recipe category
Version: 4.1.2 Date: 2020.12.02 Features: - Silos now also scale the forced wait between "ready" and "launching" states Bugfixes: - Fix crash from compressed rocket silos calling a removed interface - Fix module counts on compressed buildings ending up negative - Fix compressed rocket-silo-rocket only having one variant
Version: 4.1.1 Date: 2020.11.26 Features: - Added an hotkey for the compression planner Bugfixes: - Fix that the compression planner was not spawnable
Version: 4.1.0 Date: 2020.11.26 Info: - Updated for Factorio version 1.1.0 Bugfixes: - Fix highly compressed heat exchanger underperforming - Fix reactor and heat pipe heat buffer not compressing
Version: 4.0.4 Date: 2020.10.04 Features: - Added compressed heat pipes - Added recipes for compressed fluids in condensator Changes: - Compressed boilers now require graded input again - Buffed condensators, no more condensator chains Bugfixes: - Fix loadtime error with some compressed researches - Fix compressed heatstuffs heat capacity scaling linearly instead of exponentially - Fix compressed nuclear fuel returning uncompressed spent fuel - Fix crash when compressed rocket silo's fixed recipe isn't compressed - Fix some compressed variants of burnt_result not being generated Info: - 4.0.4 version not found
Version: 4.0.3 Date: 2020.08.31 Bugfixes: - Fix compressed building sorting in single-tab mode - Fix module limits not being applied correctly in certain cases
Version: 4.0.2 Date: 2020.08.24 Bugfixes: - Fix boiler fuel use scaling - Compressed infinite ores now have a more accurate yield
Version: 4.0.1 Date: 2020.08.22 Features: - Compression planner is now on the shortcut bar instead of being a recipe Changes: - Compressed boilers no longer require tiered input Bugfixes: - Fixed cases where tech compression math wasn't accurate - Fixed overflow on certain attributes causing crashes - Fixed crash with 0 count recipes and numbers with string type - Compressed boilers now consume and produce the appropriate amount of fluids - Power and fluid scaling on steam engines and turbines is now appropriate to tier and multiplier Info: - Compressed boilers are still incompatibile with omnifluid, this has not changed
Version: 4.0.0 Date: 2020.08.14 Changes: - Updated for Factorio version 1.0.0 - Fixed an issue with certain recipes that caused a result overflow
Version: 3.18.12 Date: 2020.08.13 Features: - Compressed rocket silo and satellite variants - Alt-mode module scaling for compressed buildings Bugfixes: - Fixes to some locale entries - More fuel attributes caught - Fix some edge cases with chance-based recipes
Version: 3.18.11 Date: 2020.08.07 Features: - Indicator for compressed items, recipes, techs - Additional balance and sorting settings - Compressed inserter and burner generator variants - Compression of modded ores - Hand decompression of buildings Bugfixes: - Significant decrease in buildings-phase loadtime - Fixed crash when using compression planner on cliffs
Version: 3.18.10 Date: 2020.07.15 Features: - Updated void handling (to work better with flare-stack, Pyanodon and K2) Bugfixes: - Patched that compressed tech versions were not unlocking correctly on research completed
Version: 3.18.9 Date: 2020.07.14 Features: - Added support for the Flare Stack mod Bugfixes: - Fixed compressed generators taking uncompressed fluid when omnifluid is enabled - Fixed fuel-burning generators not working with omnifluid enabled
Version: 3.18.8 Date: 2020.07.02 Bugfixes: - Fixed compression recipe icon size and mipmap issues
Version: 3.18.7 Date: 2020.06.19 Changes: - Updated to omnilib 3.18.12 Bugfixes: - Fixed a bug relating to compressed air not omni-compressing causing a non-starting error - Fixed compressed boilers and generators not working - Fixed pollution values - Fixed compressed offshore pumps not outputting compressed fluid
Version: 3.18.6 Date: 2020.06.09 Features: - Added support for offshore pumps and compression of fluid patches (oil etc) - Thermal water vents not currently supported - Re-write of functions and consolidation of key functions such as icon finding - De-linked item and recipe compression functions - Added initial support for angels science packs (default setting) Bugfixes: - Fixed that some ores could not be compressed with the planner - Fixed that multi-level tech (and infinite tech) with compressed equivalents would try to complete all of them causing a crash in the case of infinite tech - Fixed probability not transferring to the compressed recipe correctly - Fixed localisations and icons not being made correct - Fixed potential non-contigious tech level error if a higher tier tech removed a science pack used in a previous tier - Fixed that science-pack-3 was being referenced in place of chemical-science-pack in settings No migration for this, so you may need to change this manually in your settings - Fixed rounding errors on some recipes giving 0 outputs in some cases
Version: 3.18.5 Date: 2020.05.01 Changes: - Add Advanced Electronics 2 as prereq to nanite buildings when marathon or science is active
Version: 3.18.4 Date: 2020.04.26 Features: - If Omnimarathon or Omniscience is detected compression techs will be made available earlier
Version: 3.18.3 Date: 2020.04.20 Bugfixes: - Fix compressed recipes causing invalid main products under some conditions
Version: 3.18.2 Date: 2020.04.13 Bugfixes: - Compressed custom beacons should work now - Localization updates - Various other fixes
Version: 3.18.1 Date: 2020.04.03 Features: - Added localization Bugfixes: - Fixed ordering
Version: 3.18.0 Date: 2020.04.02 Features: - Updated to 0.18 - Added thumbnail - Cleaned out redundant files Bugfixes: - Refactored icons - Fixed that fluid concentration and un-concentration was unavailable - Fixed subgroup ordering Info: - Added changelog.
