Mini Machines Mod

by Kryzeth

Miniature versions of assemblers, electric furnaces, etc. Full integration with all of Bobs mods and ShinyBobGFX/ShinyAngelGFX, Industrial Revolution, Factorio Extended Plus (FXP), Gotlag's Electric Furnaces, AAI Industry, Fantario, and One More Tier. (independently, not necessarily simultaneously)

3 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

a Changelog

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Because Factorio description has 10k character limit and I exceeded that as of v4.0.6. Updates after 4.0.7 found in replies further down.

v4.0.7 - Sorry about the constant updates; this should be the last one for a while, until either shinybobs updates, or I get annoyed with the refinery/mining drill icons all looking identical. Recipes and power consumption changed to dynamic, not hard-coded. If mini-balance is enabled, recipes are set to 2/3 of the original machines, and power consumption for furnaces and miners are set to 2/3 of their regular-sized variants.
Logic is that they are smaller, so you can place more of them in the same area, but the total pollution should remain the same, since they work a little bit slower.
I had to borrow some of Bobs Library functions (everything needed for replace_ingredient), hopefully that's not illegal or anything.
EDIT: It technically was. Bobs license includes no modification/redistribution, including no copying functions without permission. He seemed willing, but encouraged me to write my own functions, which I have done as of v4.0.9. Thanks!

v4.0.6 - Readded Bob Mining compatibility. Did not bring back the "remove bob area miners" config option, as you can toggle that in-game under Bob Mining config options. Recipes dynamically change to match Bob Intermediates and Electronics.
v4.0.5 - Checked if bobmods existed before attempting to check for subsets of bobmods. That was a dumb slip on my part. Also fixed mini assembler 1's recipe when using bob electronics; uses basic circuit board instead of basic electronic board, just like the regular assembling machine 1.
v4.0.4 - Readded compatibility with Bob Assembly, Electronics, and Intermediates. Mini machines go up to the highest tier available in bobs, and dynamically change their recipes to match. Config options now actually affect availability of mini-machines (doh!). Removed mini-assembler prereq from mini-refinery research; requires only Basic Miniaturization tech. Still waiting on Bob Miner to update to 0.15, then all functionality from 0.14 will be restored.
v4.0.3 - Disabled mini miner available from game start. This only applies to new games, not existing ones. This renders the mini-miner technology useless in any game started in v4.0.1 or v4.0.0, but you should still research it to make me feel better :D
v4.0.2 - Disabled mini miner available from game start. This should apply to existing games, but because of the convoluted way I had to achieve this (by disabling everything, then resetting everything) some thing or other may break in another mod. Please do report any issues, if found Removed as it broke all technology. If you have this version, please delete it
v4.0.1 - Readded config options, including balance changes, tech tree, and toggling each type of mini machine. Added "basic miniaturization" technology, prereq for all other mini machine techs. Very cheap, only 5 red science, as it has no "real" unlocks. It was just weird that a mini miner required mini assembler and automation 1.
v4.0.0 - Complete rewrite of mod, starting from scratch, but more efficiently. Contains all 5 mini-machines, unchanged aside from size. Locked by respective miniaturization tech.
Do not attempt to upgrade existing game with this mod from Factorio 0.14 to 0.15. It probably won't work.

v3.3.1 - Set mini.balance to true in config.lua; this value was supposed to be the default.
v3.3.0 - Hid mini-miners t2-5 behind respective bob-mining technologies. Removed non-existing reference to electric-furnace-4 in data-updates. Don't know if this was responsible for certain issues, but removing it fixed an issue with another in-development mod I was creating. Implemented miniaturization tech tree. Mini-assembly 1 is the gateway for all 4 mini machine types. Each subsequent level requires the mini machine tech of the previous tier, as well as the same tier of base machine.
(ex: Mini-assembler t3 requires Automation 3 and Mini-Assembly-2 before unlocking)
Additional functionality when used with my other new mod here, a replacement for bob's intermediates. Meant for vanilla-ish playthroughs, who want to use bob's fancy machines, without being forced to use bob's complex recipes or have extremely simplistic vanilla recipes (e.g. most high tier machines are simply more iron and steel)

v3.2.0 - Been holding onto this update far longer than I should have. Added shinybobs compatibility, so icons and entities will change to match those. Probably only works with the default settings, I didn't test changing the config.

