LOL oh, at this point, it would not be easy to read my code. As of v4.0.0, I changed everything from hard-coded values that you would find in mods with brand new, original buildings, to completely automatic "copy from base, change values as needed, insert to game, change other values as needed by settings"
Using the functions that I have defined (in func.lua) it shouldn't be too difficult to change it to make them bigger, instead of smaller. 90% of what you will need is in data-final-fixes.lua and func.lua
copyItem takes an existing item and changes the ordering to come directly after the original
copyRecipe takes an existing recipe and either modifies the ingredients to 2/3 of the original cost, or does nothing, if a setting is disabled.
copyAssembler, copyFurnace and copyRefinery, are the functions that you would have to change the most. These copy an existing entity, and make changes to define hitbox and sprite size. They're each defined a bit differently internally, so they all require different changes done to them. The collision_box, selection_box, animations (and maybe the corpse) are all you should need to change to make them bigger. Anything that uses 0.66 should be changed to either 1.33 (3 * 1.33~=4) or 1.66 (3 * 1.66~=5).
The collision/selection boxes are the only thing I have hardcoded, so this might be the harder thing to change. I would try to find any modded or vanilla object that is the dimensions you need, and copy those values. The only other function you should need besides that is shrink (which will make a value grow, if given a value greater than 1; used in the entity copies). Every other function is for bobs compatibility, balance changes, and to copy technologies for mini machines tech tree.
I would recommend you to try making it yourself first, but if there's an issue, I can see about helping, or making it myself, if issues are too great. I do know my code best, and it might just be messy to anyone else