Version: 3.0.0 Features: - Updated to 0.17
Version: 2.0.0 Features: - Updated to the new API! - Fixed where it with omnifluid gives a wonky location for compressed fluid output! Info: - UPDATING TO THIS WILL BREAK SAVES!
Version: 1.3.0 Features: - Added compressed science packs and sciences, whenever whether compressed tech is research or normal, the other is also unlocked.
Version: 1.2.0 Features: - Huge structural overhaul. Info: - WARNING! RECIPE DISAPPEARENCE IS EXPECTED! UPDATE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Version: 1.1.4: Bugfixes: - Fixed issue where recipes disappeared midgame if changes were made.
Version: 1.1.0 Features: - 0.16 Compatibility anad other stuff
Version: 1.0.11 Bugfixes: - Fixed the compressed ore bug where some ores didn't exist.
Version: 1.0.10 Bugfixes: - Fixed the subgroup issue.
Version: 1.0.8 Bugfixes: - Compatibility fixes
Version: 1.0.7 Bugfixes: - Bug fixes Features: - Compatibility with omnimarathon.
Version: 1.0.6 Bugfixes: - Fixed a bug where compressed buildings could not take productivity modules.
Version: 1.0.5 Bugfixes: - Fixed the subgroup not assigned issue.
Version: 1.0.4 Features: - Reduced mining time multiplier - Localization improvements. Bugfixes: - Fixed a bug where some recipes would not unlock due to name mismatch
Version: 1.0.3 Bugfixes: - Fixed a bug where items would not register a stack size and thereby cause malfunction.
Version: 1.0.2: Features: - Added belts, underground, splitters and loader compressed entity support.
Version: 1.0.1 Features: - Accumulators added - Factorissimo compatibility and general compatibility (nocompressed factory buildings!) - Compacted stuff with fuel value retains fuelvalue, proportionally so.
Version: 1.0.0 Features: - Finally the grand release! - Added compressed buildings that comes in 4 stages if one so choose!
Version: 0.3.9 Bugfixes: - Fixed bug where it wouldn't load due to nil value manipulation.
Version: 0.3.8 Bugfixes: - Fixed bug where it assumed sometimes the output was one when it wasn't. - Fixed bug where it failed to load due to splitting the result up into multiple outputs.
Version: 0.3.7 Bugfixes: - Various loading bugs have been adressed
Version: 0.3.6 Bugfixes: - Fixed localization - Fixed a bug that caused assemblers to not get all the recipes they should have.
Version: 0.3.5 Bugfixes: - Fixed a bug that prevented loading due to infinite ores.
Version: 0.3.4 Bugfixes: - Fixed possible migration issue - Changed so getting compressed recipes must be researched beyond just getting the compressed
Version: 0.3.3 Bugfixes: - Fixed bug where marathon time was wrongly calculated - Fixed bug where too big recipes would never finish crafting.
Version: 0.3.2 Bugfixes: - Fixed a migration bug that ruined loading of games.
Version: 0.3.1 Bugfixes: - Fixed a bug where it affected random recipes original.
Version: 0.3.0: Features: - Now can be made so you mine compressed ores directly! Just use the compression planner to turn ore into compressed ore!
Version: 0.2.3 Bugfixes: - Fixed the nil bug when all recipes didn't have normal/expensive.
Version: 0.2.2 Bugfixes: - Fixed incompatibility with marathon mode
Version: 0.2.1 Bugfixes: - Fixed the dependency bug
Version: 0.2.0 Features: - Added feature to put all compressed recipes in one category. - Added so it now supports probabilistic recipes! - Known issue is localisation, working on.
Version: 0.1.5 Bugfixes: - Fixed the bug that made recipes appear prematurely, where all recipes were visible at once.
Version: 0.1.4 Bugfixes: - Fixed a bug where nil value was called for.
Version: 0.1.3 Bugfixes: - Fixed bugs causing some recipes to not be calculated (angels smelting f.e. lacked some) - Fixed so recipes do not show up in tech tree but are enabled as things are unlocked anyway. They will not show up until compression tech has been research and once it is researched, every recipe you have is unlocked in it's compressed form. - Fixed bug where temperature of fluids were ignored.
Version: 0.1.2 Bugfixes: - Fixed a bug making recipes show early. - Corrected dependencies
Version: 0.1.1 Bugfixes: - Fixed some information issues.
Version: 0.1.0 Features: - Release!