Invisible background stuffs for my other mod, which is the reason I've been holding onto it, in case I needed to change something to make it compatible. Decided to just throw it out there, then when I release my other mod, if I need to change this one, I'll just update it again then.

v.3.1.1 - Minor bugfix to properly check config before removing bob's area mining drills. Most likely incompatible with default configs with shinybob mod; please be sure to set mini.miner and mini.removearea to false to remedy the issue.
v.3.1.0 - Small balance update. Added mini electric miners by request of TatsuZZMage.
--Slightly tweaked mini furnace numbers (reduced pollution/power consumption)
--Mini miners are surprisingly well balanced in vanilla/vanilla+, as regular-sized miners produce ore roughly 1.5x as fast as their miniature counterparts, but you can fit 2x as many mini miners on any given patch of ore (4 tile area vs 9 tile area). Late game however, with speed module 3's, the regular-sized miner produces at 2.5x the speed of a mini miner. Did not calculate with productivity 3's, but mini miners have only one native slot, so regular-sized miners should still be more efficient in this regard. Added bob miners support, did not check for balance.
--(hidden) Large Area Mining Drills (tech, recipe, entity, and item) from Bob's Mining are disabled by default. Config option to reenable if desired.
--(hidden) Selection and collision box of stone/steel furnaces resized to match the mini furnaces, allowing for fast replacing. Can be disabled in the config if undesired.

v3.0.2 - Fixed beacon support. Thanks to TatsuZZMage for the catch.
v3.0.1 - Fixed minor recipe mistake with mini-assembler t5 and 6
v3.0.0 - Rebalancing Update.
--Reduced Mini-Assembler-2 module slots from 2 to 1
--Moved Mini-Furnace to Advanced Material Processing 2 (same as Electric Furnace)
--Increased Mini-Furnace crafting speed from 1 to 1.5 (better than stone, less than steel or electric)
--Increased Mini-Furnace module slots from 0 to 1
--Increased Mini-Refinery module slots from 0 to 1
--Improved Bob Assembly compatibility. Adds higher tiers of all mini-machines when detected, with dynamic recipes similar to the originals. Also changes Bob's Assembling Machine 6 icon to actually have 6 gears on it
--Removed alternate icons for Mini-Furnace and Mini-Refinery; config option now only changes Mini-Assembler icons.
--Added in-game descriptions to all assemblers (including Bobs) detailing the amount of ingredients they can use

v2.0.3 - New balance config option, when changed to false, makes mini machines exactly as good as originals (defaults true)
v2.0.2 - Shrunk icons to more easily see the difference between regular and mini machines (inspired by ZGroupChange mod)
v2.0.1 - Added migration scripts to enable recipes for game in progress
v2.0.0 - Updated to Factorio 0.14 (older version still available)
v1.2.3 - Fixed check for bobs mods (hopefully no more false positives)
v1.2.2 - Fixed config issues
v1.2.1 - Mini assemblers + Bobs mods recipe consistency
v1.2.0 - Added mini refinery
v1.1.1 - Slight nerf to t3 mini assembler, crafting speed reduced from 1.25 to 1
v1.1.0 - Adds mini assembler tiers 2 and 3, renames original mini assembler entity (in code)
--(hidden) removed .psd files from package
v1.0.0 - Initial release, includes mini furnace and mini assembler

7 years ago

v4.0.8 - I lied; here's another update. Fixed BioIndustries compatibility. Seems they messed with vanilla Factorio's assembler2pipepictures, which my assemblers were using. I wrote a copy of the function and renamed it; works perfectly now. Also shrunk mini-furnace size; they can now be walked between, as regular electric furnaces can (and still auto-replace stone/steel furnaces)

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

v4.0.9 - Now with 20% less hard-coded values! Technology is now dynamically created as 2/3 of the cost of the base technology. Had to rename a few entities for this, but migration script should (hopefully) handle that.

