Mini Machines Mod

by Kryzeth

Miniature versions of assemblers, electric furnaces, etc. Full integration with all of Bobs mods and ShinyBobGFX/ShinyAngelGFX, Industrial Revolution, Factorio Extended Plus (FXP), Gotlag's Electric Furnaces, AAI Industry, Fantario, and One More Tier. (independently, not necessarily simultaneously)

3 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

g [Fixed] Conflict Bob's assembling machines

5 years ago

Factorio 0.17.53
Mini Machines Mod 6.2.2
Bob's assembling machines 0.17.6

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

...uh, did you read the error message? You have both Bobs Assembling Machines and Gotlag's Electric Furnaces.

Depending on load order, either Bob's furnaces will overwrite Gotlag's furnaces, or Gotlag's furnaces will overwrite Bob's. Kinda defeats the purpose of having either of the mods. Either way, mini machines doesn't support this interaction.

Please pick one or the other; if you want a more vanilla experience, stick with Electric Furnaces, and drop bobs mods. If you want the bobs mods experience (or need it for angels or other mods) then drop the Electric Furnaces mod. Might I ask why you have both?

5 years ago

I bet the same reason i have both installed
Electric Furnaces is extremely handy in the early game with the electric stone and steel furnace.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Hm... I suppose I might have to change this then..

But aren't there inconsistencies? Electric Furnaces has no dependencies, so it can basically load whenever it wants. And it doesn't seem to have any sort of checks to see if electric furnaces 2 and 3 exist, so it will overwrite anything that bobs did, if it happens to load after. That would make the furnaces trivially simple to create, and kinda break the balance of bobs mods, wouldn't it? And that's not to even mention the potential technology prereqs breaking...

I'll test this a bit and see how the mods interact. Maybe I can early copy the intended bobs version of the recipes, and then revert any changes made by electric furnaces afterwards. Since mini machines is guaranteed to load after both... maybe I can patch the compatibility between the two mods. Talk about feature creep...

5 years ago

It is really convenient to use Mini Machines Mod and Bob's assembling machines together.
Now my saves are not working normally(( although until recently everything was fine.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Version 6.2.4

5 years ago

Alright then, I'll see what I can do to minimize inconsistencies, and make BobAssembly work with Electric Furnaces.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I can't really test too many cases, but from what I've tested, it seems that Gotlag's Electric Furnaces will tend to load before Bobs Assembling Machines, meaning that the recipe changes from bobs mods will overwrite the simple recipes from Electric Furnaces.

This is probably because Electric Furnaces has no dependencies, and is probably loaded on the first pass (at the same level as Bob Library, which is a requirement for Bobs Assembling Machines, meaning that it would have to load on a later pass)

Should be fixed as of v6.2.5, where I've removed the incompatibility check between Gotlag's Electric Furnaces and Bobs Assembling Machines.

Apologies for the interruption to anyone's ongoing games. I just don't like dealing with random crashes, due to multiple mods overwriting each other, and then the game points to my mod as the problem.

New response