Mini Machines Mod

by Kryzeth

Miniature versions of assemblers, electric furnaces, etc. Full integration with all of Bobs mods and ShinyBobGFX/ShinyAngelGFX, Industrial Revolution, Factorio Extended Plus (FXP), Gotlag's Electric Furnaces, AAI Industry, Fantario, and One More Tier. (independently, not necessarily simultaneously)

3 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

g Conflicted with mod

7 years ago

Your mod conflicted with bio Industries

7 years ago

Huh. That's random. File not found.. "pipe east"... except I haven't defined anything like that... perhaps it's changing a vanilla variable to something that no longer exists.. maybe. Will test some things.

7 years ago

Fixed as of v4.0.8!

New response