Also reverted the previous change with assembler2pipepictures; BioIndustries fixed it on their side. Less code = more better.

And finally, removed bobs code. He encouraged me to write my own functions, and so I did. It's much less complex, very similar to some of my already existing code for dynamic recipe creation.

Considering updating graphics for bobs and mini mining drills and refineries t2 in the next version. They all look the same gray, difficult to tell apart.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

v4.0.10 - Fixed minor recipe related typos with mini refinery and furnace t2 requiring a regular t1 instead of a mini t1. Each mini machine again properly uses the previous tier when upgrading.

7 years ago

v4.0.11 - Fixed disabled tech tree option.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

v4.0.12 - Fixed animation scale for low res graphics. Fixed compatibility with ShinyBobGFX

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

v4.0.13 - Improved ShinyBobGFX compatibility. If detected, changes the icons of mini assemblers and miners to match theirs.

7 years ago

v4.0.14 - Potentially fixed mini refinery flare animation

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

v4.0.15 - Potentially fixed missing "hr_version" bug caused by v4.0.14. Checks if variable exists before changing it (even though it's a base game variable which should always exist...)

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

v4.1.0 - Woo! First major release in a LONG while. I imagine I probably missed something among the many options that breaks it for some people. Can't wait for the next series of bugfixes. More importantly, this update doubles the variety of mini machines, including:

Mini chemical plant, up to t4. Crafting speed reduced by 0.25, and module slots reduced by 1 from their base models. (NOTE: Use underground-pipe, valves, or flow-control pipes when dealing multiple fluid input or output for best results)

Mini beacons up to t3. Working area reduced by 1 from base model, to match the reduced entity size. No other nerfs to effectivity, or module slots. May need effectivity nerfing in the future however, as not only can more mini beacons be placed around a single machine, but they can be used in tandem with regular beacons, allowing even more coverage for the same machine.

Mini electrolyser, up to t4. Crafting speed reduced by 0.25, 0.5, and 0.5, for tiers 2, 3, and 4 respectively. Module slots reduced by 2, 1, and 1, respectively. Same pipe advice here as mini chem plants.

Mini storage tank, up to t4. Max fluid contained reduced by 1/2, to match the difference in entity size (9 tiles to 4 tiles).

All mini machines should consistently have reduced power consumption, reduced health (by 50), reduced recipe costs, and reduced tech costs compared to their regular size variants (assuming balance and techtree options are enabled)

All newly introduced mini machines have bonus compatibility with bobs mods and shinybobgfx. Also improved shinybobgfx compatibility with certain older mini machines; every single one should follow the shiny bobs color scheme of (sometimes) Gray -> Yellow -> Red -> Blue -> Purple -> (sometimes) Green

Strongly recommended to use alongside ShinyBobGFX. Makes everything look MUCH prettier. Pic related:

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

v4.1.1 - Migrations, migrations! Completely hadn't noticed this during my testing. Although mini technologies are added properly to a new game, or an existing game; if this setting is disabled, the newly added mini machines would not appear. Recipes should properly show up now.

7 years ago

v4.1.2 - Fixed variable typo that would enable shiny bob graphics for mini machines, despite not having any bobs machines (and lead to errors in certain cases).

