Mini Machines Mod

by Kryzeth

Miniature versions of assemblers, electric furnaces, etc. Full integration with all of Bobs mods and ShinyBobGFX/ShinyAngelGFX, Industrial Revolution, Factorio Extended Plus (FXP), Gotlag's Electric Furnaces, AAI Industry, Fantario, and One More Tier. (independently, not necessarily simultaneously)

9 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

b [0.17 Bug/Won't Fix]Only tier one machine technologies

5 years ago

When I first got this mod (roughtly 30-40 more mods ago, one of which was science cost tweaker though I can't find anything that should remove the technologies) all machines were available (and when I attempt to load that earlier save it informs me of removed technologies for these machines).

For some reason, whether I'm using the minimachines tech tree or not, only the T1 machines are researchable. When I first added the mod this was not the case, and I'm not sure what could be inhibiting the higher tiers of each machine. Any idea how I can find out how to pin-point why only the first tiers of machines would become unlocked? I've tried a number of settings and nothing has fixed it.
Screen grab of what I'm seeing:


5 years ago

Hm, that's pretty weird. I'd have to see what other mods you added, but it could be some unexpected mod affecting assembling machines or technologies.

I would check to see if the machines themselves have been loaded, even if their technologies haven't been. You can check this by middle-clicking an empty icon on the hotbar. This should open the item menu, displaying all items that can exist in your inventory (even if they haven't been or can't be researched).

If higher tier mini machines exist here, it would mean that it's specifically the technologies that haven't been loaded properly. This could be because another mod is affecting the technologies or redefining the machines themselves.

If higher tier machines don't exist in the item menu, that that means the logic I use in the creation of the machines is broken. This is most certainly caused by a mod similar to bobs mods or FXP (adding higher tier machines) that isn't supported by this mod. I have to add the functionality on a per mod basis in order to make it work with other mods (not listed in the description)

5 years ago

I have checked and I only have the T1 machines, but I'll put in a pastebin of the my modlist. I'll actually check my earlier save mod list too and cross-check and see what could have broke the script.
Edit Forgot I did a save cleanup yesterday, left one early one from near the start (pre-steam power generation), but when I loaded it I did not receive the "removed technologies" screen so I can't find an "in-between" save. I'm thinking about disabling the mod, and loading a mod before re-enabling it (or maybe changing the load order). I'm inclined to believe that maybe config+ (which took some code modification to create work or possibly Sandro's fixes which organizes the crafting menu and fixes some locals to be mroe consistent:

5 years ago

Wait, are you still on 0.17? I'm not really working on 0.17 anymore.. but from what I can tell on Sandro's fixes, it only changes subgroup and order. I don't think it should mess with any mini machine logic.

5 years ago

Then I'm at a loss. I added a lot of a mods (as you can see), and did so in bulk, but the bobs/angels (majority of the major overhaul mods) were added at the beginning and QOL/GFX/etc mods came after, so I honestly can pinpoint what may have caused this. ScienceCostTweaker was my immediate guess but I just tested it with SCT dis-abled and the techs are still missing, so if nothing springs to your mind I guess I'm stuck with the base level machines (until I inevitably change the size of the original machines myself, which I've already done to a handful, but it's just nice to have a mod do something like that for you [oh how I miss buildings resized]).
Thanks for the help anyways bud. I'm thinking of switching to 0.18 but I want to keep all the mods/find alternatives to any that have been abandoned but I'm the furthest I've ever been in an angels/bobs run and pretty hesitant to dump ~60 hours away unless I see some changes that can convince me to make the switch.

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