Mini Machines Mod

by Kryzeth

Miniature versions of assemblers, electric furnaces, etc. Full integration with all of Bobs mods and ShinyBobGFX/ShinyAngelGFX, Industrial Revolution, Factorio Extended Plus (FXP), Gotlag's Electric Furnaces, AAI Industry, Fantario, and One More Tier. (independently, not necessarily simultaneously)

3 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

b Mini-Refinery Flame out of place.

7 years ago

Operational flame animation emits from large refinery position instead of moving to reflect mini refinery graphics resizing location.

7 years ago

Wow, so it is. Nice catch. My usual strategy of multiplying every number by 0.66 (2/3) didn't work for placing the fire in the right location. This one is a weird fix; I had to guesstimate what number to use, but I think latest version 4.0.14 should work?

7 years ago

We decided to roll back to 4.0.13 as our clients would not boot. Perhaps ours is not the best test since we run with over 50 mods that includes the full Bob's Mods. The error may not be yours because the more mods installed the more likely an incompatibility will crop up, we have encountered this before. For a simple graphical error we can live with .13 well enough. You have a great mod that has already become a staple for all maps we have played since finding it.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Oh really? I'm glad to hear it! This is one of my favorite mods as well~

But hmm, that's not good. The only difference between v13 and v14 should be that one change to fire placement. Maybe I messed something up somewhere else. That is, if rolling back to v13 is the only thing you changed to make the game run without error.

7 years ago

As I said, our problem is not necessarily indicative of an error in your mod. I suspect some of the other mods we play with do not like it when the game is changed mid-map. Honestly - if nobody else has a problem then your mod is fine.

7 years ago

Cue somebody else having a problem. Lmao. At least it seemed to be unrelated... I definitely wouldn't update mods mid-playthrough, but that's still really annoying that a tiny 2-line graphical change would break anything.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Our game in progress loads just fine with v4.0.15, Thanx!

(mini-beacons, mini-chemical-plants, mini-electrolysers, mini-pump-jacks)

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Alright, sweet! I guess that means the problems must have been related, or at least caused by the same issue. That's great to hear :D

I have actually considered some of those, but decided against them, as I couldn't imagine many situations where they might be preferable to (while remaining balanced against) their regular size counterparts.

Especially the mini pumpjack as an example; even if it's smaller, the only way to balance it is to make it slower, which would make it less useful. And since oil patches always have enough space around them for a regular pumpjack, and oil is more often than not just piped elsewhere, so the extra space would be pointless... etc

Although I might really wanna do mini beacons, now that I think about it. I chose not to make them before I had done mini mining drills, and they have similar properties; a base entity size with a working area around it. So they could probably be balanced in the same way as mini miners. I can just imagine how many mini beacons could fit around a bot based assembling setup... eheehee~

However, I might just do (3/4) these in a later update!

7 years ago

We play with GDIW;

... so that we can densely pack our chemical processes. It would be VERY useful to have mini versions of chemical plants and electrolysers, especially for processes that require a single input/output.

We are also running Smaller Beacons; Beacons

... so we already know it can be done. Not to shade their fine mod, but it is a single-function mod. And that is fine if your map is light on mods. But it would be extremely desirable to have more options with fewer mods ... so ... it already falls under the umbrella of your mod and just makes sense at this point for it to be lumped in with all the other like resizings.

I generally directly pair a storage tank with a pumpjack every time. A six by three footprint. Where this starts to make sense is when I also use Mining Tools;

... so I can drop any resource in the exact spot I need it. Frequently I am inside a Factissimo2 building where space is tight, and the mini miners directly against mini electric furnaces are just a four by two footprint. Now you can see how I might desire a mini-pump jack paired with a mini storage tank.

We are glad to have your mod just as it is.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Hmm, this is true. I've definitely been abusing my own mini refineries, despite their (usually) three-result output, for size purposes. I can imagine chemical plants being even more space efficient when using single (or even zero!) fluid outputs, like lubricant, cracking, solid fuel and such?

I've seen that smaller beacon mod before; of course I didn't pick it up because balance XD They're smaller but still effect the same area... way too OP for my tastes. But I see what you mean. Now that I think about it, even with mini balance setting off, the mini miners still have reduced working area, unlike their regular counterparts. I'd probably go the same route with mini beacons.

Hmmm, I'm not one for spawning new resources willy nilly. Though I can appreciate something like infinite ores, they are limited in number, and only delay the expansion process. Being able to infinitely create new raw resources however... I'll add those two to the list of "maybes", and probably keep them off by default if/when I implement them.

....also, does that actually work? Like, in a proper ratio? 1 mini miner to 1 mini furnace? That... sounds pretty damn awesome. I would definitely not have been able to try that in a regular game, as electric furnaces don't appear until like.. blue science and early oil, iirc? By then, you'd have a regular old main bus, not be dealing with direct miner -> furnace setups. But wow

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

It's not always about the ratios. Sometimes you only need a trickle.

For example, a miner directly against a boiler hooked up to a steam turbine connected to a solar panel with a small power pole. The offshore pump needs no power. The single miner can feed the boiler fine, but the steam turbine will never reach full power output. But you have power that will trickle through a general power grid failure, and it takes up minimal space.

If you are playing with Wormmus Config;

and you are set to 10 plate per 1 ore, then a mini-miner directly against a mini-furnace is all you need.

Wherever the Alt-Info shows a yellow out-arrow you can put that directly against whatever takes it to just skip the belts and inserters.

This pic is 50mw anywhere I wanna put it;

It's from a thread I'm toying with. I'd like to see a persistent multiplayer environment set up along the lines of MineCrack. My direction is towards a base that the player can pick up and put in their backpack before logging off, so that they are safe from attack while off-line. PvP or PvE, I think that Factorio can be modded into a reasonable persistent map with the right mod mix. Ideally with as many mods as possible condensed into as few mods as possible. So I am experimenting with a variety of mods and shift my install base frequently.

The thread is dated, and I am now encouraged to update it, but feel free to have a read;

7 years ago

Hmmm, an interesting philosophy :3 I also use Wormmus config, but for other, non-cheaty reasons (that I can't remember anymore lmao). I think I enabled cheaper concrete and landfill at one point, and then immediately had no need for stone mining anymore. It just made me realize how well balanced vanilla is by itself.

Sounds pretty coool :o I must admit that I hardly ever take multiplayer into consideration, especially in any sort of competitive environment. It's more of a single player experience for me. But still pretty cool.

On another note, I will be uploading a new major version; nearly doubling the amount of mini machine varieties. I added almost everything you requested, besides the pumpjack, for technical reasons. I couldn't make it a 2x2 entity, due to oil being centered in a 3x3 tile (the pumpjack would be off to one corner graphically, although it did technically function). And for some reason, I couldn't get past a certain bounding box error when I tried to make the pumpjack a 1x1. Sorry about that one.

But yeah, as I thought more about it, I didn't see why not to have mini chemical plants, electrolysers, and storage tanks. Of course, I nerfed the storage tanks (;P) reducing their storage to half of their regular size variant, as the mini-tanks are technically less than half their size. But I never cared for mass fluid storage in the first place, so just saving space and resources is good enough for me.

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