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

v4.1.3 - ShinyIcons compatibility. Been holding onto this update behind the scenes until ShinyIcons updated. All order changes made by ShinyIcons are prioritized. Also improves ShinyBobs compatibility, with the "power bars" being properly added to mini machines. Highly recommended to use both Shiny mods in tandem with this one (and bobs, of course)

Shiny-Mini powerbars update shown here:

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

v4.1.4 - Fixed mini chem plants, electrolyzers, and tanks to properly upgrade from the mini versions.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

v4.1.5 - Added mini powerbars to mini machine icons when using ShinyBobs/ShinyIcons (provided by Zombiee). Should help differentiate a little better. The row of oil refineries are now ordered properly. (if chem plants and refineries are on the same row, please await ShinyIcons update)

Added error handling to CopyTech function; if an expected vanilla/bobs technology is removed or modified, will give an error. Hopefully also fixed CopyRecipe when attempting to copy normal/expensive recipes; they should properly be properly enabled/disabled now (NOTE: Will most likely NOT apply to existing games)

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

v4.1.6 - Added mini radars, one of the few machines to have untoggleable balancing. 2x2 radar entity with slightly reduced reveal area; radius reduced by one chunk compared to vanilla radar, to be the same as a players'. Significantly reduced power consumption (tentatively 1/3 instead of 2/3 cost, subject to change). No scanning range. The balance setting will not change these stats of the radar.

Reasoning: a mini radar with flat 2/3 reductions in all stats would only be worse than the regular variety, making it worse in any situation that you could use it in, aside from power cost and material cost, both of which are almost negligible. Hence, its specific purpose is to consistently reveal an area around the base, at a reduced power cost. So ideally, a player would have mini radars in the base itself, with vanilla radars on the periphery of the base. Of course, they can disabled like any other mini machine, if the player doesn't plan to use them.

Also slightly edited description to mention the compatibility with bobs warfare and modules.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

v4.1.7 - Improved AAI Industry tech compatibility. With AAI Industry and Mini machines, basic miniaturization tech requires AAI's electricity, mini miner t1 tech requires AAI's electric mining, and mini radar t1 tech requires AAI's radar tech. Thanks to user xagros for the assist here

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

v5.0.0 - Updated for Factorio v0.16! Retains all functionality of previous versions. Also finally got around to fixing that circuit graphical bug for the mini miners. Circuits appear properly shrunk and placed on mini miners.

Bobs compatibility is currently up in the air, but it should probably still work when he updates.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

v5.0.1 - Fixed minor typo in migration script that might have prevented loading saves from older versions of Factorio/mini machines.

7 years ago

v5.0.2 - Fixed compatibility issue with the recently updated bobsmods set and shinybobs.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

v5.0.3 - Minor fixes to mini chem plants' shadows. Hopefully prevented an hr_version ni value error, but maybe not. Removed dependency to shiny icons, as they will soon provide support for mini machines (and will require the dependency in the other direction).

If you are using shiny icons v0.16.15, then I suggest sticking to mini machines v5.0.2 until Zombiee releases the compatibility update. Fingers crossed that the menus look prettier!
ShinyIcons v0.16.16 has released and the menus indeed look pretty!

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

v5.0.4 - I ate my hat. Added hr_version check to almost every single usage of hr_version now, even the ones I didn't think needed them. Seriously needs to be solved now.
Fixed ShinyBobsGFX compatibility for mini furnaces. They now use mini versions of the new furnace icons.
Fixed Angels Petrochem compatibility (mini refineries and chem plants did not have the corresponding unlock tech)

6 years ago

v5.0.5 - The bugs never end! Fixed all of the checks involving angels petrochem, bobs revamp, and mini machines, so hopefully everything should be applied properly now. Also hopefully fixed a minor bug involving mini assembler 1 and pipe data.

6 years ago

v5.0.6 - Properly fixed the refinery checks for sure this time. Petrochem compatibility at 100%.

6 years ago

v5.0.7 - Fixed mini radar's shadows

6 years ago

v5.0.8 - Potential bug fix for crashes involving shiny bobs with either some mods or some options disabled.

6 years ago

v5.0.9 - Fixed bug fix of shinybobsgfx with mini refineries disabled.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

v5.0.10 - Same as above, but with mini assemblers disabled.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

v5.0.11 - Possible Confirmed fix for this issue, possibly caused by another mod removing normal/expensive recipes from the vanilla mining drill.

This thread has been locked.