Mini Machines Mod

by Kryzeth

Miniature versions of assemblers, electric furnaces, etc. Full integration with all of Bobs mods and ShinyBobGFX/ShinyAngelGFX, Industrial Revolution, Factorio Extended Plus (FXP), Gotlag's Electric Furnaces, AAI Industry, Fantario, and One More Tier. (independently, not necessarily simultaneously)

3 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

i When you load with some mods, certain combinations are output to the recipe without research.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Hi, I love this mod like any other person!!

Several recipes of this mod have not been considered in previous some mods. Among the recipe I found, I suggest the following method. And is it possible to support AAI and FactorioExtended mods?

--Fix specific icons, ingredients and order of machines
+if mini.assembler then
data.raw.recipe["mini-assembler-1"].normal.enabled = false
data.raw.recipe["mini-assembler-1"].expensive.enabled = false

+if mini.furnace then
data.raw.recipe["mini-furnace-1"].normal.enabled = false
data.raw.recipe["mini-furnace-1"].expensive.enabled = false

+if mini.beacon then
data.raw.recipe["mini-beacon-1"].normal.enabled = false
data.raw.recipe["mini-beacon-1"].expensive.enabled = false

+if mini.chem then
data.raw.recipe["mini-chem-plant-1"].normal.enabled = false
data.raw.recipe["mini-chem-plant-1"].expensive.enabled = false

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Hmm, so you're saying that the machines are being unlocked early, but only some? I might need a modlist for that; that is an odd interaction. If the tech tree is enabled, then unless the vanilla versions were unlocked from the start, it should place the mini version in the tech tree. Or if the original technologies and unlock requirements were altered.. maybe. There's also the possibility my copy function is broken. Maybe. I've added some error checking and ensured that "enabled" status is copied. Hopefully it works in v4.1.5

As to the other mods.. I'm trying to keep this mod towards assembling machines, furnaces, and mining entities (with tanks and beacons being the exception). AAI is more a vehicle mod, isn't it? I haven't looked much into it; too much complicated circuitry for me.

As for FactorioExtended, I know even less about it, but isn't it similar to bobs mods? I could possibly try to extend support towards their machines.. although my personal preference is to bobs-angels.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Thanks you. Newly version is perfect working!
Umm... OK. Can I use it for personal use as an AAI and FactorioExtended compliant version?
Maybe I will be glad if you allow it.

7 years ago

Alright, glad to hear it! Looks like it was just a silly mistake on my part.

If you are willing to code it, I'd be happy to test and add it to the official release; no need to keep it personal.

7 years ago

Oh!... Thank you, Kryzeth. I'm really happy.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

AAI need only this.

if data.raw["technology"]["electric-mining"] then
data.raw["technology"]["mini-miner-1"].prerequisites = {"mini-basic", "electric-mining"}

if data.raw["technology"]["radar"] then
data.raw["technology"]["mini-radar-1"].prerequisites = {"mini-basic", "radar"}

7 years ago

Thanks for the assist. AAI Industry tech tree is a lot more expensive than vanilla lol. In addition to those changes, I also added a little bit more compatibility, just for you. Miniaturization tech requires AAI electricity tech =P

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I really appreciate this update. The need for AAI electricity tech in Miniaturization tech is a very perfect idea!! And I will provide you with FactorioExtended mod when the code is complete. :D

7 years ago

I thought you might like it; it just made perfect sense to me :D
And alright, I shall await!

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