Mini Machines Mod

by Kryzeth

Miniature versions of assemblers, electric furnaces, etc. Full integration with all of Bobs mods and ShinyBobGFX/ShinyAngelGFX, Industrial Revolution, Factorio Extended Plus (FXP), Gotlag's Electric Furnaces, AAI Industry, Fantario, and One More Tier. (independently, not necessarily simultaneously)

9 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

b [Fixed] 5dim + bobs + mini

2 years ago

If possible can you add compatibility with 5dim new automation?

2 years ago

Ahh, this took a bit more work than usual... they have the worst internal numbering system I have seen so far. I've gotten one of the machine types working, so it shouldn't be much longer for me to fix the rest. Why add a leading "0" to the internal numbering system, just to make the code look evenly spaced? Sigh... hopefully should be done by tonight

2 years ago

Thank you so much for your time and effort. I appreciate the work.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I found that there were actually a few 5dims mods that added more tiers of machines; so I had to add a few more lines than expected, but should be fixed as v8.0.7

2 years ago

After updating to 8.0.7 I now receive this: I received it before enabling 5dim New Automation and after. Perhaps I should have let you know that I mainly run all bobs mod plus a select few of 5dim together if that is the cause of issues. 8.0.6 works fine with my mod setup as long as I have 5dim new automation disabled. I disabled all my mods and only ran 5dim with mini and that works without bobs. I apologize for not making things clear first and wasting your time.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Ahh, yeah, I only tested with 5dims mods. I assumed it was an alternative to bobs mods, not intended to be run together. Though I suppose the existence of the compatibility mod probably should have tipped me off that it was possible.

I'll have to look into that later, though I will admit that I don't really support the use of multiple "big mods" together, since it becomes a huuge mess to figure out how everything is labeled internally. I'll try to make it work, if it's not too bad.

2 years ago

Sorry about that. It would even be fine if you were able to just add the compatibility between the three mods without adding 5dim mini buildings. Ultimately I just want to be able to have the extra buildings from 5dim new automation ontop of bobs + mini.

2 years ago

Hm, not sure which route would actually be easier.. because the logic of my mod also copies and relies on the "next_upgrade" target of the base machines, and so far, it's just been a simple string replacement to enable 5dims mini machines. In that case, would require rewriting some parts of the logic

Whereas in the other case.. I just check which mods are enabled, tweak some variables, and run the usual logic all the way up to t10. Alternatively, I could make it so that if 5dims and bobs are detected, then disable the creation of all mini machines that overlap. But that wouldn't be much different from simply.. not running mini machines at all lol.

I'm sure it won't be too difficult to make it all work together, and luckily, I do have the whole day off to try it out. Though this is tempting me to do another major rewrite of this mod, since I have been copy-pasting a lot of sections of code, where I could simply just make some new functions to shorten the line count. But that would be for the future me to look at; present me will focus on the 5dims/bobs/mini compatiblity for now

2 years ago

Hmmm... I'm not entirely sure if it's working "perfectly", when I didn't actually have to change anything about the logic. All I did was check if bobs and 5dims were running together, to make mini machines up to t10, and so far, hasn't crashed on load.

Just two minor cosmetic issues, as there does appear to be an overlap between oil refineries (bobs refinery t2-4 appear in one section, and 5dims/mini refinery t1-10 appear in a different section), and bobs assembling machines t4-6 are stuck in a different crafting tab, but otherwise... everything just works? I'll leave it to you, if you notice anything wrong, but 5dims + bobs + mini + compat should be working as of v8.0.8

2 years ago

Thank you so much for making the mods work together. I see no problems with anything after testing and enabling all the mods I use. Everything works together as it should. I really appreciate your work.

2 years ago

Sweet! And glad to hear it, thanks!

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